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Ebola Crisis Update

Now that Sierra Leone is Ebola Free, we look back at the outbreak and ahead to what still needs to be done.
while advocating for improved national healthcare systems. 2. Education Education experts … greatest contributions. The programme was carried out in partnership with Cafod and

Ebola's children

Across Sierra Leone, the Ebola epidemic is affecting children in a number of ways. Children have been orphaned, some have contracted the virus, sadly some children have died from the disease. Children who have so far managed to escape direct contact with the virus have been victims of pervasive fear and no longer play with one another. Large public gatherings of any kind have been banned to help stop the spread of the disease, but this is hurting incomes and educations, and will soon begin to affect nutrition as well. In today’s blog, we tell the story of four children - Hawa, Salay, Marie and Christian – and how Ebola has affected each of them.
are eager to learn. Both Salay and Marie are careful to take … and the less staff there are to care for the people there … infect their own families as they attempt to care for them. Christian’s luck may now be

Light shining in the Darkness: an interfaith response to Ebola

Faith leaders in Sierra Leone – both Christian and Muslim – are raising awareness to fight the spread of Ebola.
affected communities with compassionate care. Since the start of the

On the edge of survival

Last year World Vision reached almost eight million people around the world who were struggling to feed themselves and their children. On World Food Day, 16 October, we are thinking of the people who are still struggling to make sure their children get the food they need to grow up healthy and happy.
received therapeutic feeding and medical care from World Vision. By

New report challenges thinking on food assistance to hungry

Food assistance alone is not sufficient to achieve a hunger-free world.
grandmother from Lesotho responsible for the care of seven children. While receiving food … to take care of her family’s immediate

Hani's Story

Hani is a beautiful eight-year old little boy. Like many children his age, he went to preschool, learned the alphabet and studied his numbers. That was until the bombs started exploding. Now, like many Syrian children his age, Hani is a refugee and has seen and experienced things that no child should. This is his story.
scared of dogs because one chased me the other … he was curious but scared. By the time his cousin finally returned

Leading her peers into the future

World Vision works in Myanmar and many other countries around the world on education and other crucial projects. For International Day of the Girl this Saturday we are celebrating girls like Pan, whose efforts are changing their communities and the futures of the girls and boys living there for the better.
story books and cartoons.

Finding a different way to celebrate Halloween

This Halloween, join World Vision in turning a night of fear into a night of hope for Syrian children.
Halloween is a night of safe scares and fun with friends and family. Autumn is … out of storage and wrapping up in cosy scarves and hats. But one thing I don’t look

South Sudan - World Vision & Other Leading Aid Agencies Warn Famine Imminent

Agencies fear recent improvements will be wiped out as the number of severely hungry people will rise by 1 million in first three months of 2015
Aimee Ansari head of CARE in South Sudan … CARE … Caritas

World leaders must act now before Ebola spirals out of control

As UK hosts Ebola conference, World Vision and partners welcome the strong commitment demonstrated by many Governments so far in responding to the crisis
and governments must ensure that health care workers are trained and equipped. Health … parents die of Ebola have no one willing to care for them due to the perceived fear of

Sponsorship 2.0 FAQs

Sponsorship 2.0 FAQs
FAQs Online Cards Creating cards online makes it easier than ever to build … please contact our Supporter Care Team on 01908 84 10 13 or send an email to

Matthew's First Christmas

Nadene recently travelled to South Sudan and the overwhelmed Malakal Refugee Camp where she was heartbroken to hear the stories of people living there.
in the wrapping paper than the toy car and ball she’d bought him for Christmas. She

With flying colours

Diagnosed with cancer, teenage pupil Rabbani suddenly had a lot more to worry about than how to pass his upcoming exam. But with World Vision’s help and an undying determination to succeed, he sat the test with his classmates before nervously awaiting his result
on a thank you list to rival any tearful Oscar winner. … also raised money to contribute to his care. … him that he faces four years of further care.

South Sudan escapes official famine, but even without a name hunger still kills

South Sudan's food insecurity hasn't worsened to the point of famine, but situation is still very dire.
and it needs the world to care enough to step in …  World Vision has been carrying out regular food distributions across

'I want to be a sponsor one day'

Mary is nine years old, and a sponsored child in Armenia. Her mum came to the country as a refugee when she was nine herself, and their family has struggled to make ends meet. Since becoming a sponsored child, Mary's family has received amazing support from World Vision and her sponsor, and Mary's goal is now to sponsor other children like herself one day.
mum was able to carry only a … eight hungry and scared … has enthusiastically mucked in to help care for the

Report: Stop at Nothing: Post-2015 Goals for Children

The biggest lesson of the Millennium Development Goals was that ending global poverty depends on reaching the most vulnerable children.
cared for and educated children become … healthcare and a quality education that we will know

Time for a Rethink on Conflict and Peace, says World Vision

Today is the International Day of Peace. Now more than ever leaders need to focus on a global strategy for peace
health care and education and little hope of a better

Easing the burden for host communities

The conflict in Syria is now in its fourth year, and has already claimed more than 190,000 lives—at least 10,000 confirmed to be children. It has forced approximately nine million people to flee their homes and almost three million to take refuge in neighbouring countries.
also given cash that we used to help take care of my daughter instead of exchanging gas

Planning for our children’s future

Geeta Bandi-Philips, World Vision UK's External Relations Manager reflects on the Post 2015 policy debates, and how World Vision can help shape the conversation to achieve the best future possible for the world's children.
educated and cared for children. For the … health care or … of children under five by improving healthcare and eliminating hunger and malnutrition.

One Girl's Trauma

Almost two months after the start of the latest Israeli-Palestinian conflict, World Vision talks to Rima, one of the hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza who are now in need of trauma counselling to help them deal with the loss and destruction that they have experienced.
children and ensure that all children are cared for and protected for a brighter future.