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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

Dancing, Mud Huts and Dreams in Malawi

Lisa Blunt, a World Vision Child sponsor, blogs about her recent trip to Malawi and all of the sights, sounds, smells and feelings that came with it.
needing medication to prevent full blown Aids and to the headteacher of the area’s … she could not afford to run it and then said

World Vision backs call to put children first

World Vision welcomes Labour’s re-affirmation that it backs creating a new law to uphold a decades-old pledge that 0.7% of Britain’s Gross National Income is spent on aid.
Gross National Income is spent on aid. Ivan

UK pledge to tackle sexual violence in armed conflict

A £1million pledge by the UK Government to help the UN tackle sexual violence in conflict must focus on helping child survivors to rebuild their lives, aid agency World Vision said today.
aid agency World Vision said today. Foreign Secretary William Hague

Lasting peace in DRC only possible if region’s governments step up, says aid agency

Leaders around the world must support peace talks in East Africa, and peacebuilding at the community level, to address the ongoing nightmare facing thousands of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), said international aid agency World Vision.
said international aid agency World Vision. In Uganda on the eve … said Matthew … Scott said. … said Scott.

Failure to tackle malnutrition puts millions of children at risk

World Vision and Save the Children are calling for political promises to be urgently translated into action to avert the deaths of millions of undernourished children, 2.3 million of whom died in 2011 alone.
said the chief executive of Save the Children

Royal couple take time to learn about hardship and hope in Solomon Islands

World Vision today hosted the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who learned about the organisation's work in Burns Creek, a troubled community on the outskirts of Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands.
said said Ellison. … said Ellison. Ellison said the royal visit would leave a lasting

Duchess to meet campaigner tackling domestic violence in Solomon Islands

Women in the Solomon Islands suffer some of the highest rates of domestic violence in the world. Two out of three women aged 15-49 who have ever been in a relationship, reporting experiencing physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner. That is 64 per cent.
said World Vision’s Solomon Islands Country

World Vision highlights need for education and protection for children affected by armed conflict

World Vision has helped highlight the importance of education and protection for children affected by armed conflict at a conference hosted by the Archbishop of Canterbury earlier this week.

World Vision staff describes moment quake hits Costa Rica

A World Vision worker from Costa Rica has spoken of families fleeing from their homes as a powerful earthquake struck the country.

Pigs and Poultry mean Progress in South Africa

World Vision UK child sponsor, James Butler, talks about some of the inspiring World Vision projects he’s visited and the amazing hope they are giving to the women involved.
plus 27 other staff who are paid on some sort of

Lopez Lomong: I did not know it at the time – but my childhood had just ended

Lopez Lomong, who was kidnapped from a Sudanese village aged just six, will run the 5,000m for Team USA at the London 2012 Olympics. This is just part of his story.
he said. The leader of the soldiers ignored him.

Indian Sponsored Children proclaim “Education is our Right!”

Steve Richards, World Vision UK's Children's Communication Specialist, is in India hearing stories from the children of their desire - no, their RIGHT - to education.

Building safety nets to catch children before they fall

Ann Graham shares a personal story of why the West Africa Crisis is so important for us all to take note of and give help to, through the story of one mother's success.
give you the impression that this is an aid agency story with a happy ending. But the

Meeting My Sponsored Child in Sierra Leone

Mia grew up in Sierra Leone, but now lives in London. In this blog she talks about the emotional experience of returning to her homeland to visit her sponsored child.
whole family to remember the occasion.  We said our goodbyes and drove to the school where

Lost Childhood

What is it like to be a child without a childhood? Sent away from home to beg, pulled out of school to support family or too hungry to play – what does it mean to lose your childhood?
Fati. These words should never be said by a

Life on the border – one year on

Amanda Koech, a Communications Officer for World Vision Somalia, describes the scene at a border town in the south-west of the country – and asks how the situation has changed one year after a food crisis was declared in East Africa.
many too afraid to return to the insecurity of their former … and other aid agencies on the … this precious commodity called food. Afraid of the insecurity Back in the Kabasa camp

An amazing last day with World Vision in South Africa

Well, here we are, our last day at Kodumela! We have talked water, fed children a wonderful meal, seen the good that World Vision’s facilitating does, been sang to by old and young, and met a wonderful little boy in red.
World Vision. Drip feed irrigation was then laid down using this new found water source … we said our goodbyes with tears in our eyes. This

My 40th Birthday in Senegal

Today was my 40th birthday. I remember my Mum and Dad heading out to dinner to celebrate Mum’s 40th, when I was just 11. They seemed so old! I don’t feel old at all, and funnily enough, I no longer think they are either. Today I shared my birthday with an elderly Village Chief in a remote village in Senegal, a village that his father established in 1957. He reminisced with me about the good old days. And, I met some confident Senegalese children who had a different tale to tell! This is indeed a suitable 40th birthday story…
he said.