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939 Search results for ‘CAR’

A letter to Muna, for our birthday

After meeting baby Muna while visiting our work in Jordan, the poignancy of their shared birthdays lead World Vision International's Meg to write an open letter about how inadequately she can answer the questions the crisis raises.
time to meet me before fainting and being carried away on a stretcher. When you were … put you in the care of your … it. Your family escaped a war. Your mother carried you for days amid rocket fire to reach

I always wondered what charities do in Africa

14-year-old Murray from Glasgow visited World Vision's work in Malawi and kindly offered to share his experience with us. Here's a very personal account from Murray:

Painful memories

Like a lot of boys his age, Abdurrahman, 9, from Syria imitates sounds. Today, he is imitating the sound of rockets.
a childish replication of an explosion. He carefully left a few seconds between the two … a big load to carry for country with a population of only four

A day of firsts!

Marian and Jamie stopped off in Myanmar on their way back from Australia to spend a day with Min Chit, the young boy that Marian’s mother sponsors through World Vision. Read this wonderful story from Marian of their most memorable and humbling experience.
loved the rides where they got to sit in cars … see how excited they were about driving in a car. It was a day of … carrying them in a basket on her head. This

Helping communities to live with uncertainty

On Monday 19th August we celebrate World Humanitarian Day - a day that means a lot to us who work for World Vision and we're sure a day that will mean a lot to you and our other wonderful supporters.

Our Country Programme Manager's favourite stories from Tanzania

In this blog, Arthur Mist - one of our country programme managers - shares his favourite stories from his recent trip to Tanzania.
production of sunflower oil. Community Care Coalitions I met a … who we call Community Care Coalitions. The members of this group gave … the example shown by the Community Care Coalition has the potential to last way

Syrian refugee crisis stretching aid effort to its limits say aid agencies

Many Syrian refugees living outside camps across countries in the region are losing out on the help they desperately need, according to five international aid agencies today.
CARE … 36 per cent of the money required. Health care has become a luxury that many cannot

'Step into Africa' at South Bank

Hettie, a very passionate young lady who works on World Vision's experiential initiative, 'Step into Africa' shares her thoughts on the exhibit.
a young girl carrying firewood on her

Fastest Paralympian on the planet donates prize money to help disabled children in SE Asia

Ahead of this month’s IPC Athletics World Championships, the world’s fastest Paralympian has handed over some of his prize winnings to a project in Myanmar that helps disabled children in the South-East Asian country achieve their sporting dreams.
providing access to education and healthcare for people who may have previously been

We are Living Stories

Steve is our Children's Communication Specialist, working with children in our projects around the world, to support them in developing their communication skills. In this blog, Steve shares some of the stories, directly from the children of Bangladesh along with pictures drawn by them:
In my village I not only enjoy but also take care of the surroundings. I make aware of my … prize giving ceremony was held. I was scared when it was the time of declaring first

World Vision sends taskforce to Gansu earthquake

World Vision, the international children’s charity, has sent an emergency task force to China’s north-west Gansu province after two powerful earthquakes struck yesterday morning, claiming at least 50 lives.
and toothbrushes and toothpaste. They will carry another

Supporters tackled the highest peak in the Atlas Mountains and raised over £7,000 for World Vision

Matrix & Rhetorik Solutions are two incredibly committed and inspiring organisations who sponsor through World Vision. They recently raised over £7,000 for us and we wanted to find out what inspired them. In this blog, David Young, the Marketing Director of the company talks about their involvement with World Vision.
instead of sending corporate Christmas cards

Children 'scared for the future' as Syria crisis takes toll on neighbouring countries

Communities in Lebanon are at 'breaking point' as refugees fleeing deadly violence in neighbouring Syria continue to pour into the country - putting children further at risk, aid agency World Vision warns today.
at lunchtime to make way for refugees. Healthcare is under growing strain with some clinics … tensions and some children saying they're scared for their future.

Meeting our sponsored child Sylvia in rural Uganda

We hope you enjoyed reading Chris and Jon's stories from last week about health care and primary schools in Uganda. Here is another lovely piece from the couple about them meeting their sponsored child, Syliva:
Jon's stories from last week about health care and primary schools in Uganda. Here is … see her again one day. Then I headed for the car as I felt myself welling up. It was so

What do healthcare and education look like in Uganda?

Two of our wonderful sponsors, Chris and Jon, recently visited Uganda and they have written a couple of blogs to share their experiences with you. In their first blog today, Chris tells us about a health clinic she had special interest in as a retired nurse and then Jon tells us about the impact World Vision has had (and is having) on two primary schools in the area.
care. When we go into

Oli Nicholls: Why I wrote my award-winning song

We love sharing good news on the blog, so when we heard that our friend Oli Nicholls, the singer songwriter behind World Vision Artists One Step Lantern, had won a competition over the weekend we jumped at the chance to have him share his thoughts on being honoured for his faith, dedication and talent.
I believe we are called to care for the broken and

Basic nutrition efforts risk being ‘sidelined’ in war-torn countries

Major progress in tackling child malnutrition in some of the world’s toughest countries could be thrown into jeopardy because military and security funding is taking precedence over basic child nutrition, the IF Coalition warns today.

Miriam's Paradise: a small tent in Lebanon

For World Refugee Day our colleague, Joy Toose, from World Vision Australia - currently seconded to Lebanon - shares the moving story of Miriam and her 3 grandchildren living on the kindness of strangers.
care in the hands of his grandmother. Miram … healthcare and education as he grows up. She … is concerned more about the others in her care than herself.

Sponsor A Girl

Sponsor a girl change a life forever. Girls face unique challenges to overcome. Become a child sponsor and join us in making a difference.
in the UK. Giving Girls Access to Healthcare Some parents can see investment in their … in the UK. Give girls access to healthcare Around the world girls often suffer worse

Sponsor A Boy

Sponsor a boy with World Vision and change a life of a child forever. Become a child sponsor and make a real difference to a child in need.
healthcare and an education. And because of our