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78 Search results for ‘Staff Stories’
Finding a different way to celebrate Halloween
This Halloween, join World Vision in turning a night of fear into a night of hope for Syrian children.
Ripples, and the beat of a butterfly's wings
Gavin Crowden, World Vision’s head of Policy and Public Affairs answers the question ‘What’s the point of Party Conferences anyway?’
Planning for our children’s future
Geeta Bandi-Philips, World Vision UK's External Relations Manager reflects on the Post 2015 policy debates, and how World Vision can help shape the conversation to achieve the best future possible for the world's children.
Mothers Are Strong And Resilient: Reflecting On Tackling Early Childhood Deaths
Sarah Morgan reflects on her work in the field helping children to survive to celebrate their fifth birthday as she plans to do exactly that with her own daughter back in the UK.
World Humanitarian Day: Remembering Lives Given To Bring Others Hope
Johan Eldebo has visited many of the world's worst humanitarian emergencies. In today's blog he shares why marking World Humanitarian Day means so much to him and to the people to whom each and every humanitarian worker brings hope in all that they do.
Food aid brings brief relief to displaced residents in Gaza
Alex Snary, Director of World Vision's programmes in Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza last week helped to distribute 800 food kits put together to support displaced families and their hosts in Gaza.
Mud, Mosquitoes and Malakal's Children of War
World Vision UK CEO, Justin Byworth, has recently returned from a trip to see the dramatic, life-threatening impact that the conflict in South Sudan is having on more than half of its population. A few weeks ago he visited Malakal, a sleepy provincial town that has been almost obliterated, where he listened to survivor’s stories.
Famine Looms as Cholera Strikes the Children of South Sudan
Our CEO, Justin, was in South Sudan last week to see first-hand the wide-ranging and life-threatening effects of the conflict that has raged across the country. In his blog he reflects on the impact of conflict on children who should never have to experience the fear in which they live.
Life Begins Again At Asraq For Syrian Refugees
Tomorrow is World Refugee Day and here we share a blog from one of our Canadian colleagues currently seconded to our Jordanian office, who shares the hope that Syrian refugees still cling to even as they settle into their new surroundings at the newly-opened Azraq refugee camp.
"I Don't Know If I Can Do This"
Duncan, one of three World Vision UK staff running the Milton Keynes Marathon on Monday, explains why he decided to do it, and what motivated him to keep pounding out the miles.
A Thank You From A Family Four Hours Away
World Vision UK's Head of Public Affairs, Gavin, shares simple message from the crowded camps of Syrian refugees in Jordan: they are truly grateful for your support.
No Fairy Tale: Can the Children of Syria Ever Find a Happy Ending?
Lara Ghaoui from World Vision Lebanon has been present since the outbreak of fighting in Syria 3 years ago. She shares all that she's seen along the way and asks 'When will this end?'
Three Years On: Is There Any Hope for the Children of Syria?
World Vision communicator Meg Sattler reflects on three years of conflict and an overwhelming feeling that nobody cares. But we know that people do, and she tells us "A global effort for peace is not impossible."
What Does A Lost Generation Mean For The Children Of Syria
Our CEO Justin Byworth reflects on the people he met and the stories he heard while visiting Lebanon in the lead up to the 3rd anniversary of the Syria crisis. He explains why we must stand with the children of Syria and take action to help bring peace.
"That was me when I was younger" - reflections on an encounter in Lebanon
When Heidi met Mais in a refugee camp in Lebanon she was surprised to find a bubbly, friendly young woman facing a new life outside her home country. But that doesn't mean Mais doesn't fully understand the reality of the situation she finds herself in.
What is an ADP?
You may know that sponsoring a child supports their whole community. You may know that your child lives in one of our Area Development Programmes. But what exactly is an ADP and how does your support help?
How Does My Letter Get To My Sponsored Child?
When she visited Bolivia late last year, Reka decided to track exactly what process your cards and letters go through to reach your sponsored children all over the world. It's far more complicated than you might think!
It Could Have Been Me
Emergency Programmes Officer, Joanna Garbalinska, shares the very personal impact her recent visit to the victims of the Syria Crisis had on her. Not just the dramatic need of the people, but the fact that their lives before they were forced to flee were not that far from our own.
Meeting Juan Carlos in the mountains of Bolivia
Reka is responsible for arranging all of our supporters' trips to see their sponsored children, so she felt it only right that she take the trip out to see her own sponsored child to understand just what it felt like to see the faces of the community she's helping.
A 44,000-Strong Family
When Reka's trip of a lifetime turned into a nightmare of ill-health, the reaction of our colleagues in World Vision Peru surpassed anything she – or we – could have expected.