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113 Search results for ‘Summit’

A girl named hope

A decade of conflict in the Eastern DRC, has killed millions and devastated the lives of many through violence, disease and poverty. Living through this uncertainty, a young girl called Esperance is working with local communities to combat sexual and gender based violence.
travel to London last summer for The Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict. At the

We Have Hope

Angela from Watye Ki Gen (We Have Hope) in northern Uganda, works with children whose mothers are former child captives of the Lord Resistance Army. ‘I want to judge and make sure justice is served,’ says Thomas, the son of a survivor of sexual violence, who was abused after being kidnapped. In this blog, Angela reflects on the progress of Watye Ki Gen since last years Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, and the work that still needs to be done.
communities. Achievements after the Global Summit Since I came back from the Global Summit listen to their issues. Even though the summit was held in

‘G7 leaders are putting band-aids on symptoms,’ says World Vision

G7 leaders have missed an opportunity to stand up the world’s most vulnerable children.
makeshift summit following the suspension of … fulfil promises made to children in previous summits. The failure to produce an annual

G7: Last hope for the world's most vulnerable children

Ahead of the G7 summit, World Vision urges PM David Cameron to ensure the world’s most vulnerable children aren’t forgotten.
Ahead of the G7 summit in … the summit

A view from the summit

Ahead of the G7 summit in Berlin, WV's Rob Henderson reflects on Britain's position in the world and how World Vision had made a real difference in the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone.
Minister and the UK delegation at the G7 Summit must fight for vulnerable … years. The commitments made at previous G7 summits made huge steps forward in halving the

Young leaders in the making

What do children living in disaster-prone regions of the world want to see from policymakers? Last month, Henry Makiwa, WV UK Media Manager had a chance to meet some of the extraordinary young speakers at the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan.

Why I care about Action 2015

Sue Tinney, World Vision child sponsor and World Vision Ambassador, blogs about her experiences at the Action/2015 summit in London and how the Sustainable Development Goals can help children like her sponsored child Laurent in Senegal.

Our 50th birthday visit to Tanzania

World Vision UK child sponsor Lesley Gentle travels to Tanzania with her husband and daughter to visit Anna, who she has sponsored for nearly 9 years.
my daughter Erica successfully reached the summit of

Protecting girls from violence

Violence against women and girls is all too prevalent in the world. It crosses cultures, economic status and ethnicity.
sexual violence in conflict since the Global Summit in June 2014 and highlights issues that

Action 2015: Children must not be forgotten

World Vision UK has today urged world leaders to consider the plight of vulnerable children in conflict areas.
and climate change ahead of two crucial summits in New York and Paris later this year. … for ambitious deals at the UN Special Summit on Sustainable Development in September and

Eliminating violence against women and girls

Tuesday 25 November is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, a day devoted to raising awareness of the scale of violence facing women and girls around the globe. Senior Policy Adviser Erica Hall reflects on why the day is important, how far we have come and why it seems like such an unattainable goal.

Celebrating 25 years of child rights

This year both Madeleine, World Vision UK's Child Rights Policy Officer, and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, turn 25. In today's blog Madeleine reflects on the differences brought by 25 years of child rights, and where there is still room for continued growth.
experience was in June this year at the Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict. The … to the summit to take part in

G20 Must Deliver for the Most Vulnerable

G20 leaders must address the abuse and loss of childhood that faces the world’s 168 million child labourers, says World Vision

How Local Advocacy Can Form A Global Agenda: Reflections From The Girl Summit Youth Delegates

Alice and Alfred flew in from Sierra Leone to take part in the Girl Summit to tackle the issues of FGM and early marriage. One month on from their visit, they both take time to reflect on the change they are helping enable from a local to a global level.
and early marriage at the Girl Summit. A month on from their … understand that I was to be part of a global summit on the protection of children and youth from

Girl Summit 2014: Recap, Reflection & Conclusion

As the Girl Summit draws to a close, our Child Rights Programme Advisor Tracy Shields completes Part II of her summit reflection.
Girl Summit Words fail me to tell you how proud we … both Alice and Alfred on the day of the Girl Summit.  Not only did they both give inspiring and

A Glimpse Into Syrian Children's Reality

PhotoVoice partnered with World Vision to run a participatory photography project in Zarqa, Jordan where Syrian children can share their experiences and perspectives on violence in conflict back home.
Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict Global Summit in June. Youths and children are some of

Girl Summit 2014: World Vision leads drive to end FGM and child marriage

Speaking at UK's first Girl Summit, WVUK CEO Justin Byworth shares solutions to end FGM & Early Marriage.
marriage and FGM.  Speaking at the Girl Summit 2014 in … and government services was part of his summit pledge. Tackling FGM and forced marriage

Girl Summit: Children Free From Fear of FGM and Early Marriage

Ahead of next week's Girl Summit our Child Rights Programme Advisor, Tracy Shields shares why she's raising not just her voice and our voice, but the voices of the children living in fear of FGM and early marriage.
ahead of next week's Girl Summit Tracy shares why … 22nd July the UK will host the first Girl Summit with the aim of mobilising efforts to end … within a generation. We need this summit because 1 in 3 girls around the world are

Hope Grows For Survivors of Sexual Violence

Following the summit on sexual violence in London a couple of weeks ago our own Sarah Pickwick shares her own experience of meeting victims and her dreams that the work World Vision does to support them may, one day, be entirely unnecessary.
month's Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict summit. All … Early this month I went along to the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict in … The summit aimed to build momentum towards real change

Youth Delegates: "Sexual Violence Should Not Be A Taboo Issue"

World Vision Youth Delegates Babra, Espe and Suad share their stories to help end sexual violence in conflict.
Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in … for organizing my attendance at the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict. I am … the chance to meet with William Hague at the Summit. He has announced that the government will