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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

What Does A Lost Generation Mean For The Children Of Syria

Our CEO Justin Byworth reflects on the people he met and the stories he heard while visiting Lebanon in the lead up to the 3rd anniversary of the Syria crisis. He explains why we must stand with the children of Syria and take action to help bring peace.
was so afraid. I thought we were all going to die. They … but they said we’ve too many students already. I’ve tried

World Vision supports United Nations campaign to end recruitment of child soldiers by 2016

The United Nations campaign, Children Not Soldiers, is galvanising support to end and prevent national security forces using children as soldiers by the year 2016.

World Vision welcomes Asda and P&G’s Safe Drinking Water Programme

Global humanitarian charity World Vision today welcomes British supermarket Asda and consumer goods company P&G’s effort to bring 75 million days’ worth of clean drinking water to communities in the developing world.

Public urged to voice their outrage and demand action to prevent a lost generation in Syria

Children cannot afford another year of bloodshed, suffering and missed education, warn aid agencies

Children bear brunt of South Sudan conflict as fighting flares

South Sudan’s brutal conflict is exacting a severe toll on children in the country, with more than half of those displaced being adolescents.
along with other aid

Life Alongside World Vision

Rosmery grew up in a Bolivian ADP and now, thanks to help from World Vision, is studying at university in Italy on a full scholarship. In this post she tells us what life is like growing up in a community supported by World Vision sponsors.
the World Vision Oruro office called and said that I had an interview the next day the

Our visit to our sponsored child, Chrestina in South Africa

It's wonderful to hear stories and see pictures of our ADPs whenever our Child Sponsors actually go to visit their Sponsored Child and family! We're grateful for Garry's kind words: "World Vision is clearly doing a great deal for this community - and others like it all over the world. It was a real pleasure, and a day we’ll never forget, to see the work first-hand." We hope you enjoy reading more about Garry and Nina's experience, meeting Chrestina in South Afirca.
we took Chrestina back to school and said our farewells. It was a bit of a

Typhoon Haiyan 3 Months On: Then and Now

Three months on from his first visit in the immediate aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, Chris Weeks looks at how the country has changed from a place of shock to a place of raw emotion.
Myriad businesses are springing up.  Aid distributions which saved lives are morphing … hospitality degree. But as she laid out her dreams and … The ongoing aid

How World Vision Works In Emergencies

Three months on, our Head of Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Bulpitt, helps to explain some of the areas of work that are most important, but rarely talked about, following a disaster of the magnitude of Typhoon Haiyan.
and out of warehouses for delivery as food aid. Survivors of disasters shouldn’t be … recipients of aid. They know what they

Lessons from Africa: Tackling FGM

FGM affects women and girls across the world, even here in the UK. Nell Williams looks at how success in tackling the most difficult of subjects in Ethiopia could be translated to our shores.
in some cases. Parents I met in Ethiopia said things like

Syrian children’s futures depend on Geneva II peace agreement

World Vision has joined the call for all parties to the Syria conflict to negotiate a peace agreement at Geneva II to end the bloodshed, protect children and allow humanitarian aid to be provided to those desperately in need in the war-torn country.
protect children and allow humanitarian aid to be provided to those desperately in need … Chief Executive Justin Byworth said that the only real and lasting solution to

New partnership launched to improve nutrition for millions

World Vision and HarvestPlus sign partnership to tackle hidden hunger by scaling up access to nutritious food crops
said HarvestPlus Director Howarth Bouis. … said World Vision International

A Wonderful Wedding Gift: Helping Communities In Honduras

Child sponsors Chris and Anthony used their wedding to ask people to support our work in Honduras, where they sponsor 12-year-old Nubia. This winter, they went over to see how she - and the communities their guests helped - are getting on.
father said he tends crops on similarly steep

Sowing The Seeds Of A Solution: Why Progress To Peace In Syria Is Essential

With the Geneva peace talks searching for a peaceful solution to the Syria conflict this week, Johan Eldebo outlines his experience of just why sowing the seeds of a solution is so vital for the children of Syria.
we must ensure funding needs are met The aid that has been provided by host … aid provided to support host communities that

New Violence Revives Bitter Memories of South Sudan

When war broke out in Sudan in 1983, newborn Abraham's family were forced to flee the country for nearly a decade. Now, as fresh violence breaks out across South Sudan, he fears the same fate may be forced on his children.
and hunger because there was no way for aid agencies to access them deep in the bush and

South Sudan Crisis Update

As the conflict continues, we remember the children and their families affected by this situation.
and other challenges have hampered aid efforts to reach the … less than one child out of five said they were … said they were suffering.

Abuse shocking but not surprising, warns World Vision UK

The discovery of an organised crime group sexually exploiting children in the Philippines, using webcams to stream the abuse to the UK is shocking, but not surprising, warns the international children’s charity, World Vision.

Syria crisis response must be 'unprecedented', says World Vision UK at donor conference

Representatives of the world’s most powerful nations are meeting in Kuwait City today to tackle the humanitarian crisis in Syria and surrounding countries brought about by the long-running conflict.
said Mr Byworth.

Peace eludes Africa’s newest country as South Sudanese fight again for their lives

Outside the church where South Sudan’s president Salva Kiir prays every Sunday, Flora Joseph, 28, sleeps in the open. Paralyzed in both legs and unable to walk, she came here to seek refuge with her family when their village in Juba became the epicenter of South Sudan’s most recent conflict.
she said. … and hunger because there was no way for aid agencies to reach them deep in the bush and … my role as Communication Manager with aid agency World

Back To School In The Philippines

As the new year broke, many children who had been out of school since Typhoon Haiyan hit have been able to return to lessons for the first time.
mum said it will take time for me to go back to … teacher Catherine. She said the students now run away from the school … Catherine said. … she said.