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137 Search results for ‘South Sudan’

Providing aid, while depending on it: Meet Johnson - both a humanitarian and an IDP

Johnson Kuithoy is both an aid worker and an internally displaced person (IDP) living in a camp. A South Sudanese man in his thirties, he has dedicated his life to providing relief, while he and his family likewise depend on it. Today, on World Humanitarian Day, heroes like Johnson are celebrated…
living in a camp. A South Sudanese man in his … returning to Juba in 2011. South Sudan had just declared … Johnson Kuithoy are currently working in South Sudan to address growing humanitarian

South Sudan: World Vision calls for protection of children as tens of thousands displaced by intense fighting

The fighting that erupted in South Sudan over the past five days has displaced an estimated 36,000 people, many of them are children.
newest nation of South Sudan in the past five days has displaced an

Statement in response to the escalating violence in South Sudan

Heavy fighting is rocking the capital, Juba, following a flare-up in escalating violence that coincided with world's newest nation marking its fifth year of independence.
World Vision South Sudan’s … World Vision is currently working in South Sudan with hundreds of thousands of displaced … South Sudan has a bright and abundant

Five Voices | Perspectives from South Sudan

Yesterday, on July 9, Juba’s hot and dusty roads were filled with people from across the country commemorating five years since South Sudan declared its independence. We took some time beforehand to speak to children and parents about how the last few years have shaped the country and the lives of its people...
should have been a day of celebrations as South Sudan marked … I played with it every day. We had to leave South Sudan when my dad was killed. Many soldiers came

"In South Sudan, we help keep children alive" | Life in a camp in South Sudan

South Sudan marks its 5th anniversary of independence today, on 9 July. However, the young nation faces many challenges and fresh fighting erupted in and around the capital in the past days. Children continue to suffer the most, as many have lost family members over the years and have fled their homes.
Content Manager and freelance Journalist South Sudan marks its 5th anniversary of independence … thick clouds of smoke. As South Sudan approaches five years since the country’s

South Sudan’s independence anniversary marred by fresh fighting

World Vision staff are hunkered down in the Juba headquarters following an outbreak of armed fighting within the capital. At one stage shooting took place in the streets outside the World Vision compound.
gunfire. The new fighting comes just before South Sudan marks its fifth independence anniversary on … World Vision South Sudan’s … to deteriorate quickly.  The children of South Sudan have suffered years of

World Refugee Day: Africa reels under refugee crisis as World Vision warns that closure of Dadaab camp will trigger new migrants wave

Shutting the world’s largest refugee camp could unleash a new wave of human migration across North Africa and Europe, according to World Vision UK.
mainly from South Sudan. Dadaab’s closure adds to the growing

"A positive step forward," says World Vision post-World Humanitarian Summit

World Vision was pleased with the level of participation and commitments to its core priorities.
South Sudan and El Nino.  … South Sudan and the Central African Republic. 

South Sudan urged to hold onto peace or risk losing another generation to war

As South Sudan’s opposition leader Riek Machar returns to country’s capital Juba for the first time since a civil war erupted more than two years ago, World Vision has warned that the country risks losing another generation of children to war, unless the country holds onto the latest opportunity to have peace.
As South Sudan’s opposition leader Riek Machar returns to … Policy and Advocacy Advisor for World Vision South Sudan and communities of South Sudan will seize the opportunity to actively

Fleeing fire in Malakal: Aban's story

On 9 July 2011 South Sudan gained independence after a long period of upset and turbulence, and families were looking forward to a return to peace. Barely two years later in December 2013 however, thousands fled their homes as sectarian violence spread, and spent the first of many Christmas’ on the run. For some, the violence has even followed them to the camps where they sought refuge; on 18 February 2016, 70% of the UN Protection of Civilians site in Malakal burnt to the ground. In this blog, we share the story of 13-year-old Aban, who had been living in Malakal since 2013.
South Sudan gained independence after decades of unrest. … World Vision has been working across South Sudan since 1989 to protect children and make sure

Fragility & Resilience

World Vision works with communities to help them help themselves by becoming more resilient to natural & man-made disasters.

Raising voices in Westminster: preventing sexual violence in conflict, and stigma for survivors

Public Affairs and Advocacy officer Rob Henderson writes ahead of the House of Lords committee publication on preventing sexual violence in conflict later today. Rob's team have been working with the committee to present evidence and raise the voices of the survivors we work with. If survivors of sexual violence in conflict face stigma, which they almost always do, this hinders their recovery and often means that those responsible are not held accountable. Children should not have to fear attacks, and if the worst does happen, they should be able to access justice without facing stigma.
Marie from South Sudan. Marie lives with her grandmother and great … displaced by the violence that has rocked South Sudan since December 2013. They used to live in

A child's nightmare, a nation's heartache: Children growing up fast in South Sudan

When her parents were killed, Achol suddenly found herself solely responsible for her younger siblings. Despite being just a child herself, Achol’s new role as sole caregiver is typical for many children who’s lives have been changed forever by the conflict in South Sudan. Having now fled the fighting, Achol tells us about the hardship of daily life in a camp for displaced people, and the constant struggle to provide for her young family.
have been changed forever by the conflict in South Sudan. Having fled the … away to hide her tears. Like many other South Sudanese … refuge there when they fled the war in South Sudan in the 1990s.

Putting the most vulnerable first: Refugees facing the new EU-Turkey deal

Our Sarah Pickwick recently spent time in Serbia meeting some of the refugees who are now living with the uncertainty of closing borders. As the new EU deal with Turkey comes into play, Sarah asks, will this push people further into the hands of people smugglers?
most of in the headlines. The conflict in South Sudan is in its third year and three quarters of a

Aid agencies urgently responding to unprecedented conflict at UN Protection of Civilians site

Tens of thousands of South Sudanese are living in dire conditions and extreme fear after destruction of most of a UN Protection of Civilian (POC)
Tens of thousands of South Sudanese are living in dire conditions and extreme … displaced South Sudanese. They fled there after years of violence

World Vision made them feel safe again

Media Specialist Carina Wint travelled to the Children of War centre in Gulu, Northern Uganda, to see how World Vision is helping children like nine-year-old Moses find safety and catch up on the years they have lost…
South Sudan and the Central African Republic. The LRA

Finding Peace

Children have a way of finding their own peace and, almost every day for the last two years, brothers Phouch and Liev have found theirs on the football pitch. But no amount of football can change the fact that they live in circumstances that no children should have to endure. Two years since arriving at the UN protected camp in South Sudan, we find out how they’ve coped.
South Sudan On the 15 … South Sudan. As it spread across the … by solar generators. Patrons are charged 2 South Sudanese Pounds … easy to see why the South Sudanese football team isn’t performing too badly.

The untold story

Melany Markham reflects on the difficulties faced by communicators working in South Sudan, when trying to tell the story of thousands of children facing a humanitarian catastrophe. From constraints on taking photographs, to tackling the huge distances between camps, the challenges are numerous but mask an important story that needs to be told.
Communicator The first time I worked in South Sudan was in January 2012. The next … it saddened me that no one outside South Sudan would ever find out what happened to these

One good thing

World Vision Communicator Melany Markham tells us the story of Nyahok – an eleven-year old girl, who currently lives in a camp in South Sudan. Unlike 85% of girls across the country, Nyahok goes to school and her education will set her apart in a country where only one in six women can read and write.
imagination of most people living outside South Sudan. … she says. Conflict in South Sudan has driven widespread displacement and

Tackling Child Marriage on International Children’s Day

Rob Henderson reflects on a stark reality for millions of girls and boys across the world who fall prey to early marriage, some having children while just children themselves. He looks at the role of World Vision workshops, that are helping children like 16-year-old Nilanjona escape from early marriage so that she can stay in education and makes choices for herself…
South Sudan and the DRC.