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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

Military uncertainty in Democratic Republic of Congo brings growing humanitarian crisis

As signs appear that M23 forces in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have started withdrawing from two towns captured from government troops, World Vision is calling for international support to make sure the conflict does not spur a vast humanitarian crisis.
said Dominic … of 20km from the city. The military leader said this follows an agreement facilitated by … said Aimee … said James … had also been scaled back and witnesses said that they saw fewer of the groups of

Lebanese Generosity: “They are our family, not just our neighbours,”

Justin Byworth, World Vision UK CEO, travelled to Lebanon to see first hand the almost unbearable pressure the country is under with the influx of Syrian refugees.
a normal plane goes overhead they are afraid by the … distance. The combined help of locals and aid agencies has made a real

Loved By Parents tweetathon: raising money for Congolese children affected by conflict

Parenting website Loved By Parents is running a tweetathon in aid of World Vision’s DR Congo appeal, helping children affected by conflict in the region.
Loved By Parents is running a tweetathon in aid of World Vision’s DR Congo … of strangers that come their way and afraid in the new land. … have been lonely and afraid because of the experiences they went

“We told her the bombing was balloons popping” – A Mother’s Heartbreak in Lebanon

Our CEO, Justin Byworth, is in Lebanon trying to understand what life is like for the thousands of refugees fleeing from the conflict in Syria.

Visiting my Sponsored Child and Avoiding Fried Spiders in Cambodia

Following on from her brilliant Q & A with kids in Cambodia, Julie blogs about her experience there, reflecting on just how different our worlds can be. If you haven’t already, take a look at her Q & A with the kids. Also, come and find us on Facebook to join the discussion and ask any of your own questions.
no electricity. Visual aids are … visual aids used by the group mean they’re

Your Questions, Their Answers – Straight from Cambodia

Our intrepid child sponsor, Julie, has returned with answers to the questions you posed on our Facebook page for your sponsored children in Cambodia, gathered from talking to just some of the 2000 sponsored children in the Koh Krolor community, spread across 40 villages.
Children also said they liked to hear about the sponsor’s home … they said they wanted to know how we live in our … they just said a big … seem to be any visual aids in the

World Vision welcomes Gaza ceasefire, but warns of looming humanitarian crisis

JERUSALEM – World Vision welcomes the ceasefire between Israelis and Palestinians. We call on all parties to respect the cease fire agreements and to work toward a lasting, just and peaceful resolution to the overall conflict.
relies on international and humanitarian aid. As a … nor air raids. We are especially concerned and alarmed by

A Very Personal Perspective on the DR Congo Crisis

By Aimee Manimani, WV DRC Communications Officer
name is Aimee Manimani. I am a World Vision aid worker. I am currently in

Recruitment of child soldiers in DRC likely to increase as violence mounts, warns World Vision

20 November, Gisenye – Hundreds of thousands of children caught up in erupting violence in eastern DRC are at risk of being forcibly recruited into armed groups, said World Vision.
said World Vision. … said World Vision. World Vision estimates that … said World Vision’s Dominic Keyzer from the … said said Keyzer.   Please contact Sarah Wilson on

World Vision warns of mounting humanitarian crisis as violence escalates in the DR Congo

Fresh fighting as rebel forces advance from the north towards Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, has prompted 70,000 civilians to move from one camp to another camp located south of Goma. There are now roughly 2.2 million internally displaced people in DRC.
said Dominic

Bangladesh: A Remarkable Story of the Power of Child Sponsorship

It’s been an emotional and educational few days in Bangladesh for Mathew, but also for all of us back here in the World Vision offices, learning of the progress the communities are making with your support.
wanted to know why the minister was paid more than him when he obviously worked … to the children about World Vision and said that every time he hears mention of us his

Worse than bullets

Darfur and the Democratic Republic of Congo are two of the most dangerous places in the world, with regular violent clashes between armed factions who are fighting for control of territory

Bangladesh: Preparing Communities To Keep The Work Alive

Head of Public Engagement, Mathew Neville’s second blog post from visit to Bangladesh: more wonderful stories of the things he is seeing and experiencing out there.
one of them said us to leave and work in a new place. As I said in yesterday’s

Bangladesh: Riverboat Songs, ADP Visits and Eating with Your Hands

World Vision’s Director of Public Engagement, Mathew Neville shares the emotions of visiting an ADP in Bangladesh that has seen real growth and success.
in their community that would last and they said we had. I asked them if they felt … now than before and they said they did. I asked them if they felt that

India Development Progress Risked by Premature UK Aid Withdrawal

World Vision calls for aid to be phased out over longer period
World Vision calls for aid to be phased out over longer period In … Development Secretary that UK financial aid to India will be stopped by … agree that development aid to India needs to be phased out over the

Albania, Land of Eagles (and Bright Young Kids)

Kath Parker, a World Vision Child Sponsor, meets her sponsored child Ermelinda in Albania.
the very friendly World Vision staff we paid a visit to Ermelinda’s

World Vision Assessment Teams Reach Out to Victims in Superstorm Sandy’s Aftermath

Relief supplies arrive as second South Bronx site opens

Hurricane Sandy destroys World Vision Relief Supplies

Disaster Response Teams face unexpected challenges
said Tim … said spokesperson Mindy Mizell.

Vulnerable children must be considered as military action proceeds in Mali

BAMAKO, Mali 19 October 2012 -- Any conversations about military intervention in Mali must begin with consideration for the most vulnerable groups, particularly children, who are at risk of getting caught in the crossfire, says World Vision.
said Chance Briggs. World

Justine Greening Speaks on Future of International Aid at Conservative Conference

Defending aid should not be hard sell for new Development Secretary
Defending aid should not be hard sell for new Development … her speech on the future of overseas aid at the Conservative Party Conference in … aid has helped stop a quarter of a million