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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

The Night I Saw Death

World Vision UK CEO, Justin Byworth, tells a haunting tale from his recent visit to Lebanon.
just to humiliate us. They said that one bag of bread cost one bullet. So we … afraid like this for 3 months before the massacre. … not afraid now like I was. But I am afraid that something will happen to the people in

Lives saved in Cyclone Phailin by World Vision-trained community teams

40 community task force teams have moved around 12,000 people to safe areas during Cyclone Phailin, saving lives and property.
to the Community Task Force. The aid agency has been working for several years … said Kunal … government and aid organisations like ours have been working

World Vision calls on the Prime Minister for an end to Child Marriage

World Vision calls on the Prime Minister to use his influence at the up-coming Commonwealth gathering in Sri Lanka to press for an end to child marriage.
often because their parents are afraid for their daughter’s safety if they are

'Sally's place' s a living memorial to our beloved daughter

Raymond and Barbara are an amazing couple with a heart-warming story. They have turned their loss into a living memorial in one of the poorest communities in South Africa. Here is their story:
with walls covered in attractive teaching aids. … extension and this new computer room were paid for by money raised by the Methodist

World Vision Response to the Daily Telegraph

A statement from World Vision UK concerning today's article in the Daily Telegraph about aid money in Syria.

I was a World Vision Sponsored Child

We met Abu a couple of weeks ago at the World Vision ambassador training. He was one of the people who decided to give up his time to talk to his local community about the work of World Vision. As soon as he stood up and started speaking, we knew he had an amazing story to tell. Abu’s journey with World Vision truly inspired us and we would like to share his story with you too:
Mosquitoes used to bite me and I was afraid of death. During those early

Syria crisis - a time of tears

9 months after his last visit, Justin Byworth is back in Beiruit and describes firsthand what Syria’s descent means for its mothers and fathers, sons and daughters.
2 year old brother Said lies asleep feverish beside them. The poor … mother of seven said you World Vision for being honest. You said you would help us and you

Leaders must back Hague in tackling rape in wartime

World Vision UK is calling on governments to back a declaration by William Hague at the UN later today, calling on countries to tackle the ‘abhorrent crime’ of sexual violence in conflict.

Think of World Vision next time you eat a packet of crisps...

3-year sponsor Peter recently visited his sponsored child in Armenia for the second time and came back with some reflections on sponsorship, World Vision's work and carb-rich snacks.
paid for by World Vision. The nurse explained how … wider community. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous before leaving home to make

Refugee crisis

We really value your prayers for our work across the world. As a Christian organisation we believe it is important for the goodness and grace of God to permeate all we do. We believe God will use your prayer to bring life in all its fullness to every child, family and community that we work in.
and the smell of dead bodies. I saw people laid on the ground and planes bombing and

Polio outbreak in Somalia is symptom of global health inequality

Millions of the world’s most vulnerable children are falling through the cracks, even as child deaths are declining globally, warns World Vision.
said Tobias … said Besinati

Without education, Syria’s children and future are at risk

World Vision's Joy Toose shares the very real concerns for the children of Syria who, despite being safe from bombardment in Lebanon, now face falling behind through lack of schools and education.
she said. …   As Safaa said to

Why We Need to Close the Gap

World Vision's Global Campaigns Advisor, Ben Grierson-Hill, explains why he's so invested in this year's #ClosetheGap campaign and why the Millennium Development Goals are too important to ignore.
World Vision International For many aid workers … have now become vulnerable to HIV and AIDs. World Vision’s work in the area focuses

Barclays urged to scrap plans to cut Somali lifeline

Aid agencies today called on Barclay's Bank to scrap plans to sever money transfer accounts tomorrow that could deprive many thousands of poor families in Somalia of cash sent by loved ones from abroad.
Aid agencies today called on Barclays Bank to … economy and dwarfs the level of humanitarian aid to the country. The … said that Barclays needs to put on hold for a

New global index exposes gaps in ‘health wealth’

A ‘devastating’ gap exists between the health rich and health poor in every country, contributing to the deaths of thousands of children every day, a report released this morning by World Vision finds.
said Andrew … said Hassett.    … said Hassett.

A story of sponsorship: from the UK to Hong Kong to Cambodia

World Vision supporters Susann, William, Elena and Amelie share the story of their visit to Cambodia to see the real impact of child sponsorship.
how far she had to go to school and she said it was 1km away from her home. We also had … said

‘Terrifying landmark’ as number of Syrian refugees passes two million

Aid agency World Vision continues to step up its efforts in Syria and neighbouring countries, as the number of refugees fleeing the conflict reaches a landmark two million.
Aid agency World Vision continues to step up its

Parliament’s Syria debate must include impact on vulnerable children

A debate on a motion backing the principle of military action in Syria is under way this afternoon in the Houses of Parliament.

Visiting my three sponsored children in Armenia

Ivan, a committed World Vision supporter from Northern Ireland decided to travel the length and breadth of Armenia in order to visit all three of the girls he sponsors, and what an experience it was for him:
and it seemed to benefit them greatly. We said our goodbyes and on our way back to the

Peace offensive is needed to end conflict in Syria, says World Vision

As the threat of military intervention looms, aid agency World Vision says all actors need to push forward with a peace offensive for children.
aid agency World Vision says all actors need to