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270 Search results for ‘Poverty’

A search for safety : Child labour in Bangladesh

15-year-old Nasrin is one of Bangladesh's four million garment workers. Every day for 12 hours she sits behind a sewing machine, rushing through orders of trousers that will be sold in high-income countries. The money she earns helps to keep her younger siblings in school, but each day is a struggle and fraught with danger.
poverty left her with few options.

Fragility & Resilience

World Vision works with communities to help them help themselves by becoming more resilient to natural & man-made disasters.
the progress that's been made to reduce poverty. Our aim is to protect and help those … processes Climate change and poverty are so deeply intertwined that for any


World Vision is committed to being fully transparent & responsible to the children & communities served especially where advocacy is concerned.
Health and Poverty Reduction Project. The project aimed to … Health Poverty Action

War in Syria costing £3.2bn a month

War is costing Syria more than £3.2bn (US$4.5bn) each month in lost economic growth, a report from children’s charity World Vision and Frontier Economics reveals.
into appalling living conditions and abject poverty.

A bright start: New business for mum of four in Zambia

Nomai’s dream is to ensure her children have a bright future. However, having a disability makes it difficult for her to pay the fees to keep her children in school. Thankfully, with help from a World Vision savings group and assistance starting her own business, Nomai's dream of enriching and educating her children is slowly starting to come true.
I will know that all this struggling and poverty will come to an

Terrifying, painful nights: A child mother in Bangladesh

Born into poverty in Bangladesh, Rani loved school and playing with her friends, but at the age of 11 she became a wife. Now 16-years-old and pregnant for a third time, she fears for the safety of her unborn child and is looking forward to another risky delivery at home. She shares her story with us…
Born into poverty in

The cost of child soldiers

On Red Hand Day, Senior Child Rights Policy Advisor Erica Hall shares the stories of the former child soldiers she has met while fighting for child rights. Today, carries an important message, not just for one day, but one that Erica shouts about nearly every day of the year...

A Snapshot of Cambodia

Trudi Cotton recently joined our first World Vision group sponsor trip to Cambodia to meet her sponsored child, Lin, and see the projects she supports. She shares a few of her favourite photos with us here.

Too young for marriage

14-year-old Virginia knows from personal experience how destructive the practice of early marriage can be. She tells us the story of one of her friends who dropped out of school and fell into early marriage at just 13 years old.Just two weeks following the birth of twins, her husband vanished, leaving her without the income or means to look after them. Virginia tells us her story…
friend is not uncommon in communities where poverty is endemic. According to UNICEF

Children’s lives at stake unless Syria Crisis donors ‘shift up a gear’

World leaders gathering in London today must make a realistic and robust funding pledge.
to legal stay and employment is limited and poverty rates are rising to unprecedented

The days of feeling unsafe are over now

12-year-old Ndawona and her five siblings were left sleeping in a mud hut covered with dry grass. The poor condition of their shelter meant that it leaked every time it rained, forcing them to stand up in the middle of the nigh. Thanks to a local Health Committee trained by World Vision, the future is now looking brighter for the young family.

Water is life

For father-of-four Ali, fleeing the conflict in Syria was only the start of his families’ hardship. Reaching the relative safety of a refugee camp in Lebanon, it was the difficulty in obtaining safe water that was not only a daily struggle, but also a real health risk. But thanks to a World Vision ‘Water, Sanitation and Hygiene’ programme, the availability of clean water is helping to keep Ali’s family and the wider community healthy.
of Syrian refugees living below the poverty

Most important New Year’s Resolutions

World Vision meets with Ibrahim, Isa & their 8-month-old baby Lubab. Recalling the events that drove them to flee Syria, Ibrahim and Isa discuss their journey to Serbia and their wish for baby Lubab to grow up free from fear.
aim to eradicate poverty and injustice and reduce the effects of … eradicating injustice and poverty is vital. We recently spoke to the couple as

Sponsor a child

Sponsor a child and change their life for good
Bring lasting change to a child in poverty

Sponsor An Orphan

Orphan sponsorship is the most effective and rewarding way to help orphans in need. Sponsor an orphan child to make a lasting difference in that child's life forever.
Bring lasting change to a child in poverty

Sponsor a child MSP

Sponsor a child and change their life for good MSP
Bring lasting change to a child in poverty

Our children and climate change

In early December, World Leaders descend on Paris for CoP21 - a global summit on climate change, where they hope to agree on a new path towards tackling its effects on some of the world's poorest people. Resilience Manager Maggie Ibrahim, explains the new direction World Vision wants to see...
poverty reduction efforts will be severely hampered.

Tackling Child Marriage on International Children’s Day

Rob Henderson reflects on a stark reality for millions of girls and boys across the world who fall prey to early marriage, some having children while just children themselves. He looks at the role of World Vision workshops, that are helping children like 16-year-old Nilanjona escape from early marriage so that she can stay in education and makes choices for herself…
mother were able to escape the entrenched poverty and the range of harmful consequences that

A dangerous necessity

For World Toilet Day, Annila Harris travelled to the Bhojpur community in east India to see many of the issues that people face when going to the toilet. Mainly driven by poverty, the practice of defecating in an open field is having an adverse effect on health - particularly for pregnant women, older people and children.
but he told Annila how issues ranging from poverty to a shortage of living space can deprive … have toilets. Poverty is one of the reasons. The investment in

The future in the eyes of Lema

Lara Ghaoui, Emergency Programme Officer, recently travelled to Central African Republic to see how conflict was affecting our projects there. She met Lema, a proud father who works in our office there, and was left speechless when he told her about how he escaped the fighting.
from war and the dire conditions of poverty and vulnerability that people dwell in every