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248 Search results for ‘Child Protection’


same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education

Brussels Conference: World Vision welcomes progress, but urges protection for Syrian children

International children’s charity World Vision has today urged for concrete action to protect Syria’s children following a major international conference with world leaders in Brussels.

A $4 meal for a taste of home

For Mayssa, a Syrian mother displaced by conflict, the $4 dollars she rations for each meal is enough to give her three children a little taste of home. What would you be able to make with $4?
child protection and cash voucher support to households. So


same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education

World Vision joins faith-based NGOs in support of DEC East Africa appeal

World Vision - alongside faith-based NGO’s: CAFOD, Christian Aid, Islamic Relief and Tearfund – called on faith communities across the UK to support the Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC) appeal to help 16 million people affected by drought and conflict in East Africa.
same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education

Survivor of rape in conflict praises Angelina Jolie and UK government

Angela Atim of Watye ki Gen meets Angelina Jolie at UK government to support survivors of sexual violence in conflict.
same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education

11 things you can do right now to help end violence against children

World Vision’s campaign ‘It takes a world to end violence against children’ was named because no one individual, group or organisation can solve this problem alone.
World Vision has established Community Based Child Protection Committees around the globe. These groups … trained to recognise child protection violations and refer children and families

The power of a sewing machine

Roji, in Bangladesh, turned her family’s life around when she enrolled herself in tailoring training and became the main source of income for her family. Her children are now well fed, clothed and in full time education working towards a positive future.
negative impact of child labour and other child protection

Chine McDonald appointed to new World Vision UK church role

Chine McDonald appointed to new World Vision UK church role as part of the charities new strategy to reconnect with the Church.
same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education

Sharmin’s story: educating girls to overcome poverty

17-year-old Sharmin, from Bangladesh, dropped out of school after completing grade 4 to support her family, selling food on the roadside with her mother. This reality is all too often faced by children in Bangladesh, where 3.2 million children aged 5-17 are engaged in child labour*. Child labour is work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity as well as being harmful to physical and mental development.
to share her learnings on child rights and child protection issues with her community. World Vision

Children of the Lake Chad Basin: The vulnerable, looking after the vulnerable

In crisis, children regularly miss out on opportunities. They are forced to drop out of school, thrown out of home, and find themselves struggling in ways they had never imagined.
all those involved to urgently prioritise child protection and education in emergencies.  Delays will

Partnering with Microsoft & Facebook to bridge education gap and teach Syrian child refugees using digital technology

International children’s charity World Vision is partnering with Microsoft, Google, Cisco Facebook; and other tech companies to host the #EdTech summit (01-02 March) which aims to inspire Syrian refugee children to harness the power of technology.
same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education


same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education

"No more living in darkness" Stopping child marriage through education in Bangladesh

When Meghla joined our child rights information sessions she gained the knowledge and confidence to speak up to her family and express her unhappiness with marrying young. Fortunately, her wedding was cancelled and Meghla is continuing her education.
community and assists World Vision staff on child protections issues. Now she can complete her


same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education

Typhoon Nock: World Vision deploys assessment team to worst affected districts as thousands are evacuated

World Vision has deployed an assessment team to ten of the most affected districts in the Philippines after a late-season typhoon roared ashore.


same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education

2017 news

same.   Encouraging the integration of child protection and care services with health and education

World Vision partners, Wahana Visi Indonesia arrive in Aceh today to assess earthquake damage

102 casualties have been reported form the 6.5 magnitude earthquake that hit Pide Jaya, Banda Aceh at 05.03 am yesterday. A tsunami hit the province in 2004, however this is the first time a large earthquake has hit this part of Aceh. “Getting help to those in need will be challenging since the area is remote,” said World Vision Indonesia Director, Margarettha Siregar .
Safer Schools and Child Protection.

Bullet-ridden schools lie abandoned in reclaimed cities across Iraq

As the battle to retake Mosul continues, urgent action is needed to allow children to resume their education.
drawing under the gentle guidance of trained child protection specialists who help them to process