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114 Search results for ‘Tera’

Cooking with Grandma: Malnutrition in Zambia

When Hector’s mother died, it wasn’t immediately obvious that he was suffering from malnutrition. His weight plummeted and the local medical centre wasn’t able to determine what was wrong, despite running a number of tests. It wasn’t until his grandmother took him to a nutrition group that World Vision had helped to start in their community that his health turned around, and made him the smiling, happy child he is today.
she reiterates. Since Hector was introduced to the

Mother Language Day

On Mother Language Day, we explore how World Vision's literacy programming has made a lasting impact on the reading skills of children in Dumka, India – a community where many children used to struggle with basic reading and writing. Thanks to a mixture of reading clubs and community participation, young learners like seven-year-old Shanti are now not only enjoying reading, but growing in confidence at school.
we explore how World Vision's literacy programming has made a lasting impact on … literacy … how the literacy programme has helped the … literacy programming differs from other reading

Syria Bombing Damages A’zaz Hospital | World Vision UK

A World Vision-supported hospital in northern Syria has been damaged by a missile near miss. Read more on the Syria crisis from charity World Vision.
had to pack up and literally run for their lives. So this time

The cost of child soldiers

On Red Hand Day, Senior Child Rights Policy Advisor Erica Hall shares the stories of the former child soldiers she has met while fighting for child rights. Today, carries an important message, not just for one day, but one that Erica shouts about nearly every day of the year...
a day for the world to literally put their hands up and say we must stop

Our children and climate change

In early December, World Leaders descend on Paris for CoP21 - a global summit on climate change, where they hope to agree on a new path towards tackling its effects on some of the world's poorest people. Resilience Manager Maggie Ibrahim, explains the new direction World Vision wants to see...
we build a climate change and adaptation literate generation by fully implementing Article 6

A dangerous necessity

For World Toilet Day, Annila Harris travelled to the Bhojpur community in east India to see many of the issues that people face when going to the toilet. Mainly driven by poverty, the practice of defecating in an open field is having an adverse effect on health - particularly for pregnant women, older people and children.
started by World Vision. 'Utthan'  literally means

World Vision has seen the fundraising future and it is The Story Shop: Charity launches innovative experience to engage shoppers

World Vision is blazing a trail with the launch of an innovative, fully interactive experience to engage shoppers. The Story Shop is already in operation at Westfield Shepherd's Bush and launched this week at the shopping mall's Stratford site. At first glance, The Story Shop appears to be a vintage specialist store with wooden cabinets displaying curios from around the globe. However, the ground-breaking project uses the latest digital technology to ensure visitors can interact with about 100 individual stories from across the world and have an opportunity to sponsor a child or make a one-off donation.
fully interactive experience to engage shoppers. The … digital technology to ensure visitors can interact with about 100 individual stories from … be amazed to discover it is actually an interactive computer screen. Activated by

Why we're diving for World Vision

As part of Remember A Charity In Your Will week, four plucky ladies from our Supporter Care team will be jumping out of a plane to keep company with Brian Phillips - one of our Ambassadors, who will be writing his will mid-air. Our brave women are themselves raising money for children in South Sudan, and as the jump approaches next week, we find out what's motivating them to take the plunge.
enjoy coming to work every day. It's great interacting with the wonderful people who support

Building hope

It’s just two years since Typhoon Haiyan, one of the deadliest typhoons ever recorded, slammed into Leyte province in the Philippines. Now in the rebuilding process, we spoke to some of the families benefiting from World Vision's help - where ensuring houses that withstand future disasters is a huge priority.
This allows the house to withstand lateral forces such as strong winds and

Searching for dignity - children with disabilities in Kenya

In Kenya, we met Lauren and Jeff - two children who face a daily struggle against, not only their disabilities, but the stigmatisation of society as a whole.
literally have to carry Lauren wherever I

Reading and thriving

Since receiving new school books, 10-year-old Chimwemwe and her friends have found a new love of reading, and what's more, Chimwemwe has gone straight to the top of the class. A World Vision Literacy Boost programme is helping her to reach her potential by providing her community in Malawi with the resources needed for children to thrive.
to the top of the class. A World Vision Literacy Boost programme is helping her to reach … Her teachers attribute her great leap in literacy skills as a direct result of access to

Vanuatu Cyclone Pam Update

An update on Cyclone Pam which swept through the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu flattening almost everything in its path and leaving thousands of children and families struggling for survival 13 March 2015.
savings groups and providing financial literacy training. Constructing three

Seeing real change in Ethiopia

This February, World Vision Policy and Programmes Director David Westwood took a plane with Public Engagement Director Mathew Neville to visit just some of the people who have experienced the changes of sponsorship over the past few decades.
impressive work. One that stands out was a literacy boost programme helping children learn to

Nepal Earthquake: World Vision first responders to get a first look at remote villages hit by quake

Today World Vision teams began coordinating aid efforts to assist those impacted by the 7.8 magnitude quake that struck Nepal.
the areas affected near the epicentre are literally perched on the sides of large mountain

Relief effort under way as cyclone hits Vanuatu in South Pacific

Families in the South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu are facing devastation as Cyclone Pam sweeps through the region.
seen villages that have just literally been blown away. Local houses and leaf

Fight against female genital mutilation an uphill challenge

For girls like 13 year old Naipanoi, the illegal practice of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is a constant fear - often leading to early marriages, school dropouts and health risks. As part of Action 2015, World Vision is campaigning to end violence against children in all its forms. Alongside work in the community, World Vision has recently built a rescue centre - offering shelter, temporary accommodation and a chance for girls to continue their education.
young girls have an opportunity to interact with role models and women in the

Christmas at my home

Ersjona is nine years old and lives with her family in Lezha, Albania. Like most children around the world, Christmas is a time of magic and celebration so we recently asked Ersjona to write a letter to sponsors in the UK, explaining what Christmas means to her, and how she celebrates with her family.
we work with around the world in our interactive Advent calendar here.

Christmas in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, Christmas is celebrated on 7 January, and is a quiet time of sharing and celebrating in groups of friends and family. Ten year old Ermias explains happily, “Holidays mean so much to us. We cannot think of a Christmas without new clothes, celebrations at school, church and home with our families and friends.”
we work with around the world in our interactive Advent calendar here

World Vision distribution starts today in Tacloban

World Vision assessment teams are on the ground in Tacloban as we start distribution for 2,500 families.
Response Director Andrew Rosauer reiterated that commitment underscoring the trauma

Ethiopia and BandAid 30 years on

Tomorrow marks BandAid's 30 year anniversary of the 'Feed the World' recording. Last month, we arranged a trip for BBC reporter Mike Wooldridge to return to the Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia, the place where he and Michael Buerk traveled with World Vision 30 years ago. The dramatic broadcast and the suffering they brought into the spotlight inspired Sir Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to record the original Band Aid single.
enrolment for primary school classes and literacy rates standing as high as 90 percent.