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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

Child Friendly Spaces being set up in Northern Cebu to give children a place to play, learn, and recover

On this, the 69th annual Universal Children’s Day, World Vision has begun setting up its dedicated ‘safe spaces’ for children affected by Typhoon Haiyan.

Diary of an aid worker

Yheleen Veso, our colleague at World Vision Philippines shares a personal reflection after a moments pause from the busyness of assisting with our emergency response in the Philippines.
requesting aid agencies and international governments to

Lesley Waters joins a host of celebrities supporting the DEC Philippines Typhoon Appeal Telethon

aid. The Filipino people urgently need our help … But more money is still needed for emergency aid and to help hundreds of thousands of people

Syria Crisis Update

Syria country information - find out the latest World Vision UK news for Syria, including the latest on the Syria crisis
approximately 12.6 million Syrians are said to be

El Nino Update

In 2016, the recurring El Niño phenomenon is expected to have its strongest effect for 50 years. The 2015-2016 El Niño may have passed peak season, but its influence will continue to be felt through weather systems across the world and throughout the year.
and meet their basic needs. Most people said they used the money to meet their food needs … build up their food stocks. Others have said the money will support their

Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Update

Updates from the areas of Philippines affected by Typhoon Haiyan, including total aid raised & personal stories from survivors.
communities. Assessing need and delivering aid were

Gaza Crisis Update

those most in need.   Psychosocial First Aid for mothers Before the … local mothers in psychological first aid. These skills proved in invaluable in the

Delivering Hope To The People Of The Philippines

Chris Clarke, World Vision New Zealand, CEO who is on the ground in the Philippines assisting World Vision's emergency response efforts. Today Chris was at World Vision's first emergency aid distribution in north Cebu -- a town hard hit by Typhoon Haiyan. World Vision distributed food, water, and emergency supplies to 4,000 people. This was the first help the community has received since the Typhoon hit almost seven days ago.
and shares the experience of being the first aid workers a community has seen since Haiyan … that haven't been reached yet by the aid workers. Our distribution was the first the

Pray for the Philippines

We pray for those in the Philippines who have been impacted by Typhoon Haiyan.
aid is getting through to families in desperate

Violence against children in emergencies is a major concern, warns World Vision

Violence against girls and women is all too prevalent across the globe – and increases during and in the aftermath of emergencies – says World Vision on the eve of a major conference.
says aid agency UK … the aid response to the Philippines disaster … aid agency World Vision. … lack of privacy. Often victims are too afraid to report the

Typhoon Haiyan: From The Eye Of The Storm

Mikaela from World Vision Philippines hadn't been heard from for three days following Typhoon Haiyan. In this extract from her diary she shares her experience of living through the eye of the storm.
providing emergency aid including … he said. I cringed. It

World Vision responding as Super Typhoon Haiyan continues to pound the region

As Typhoon Haiyan leaves the Philippines, World Vision is joining with the government in rapid assessment and response teams.
said Gjeff … people are still afraid to go inside buildings. Despite urging by … Lamigo said.  

World Vision concerned at Typhoon Haiyan destruction

As Typhoon Haiyan continues to make its way west across the Philippines on Friday, World Vision has expressed concern that what was shaping up to be the Philippines' strongest typhoon of the year could leave a path of "vast destruction" in its wake.
said Minnie … Philippines said from her vantage

Visiting Kettie in Malawi

12-year-old Davina recently went on a sponsor visit to Malawi along with her parents and 8-year-old sister, Damaris. The family had a chance to see their sponsored child, Kettie. Here is a short blog of their visit written by Davina:
we asked him how Kettie was doing and he said that she was always top of the class. We … was a bit far from the school but Kettie said she takes a shortcut when walking there.

World Vision welcomes M23 rebels pledge

World Vision welcomes the pledge by the M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo to end their insurgency.

World Vision Emergency Communicators: Into the Heart of a Tragedy

An eye-witness report of the destruction caused by the Uttarakhand flash floods and World Vision's relief distribution in the affected regions.
said said Sunita. As Sunita was elaborating on her … she said. Now living in the temporary shelter at

Early Marriage in Ethiopia; In The Girls' Own Words

Nell Williams, one of our marketing officers, traveled to Ethiopia to study the prevalence of early child marriage and what can be done to give girls their childhood back.
to be so green. I still had images from Live Aid and the Wollo famine in my mind. Growing … afraid that wild animals or older boys could attack

Downton Abbey star Elizabeth McGovern speaks of 'gracious and humbling experience' of meeting sponsored child

Downton Abbey star Elizabeth McGovern met the child she sponsored through World Vision for the first time this week
McGovern said she feels the time is right for her to make … said McGovern. Asked what she would say to

Time to Rebuild -- An Aidworker's Diary

Mai Zamora describes the experience of the earthquake, and how that motivates her to help others to recover.

Running for Hope: a barefoot half-marathon

David Brand, our Fundraising Manager has just had one of the most inspiring experiences in his career and he would like to share it with you all:
ambulance first aid tent following the Cardiff … bleeding and badly blistered. The first aider in the tent exclaims to Abu