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232 Search results for ‘Syria’

Soccer for Syrians: Bringing football to the children of Azraq

Simple things like giving children a safe place to run around and express themselves makes a huge amount of difference to refugees living far from home. From the exhilaration of scoring a goal and working as a team, to the comfort of finding emotional support, children and staff share the ways they’re benefitting from the football pitches we’ve built in Jordan’s Azraq refugee camp…
used to play for a famous football team in Syria called … a beautiful thing that there are Syrian refugees in the Olympics. It’s good that … will take those achievements back to Syria with

Russia/Syria plan for humanitarian corridors 'deeply flawed'

World Vision today joins a global push for a two-day 'humanitarian pause' in the battle for Aleppo. In all, 34 international bodies are calling for a 48 hour cease-fire that would allow civilians to leave the besieged city and let aid through.
consider it warning for the International Syria Support Group … to Protect 12. GOAL 13. Hand in Hand for Syria 14. Human Appeal International 15. Human

New PM must continue Britain's proud legacy of global leadership for children

World Vision urges the new Prime Minister to continue the UK's proud legacy of global leadership for children.

"I want to learn to write my name" | Dreaming of school in Lebanon

Fatima, 35, mother-of-six fled Aleppo for Lebanon in 2012. Her husband left her shortly after the war had started. Today, more than three years later, she and her children live in a tiny makeshift tent in Jeb Jannine, the western part of Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. While she knew life as a refugee would not be easy, Fatima never thought she’d be relying on her children to support the family.
this programme enables Syrian children to catch up to the Lebanese school

The stress of war on parents | Supporting refugees in Lebanon

Inside a school in Lebanon’s Zahle, 30-year-old Suriya is trying to stop her 4-year-old son, Ahmed, from running around the room. It’s been four years since Suriya fled Damascus with her husband and three children. Even though time has passed, the memories of bombs, killings, and war are fresh in her mind. Bringing up children amidst a crisis is challenging...
was at a breaking point. Unlike back home in Syria where she could have simply left her … also used to living in Syria and are now just adjusting to the new

A refugee mother's to-do list

For most mothers, daily life revolves around the items on each day’s to-do list: heading to work, helping with homework, cooking, getting the children to bed. In some ways, daily life for a refugee mother is similar; they do many of the same things for their own families. But doing those things looks entirely different for a mother whose family has been forced from their home by war...
Syrian refugee teacher Nour teaches the youngest … education centre. She worked as a teacher in Syria for two years before she was forced to flee … helps children to get ready for school. As Syrian

World Refugee Day: Africa reels under refugee crisis as World Vision warns that closure of Dadaab camp will trigger new migrants wave

Shutting the world’s largest refugee camp could unleash a new wave of human migration across North Africa and Europe, according to World Vision UK.
across the world. Meanwhile fighting in Syria and the Middle East is driving millions more

Tribute to MP Jo Cox

World Vision has paid tribute to MP Jo Cox. Charles Badenoch, Vice President, Advocacy and Justice for Children at World Vision International, said: “Jo was a shining advocate for children’s rights the world over, and an inspiration to so many people. Her senseless death is a huge blow and we continue to hold her family in our prayers."
from nutrition to children affected by the Syria crisis.

"A positive step forward," says World Vision post-World Humanitarian Summit

World Vision was pleased with the level of participation and commitments to its core priorities.

World Vision UK urges local councils to house lone child refugees

International children’s charity World Vision UK is urging local councils across the UK to ‘pull out all the stops’ in finding homes for unaccompanied refugee children from Europe.
children fleeing the horrors of the war in Syria have ended up stranded on the shores of … our doors these innocent young victims of Syria’s … Syria Crisis Appeal now. For more information

Refugee Crisis: UK "cannot turn a blind eye"

Speaking during Prime Minister’s Questions, David has re-iterated his position that the UK should not be encouraging refugees to make dangerous journeys to Britain by taking in lone child refugees from Europe. World Vision UK is among agencies backing calls for the UK Government to take refugees already in the continent.

UK child refugee announcement ‘step in right direction’

World Vision UK welcomes today’s announcement that 3,000 more refugee children will come to Britain from the Syria region, particularly vulnerable children threatened with child labour, child marriage and other forms of abuse.
children will come to Britain from the Syria immense strain on the countries neighbouring Syria which are shouldering responsibility for … to take refugees from countries surrounding Syria.   

World Vision Calls for UK to Open Safe Routes for Child Refugees

World Vision calls on David Cameron to open up safe routes into the UK for children fleeing war, as the Pope shows his concern for the plight of refugee children.
homes.  World Vision works with displaced Syrian Refugees in … Lebanon and Syria.  

Putting the most vulnerable first: Refugees facing the new EU-Turkey deal

Our Sarah Pickwick recently spent time in Serbia meeting some of the refugees who are now living with the uncertainty of closing borders. As the new EU deal with Turkey comes into play, Sarah asks, will this push people further into the hands of people smugglers?
a Syrian mother travelling through Serbia with her … 16 Syrians journeyed from Turkey to Germany. … refugees are fleeing in the first place. The Syrian conflict is now in its sixth year. Almost

Vulnerable children must be priority for 'one in, one out' deal

The first migrants were deported this morning from Greece under a deal struck between the EU and Turkey. For every Syrian returned to Turkey, another Syrian will be relocated to Europe under the so-called 'one in, one out' deal.
struck between the EU and Turkey. For every Syrian returned to … another Syrian will be relocated to Europe under the

Syria 5 years on: Children paying the cost of war

What the children of Syria have faced cannot be measured or imagined. They have lost fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and friends. They’ve also lost homes, dreams, the joy of play and an education. It is no exaggeration to say that they have lost their childhoods. World Vision Lebanon’s Sana’a Malouf tells us about the challenges ahead…
The lives of more than eight million Syrian children have been disrupted since the … unexpectedly started in Syria five years ago. Millions have been displaced

World Vision calls for safe routes into the UK for Syrian refugees

World Vision is calling on the UK government to create a refugee 'crisis package' that would admit more Syrian refugees into the country at a key international summit in Geneva today.
'crisis package' that would admit more Syrian refugees into the country at a key … bureaucratic and legal barriers that prevent Syrian refugees from settling in safe havens. It

Resilience and hope: Syrian children in education in Jordan

World Vision Supporter Kate Jinadu addressed our event in the UK Parliament last week, speaking about the devastating effect the Syrian war has had on education. Here, she gives her reflections on a recent trip to Jordan, where she got to see some of our remedial classes that are helping child refugees reconnect with education…
speaking about the devastating effect the Syrian war has had on education. … travel with World Vision and visit some of Syria’s refugees living in Jordan was a real

Fears for refugees as 'door slams shut' following EU-Turkey deal

International children's charity World Vision UK warns that today’s ill-conceived deal for refugees will ‘push the panic button’ among families fleeing from war in Syria, as they make last-ditch attempts to enter Europe -- putting already vulnerable children at further risk of exploitation.

EU policy on refugees costing children’s lives, says World Vision

Leaders gathered in Brussels today must fulfill their responsibility to protect children, no matter where they live or where they have come from, says World Vision.