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159 Search results for ‘WASH’

A truly life changing experience - meeting Akash

Pam Agius, a World Vision child sponsor, recently came back from a group trip to India where she met her sponsored child, Akash. Here she shares about the special experience she had.
we left his Mum took me out to the yard and washed the Henna from my hand and this too was a

"Now, they need shoes, we buy shoes" | Visiting a savings group in Sierra Leone

Last week I travelled with blogger Annie to Sierra Leone to visit one of our child sponsorship projects there and hear from the community about the effects Ebola has had on their lives. One of the most inspiring stories to come from the epidemic was that of a local women’s savings group who had banded together to make sure their families did not go hungry during the crisis...
washing and getting the cassava ready. Then

Student councils are helping Vanesa and her friends play a more active role in their learning.

brushing their teeth and washing their hands.  Being involved in this

A future full of hope for Pamela and her friends

personal hygiene and became ill from not washing their hands before they cooked or ate. At

Clean hands mean a brighter future for Amena

she couldn't wash her hands before eating lunch or after using … attached to a container that tips water to wash with. So … at school. Children and their families now wash their hands with clean water and soap.


she couldn't wash her hands before eating lunch or after using … attached to a container that tips water to wash with. So … you.  Children and their families now wash their hands with clean water and soap.

Bringing hope to children like Puja

we have a toilet and I know how I should wash my … and her friends learned about hygiene and washing their … toilets. Over half of the village did not wash their hands after going to the toilet or

Implications of illness: Child labour in Bangladesh

Without adequate social support or a workplace that will pay for sick leave, 15-year-old garment worker Anis lies in bed, his family unable to afford to send him to the hospital.
is already working washing cars and tending a garden. Their father

Ecuador Earthquake Update

Saturday 16 April, Ecuador was hit by a series of powerful earthquakes. The strongest was registered as 7.8 magnitude and 19km depth. The epicentre was close to the town of Muisne in Esmeraldas province in the north of Ecuador. The quake has claimed at least 500 lives and left more than 4.000 people injured. These numbers are expected to rise in the coming days. Over 400 aftershocks have since been recorded. The Ecuadorian Government has declared a National Emergency and some 10,000 troops and 3,500 police have been deployed in the affected areas to help search and rescue efforts for survivors who may still be trapped.

A search for safety : Child labour in Bangladesh

15-year-old Nasrin is one of Bangladesh's four million garment workers. Every day for 12 hours she sits behind a sewing machine, rushing through orders of trousers that will be sold in high-income countries. The money she earns helps to keep her younger siblings in school, but each day is a struggle and fraught with danger.
washed it and put some

A child's nightmare, a nation's heartache: Children growing up fast in South Sudan

When her parents were killed, Achol suddenly found herself solely responsible for her younger siblings. Despite being just a child herself, Achol’s new role as sole caregiver is typical for many children who’s lives have been changed forever by the conflict in South Sudan. Having now fled the fighting, Achol tells us about the hardship of daily life in a camp for displaced people, and the constant struggle to provide for her young family.
Her father worked as a mason and her mother washed clothes to make ends meet. Despite the

Quenching thirst: Restoring clean water in post-quake Nepal

Almost a year on from the series of earthquakes that shook Nepal last April, World Vision has been working hard to restore safety, healthcare and dignity to children and families still in need. Deprived of clean water and proper sanitation in the aftermath, 16-year-old Arun marks World Water Day by telling us how his family is now enjoying the benefits, with the support of World Vision...
our Nepal Emergency Response WASH Advisor. In the past … 54 temporary learning centres with WASH facilities including … hand washing facilities and water systems

Through the eyes of a refugee child: A story in 23 pictures

We recently visited an Informal Tented Settlement in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley that houses Syrian refugees. When it rains, the camp turns into a mud pit, making it hard for children who only have rubber shoes to walk. But when the sun comes out, mothers hang out laundry and children find a way of playing in the most difficult of circumstances. Here are their stories, in pictures…
Mothers around the settlement cook and wash using water heated on a fire outside the

"I cried all day. It didn’t feel real": Struggling with HIV in India

This Zero-Discrimination Day, we’re sharing the story of 13-year-old Kavita and her family. When Kavita’s father was struck down by a mystery illness, it grew progressively difficult for her family to get by; they were pawning belongings for food and unable to pay school fees. But when they found out her father’s illness was HIV, things got even harder for the family...
have a wash and board the bus for school. We studied in

Lost along the way

Goran Stupar spent last week in Serbia speaking to refugees about the things they've lost since fleeing Syria. Broken, discarded shoes by roadsides, clothing washed up on beaches, alongside bags packed full with personal items, however belongings lost along the way pale in comparison to the memories they’ve left behind.
clothing washed up on

A Snapshot of Cambodia

Trudi Cotton recently joined our first World Vision group sponsor trip to Cambodia to meet her sponsored child, Lin, and see the projects she supports. She shares a few of her favourite photos with us here.
Then there was a girl having her hair washed and another demonstrating … you can have your hair washed once a month at

Water is life

For father-of-four Ali, fleeing the conflict in Syria was only the start of his families’ hardship. Reaching the relative safety of a refugee camp in Lebanon, it was the difficulty in obtaining safe water that was not only a daily struggle, but also a real health risk. But thanks to a World Vision ‘Water, Sanitation and Hygiene’ programme, the availability of clean water is helping to keep Ali’s family and the wider community healthy.
and washing dishes and clothes. The family had no … says WASH project manager Amjad Daoud. Toilets have … practices in the community. Although the WASH team is responsible for cleaning and

The untold story

Melany Markham reflects on the difficulties faced by communicators working in South Sudan, when trying to tell the story of thousands of children facing a humanitarian catastrophe. From constraints on taking photographs, to tackling the huge distances between camps, the challenges are numerous but mask an important story that needs to be told.

One good thing

World Vision Communicator Melany Markham tells us the story of Nyahok – an eleven-year old girl, who currently lives in a camp in South Sudan. Unlike 85% of girls across the country, Nyahok goes to school and her education will set her apart in a country where only one in six women can read and write.

The life of a young refugee girl in Diffa

Martha looks like any other 17-year-old girl, but her life has been far from ordinary. Having fled her home in northern Nigeria, Martha found herself in a refugee camp in the Diffa region of Niger. Initially separated from her parents, it's taken a while for Martha to adjust to life in the camp. But with no school, no safe water points, and no immediate access to health facilities, the camp is unable to offer children like Martha the opportunities they had before...
to implement humanitarian protection and WASH programmes to an estimated