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939 Search results for ‘CAR’

Surviving conflict in the Grand Kasais, DRC: Matthieu's Story

My name is Matthieu. I’m 13 years old, and I was in 5th grade before the crisis. I have a five-year-old sister and a little brother who’s seven. My oldest brother was killed in the conflict. A lot has happened in my country and in my family over the past ten months.
militia and they would kill us too. I was carrying my little sister on my … and tries to earn enough to take care of us. There are things that can be done

World Vision denounces any forced return of refugees to Myanmar

International children’s charity World Vision has joined calls condemning any forced return of refugees who have fled violence in Myanmar.
an independent investigation carried out into allegations of human rights

Charity calls on Stratford shoppers to send messages of hope to refugee children

Children’s charity World Vision is asking shoppers to stop at its stall in Stratford and send a message of hope to child refugees in Uganda.
shopping mall. Staff will hand out message cards for

“The war made us come here.”

After fleeing conflict in South Sudan and making the harrowing journey to Uganda, Sarah and her sisters finally feel safe. World Vision found the children a foster mother and child protection staff ensure they have enough to eat.
and that Anna has everything she needs to care for little David. World Vision UK took

British bears bring Christmas joy to refugee children in Africa

A motley crew of 700 British teddy bears today brought a sprinkling of Christmas joy to refugee children in Northern Uganda, the majority of whom have lost everything.


February 2018 blogs
taking care of her and her … work or care for his … to run the house and care for … they take care of their children. They ensure their … and she has enough time to care for her father and sister. With the 80

Burundi: One million children at risk of contracting malaria by Christmas

Up to a million more children are likely to contract malaria before Christmas in Burundi, World Vision warns today.

#UniversalChildrensDay: Kids' voices must be at the heart of efforts to end violence

Now, more than ever, is the time for leaders to start taking the most vulnerable children in the world more seriously, says international children's charity World Vision.

Ending Child Marriage

Hi there. My name is Fatou. I’m 17 and I’ve just received my A levels!! I live in a the western part of Senegal. Thanks to one of my teachers in school, M. Senghor, I have been working with and supporting World Vision for about 4 years now. I am a peer educator in their child protection programme and also am lucky enough to be one of the YOUNG LEADERS group, a young activist group of 16 countries created by World Vision International.
is not the answer and that it causes scars deeper than the marks on the skin. Its a

Supporter Charter

Our Commitment to You: The World Vision Supporter Charter
bring real hope to children. We take great care of the resources entrusted to us our … teaching to care for and protect … your expectations Contact our Supporter Care Team on 01908 84 10 10 or email

World Vision deploys mobile clinic to assist victims of Iraq quake

World Vision deploys mobile clinic to assist victims of Iraq quake


November Blogs
taking care of her and her … work or care for his … to run the house and care for … they take care of their children. They ensure their … and she has enough time to care for her father and sister. With the 80

World Vision ready to respond to devastating earthquake in Iraq

World Vision humanitarian staff are on standby to respond to a massive 7.3 earthquake centred on the Iraq-Iran border that killed more than 200 people on Sunday.

Threading success: Refugee youth reaping rewards from life skills training

Lillias is among a group of six young refugee women who learned to create brightly coloured beaded handbags, purses, necklaces, earrings and bangles. Within a few weeks, Lillias learned to quickly hook beads onto plastic strings and then hinge them together to make any desired item.
nightmare. Her major worry was taking care of her siblings once in Uganda.

Thousands of refugee children in Bangladesh at risk of trafficking, exploitation and abuse

Thousands of children are at risk of being trafficked, sexually abused or exploited in Bangladesh’s refugee camps, international children’s charity World Vision warns today.
safety and security needs far more urgent care and attention than it is currently


taking care of her and her … work or care for his … to run the house and care for … they take care of their children. They ensure their … and she has enough time to care for her father and sister. With the 80

2018 News

care for all children.     Championing … care.   The occasion of the first Global … the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of … opportunity to realise their right to family care

Pascal's Story

The little boy in the worn button-down decorated with cartoon characters seems small for his age, and incredibly serious. Unlike any other child I’ve met in the Kasais, he speaks to me in perfect French.   Originally from Tshikapa, in Kasai Province to the southeast, like many of his classmates, Pascal and his family fled at the beginning of 2017, when ethnic conflict broke out in violence.
decorated with cartoon characters seems small for his … cared for and well

Former 'forced wife' receives Marsh Award at Tedx summit

Conflict survivor receives prestigious award in London at Tedx summit
care for all children.     Championing … care.   The occasion of the first Global … the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of … opportunity to realise their right to family care


care for all children.     Championing … care.   The occasion of the first Global … the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of … opportunity to realise their right to family care