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159 Search results for ‘WASH’

A dangerous necessity

For World Toilet Day, Annila Harris travelled to the Bhojpur community in east India to see many of the issues that people face when going to the toilet. Mainly driven by poverty, the practice of defecating in an open field is having an adverse effect on health - particularly for pregnant women, older people and children.
about cleanliness and the importance of washing with soap and … are prone to infections because they do not wash themselves in the field after defecating.

Reconciliation after Ebola

World Vision's Stefanie Glinski recently travelled to Sierra Leone to meet Frances - a 10-year-old girl orphaned by Ebola. As the country is declared Ebola-free, Stefanie found that many survivors like Frances still carry the stigma of the disease.
reminds people to get out of their cars to wash their hands. Beside the … people in a long queue are waiting to wash their hands in a bucket with water from a

Restoring pride to Tacloban

Two years since Typhoon Haiyan swept through the Philippines, Chris Weeks returns to see how Tacloban, a city that bore the brunt of the destruction, was faring as it continues to recover. He found countless painful memories, streets where every household had lost a family member, but also a fresh sense of hope…
across the world. Survivors described a 'washing … I had ever seen. He explained it had been washed up by the

Significant ‘Ebola Free’ milestone reached

Sierra Leone has been officially declared ‘Ebola free’ by the World Health Organisation (WHO), following one of the worst epidemics in recent history – claiming 3,589 lives in the country.
burial practices and the need for hand washing. World Vision has been operating in

Meeting Gift in Zambia

Sally travelled to Zambia with her family to meet Gift, their sponsored child
to produce something like tofu in gravy. We washed our hands in what I feel is a lovely act … your hands for you and pours water while you wash. They then hand you a towel and move on to

An Unforgettable Day in India

Philip and Sally travelled to India to meet Saloni, their sponsored child.
World Vision had installed. Two women were washing stainless steel dishes under a tap and it … us that some of the water was fit to do the washing up and that after another filter it was

An angel of the dump

Eight-year-old Tania is one of an estimated 6.6 million children in Bangladesh who work to support their families. But thanks to intervention from a World Vision backed Learning Centre, children like Tania are finding a beacon of hope amidst the rubbish dumps of Dhaka.
now nags all the family to wash their hands.

My tent, my home

Fourteen-year-old Ahmed is one of millions of children affected by the Syrian conflict that began in 2011. Separated from his parents and seeking refuge in Lebanon, Ahmed works many hours a day in order to ensure his well-being until his parents are able to cross the borders from Syria and find him.
washes his

Visiting progress and inching closer to the end of Ebola in Sierra Leone

As Sierra Leone inches closer to the end of the recent Ebola outbreak that has claimed almost 4,000 lives, WVUK's Celebrity Media Specialist, Siân Merrylees, recently visited our projects there to see for herself how World Vision has helped.
stepping off the plane you are required to wash your hands. At passport … to lay aside the sacred tradition of washing bodies before burial … but deadly when washing the body of an Ebola victim is a prime

Close to a million children in Iraq refugee camps face severe water shortages as sandstorms and heatwave hit the Middle East

World Vision has today called for greater funding and support for families displaced across Iraq as temperatures continue to rise.


Two years after she trekked through the Himalayas on holiday, Emergency Programme Officer Lara returned to Nepal as part of World Vision's earthquake response. She was afraid to see the smiles wiped from the faces, but instead found remarkable levels of grace and resilience.
were learning about the importance of washing their hands and other basic hygiene

A love letter to Nepal

World Vision Communicator Crislyn Felisilda always wanted to travel to Nepal, but never dreamed it would be as part of the global response to an earthquake. Torn between scenes of destruction and beauty, it was the resilience and spirit of the people that made a lasting impression.
region with landslides. The landslides washed away roads and exposed the mountains’ … nearly impossible to access. The freshly washed earth means mountain villages are more

No food, no life

Pregnant mother Sofia describes what it's like to live in a camp in Mozambique following heavy flooding to her home. With many people forced to leave ruined crops, food shortages are a growing problem.
by severe flooding earlier this year. Floods washed away livelihoods and left thousands … corn and cassava. But the crops were washed

Too scared to stay at home

World Vision Ambassador Linda Barker recently visited Cambodia to meet Lee-Ap - a courageous thirteen-year-old girl, who, due to circumstances, acts as a parent to her three siblings.

Ebola - Maseray's Story

After surviving Ebola, Maseray's life was in ruins; her husband and sister had both succumbed to the virus and she didn't know whether she could support her remaining family. That's when she took action - becoming one of the first female burial workers in her district of Sierra Leone.
washing and ironing neighbour’s … washing our deceased loved ones before burial … I begged them to be careful. Stay inside. Wash your hands constantly. Don’t attend the

Sayna's story

We met 12-year-old Sayna - a Bangladeshi girl who has worked as a brick maker since the age of 8. She told us about a typical day in her life, and how child labour was affecting her health and well-being.
wash the dishes and sweep the floor. I feel tired

SMART Consortium Ebola Burial Teams Win Prestigious Bond International Humanitarian Award

World Vision-led SMART (Social Mobilisation and Respectful Burials Through faith-based alliance) consortium has won the prestigious Bond International Humanitarian Award for its efforts in stemming the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone.
such as washing the

Shaking school safety

With ambitions to one day become a doctor, 12-year-old Muskan was looking forward to returning to school after a short break. But sadly she and her friends will have to wait. The earthquake that shook Nepal over the last few weeks had a devastating effect on her school building; with classrooms destroyed and much of the building deemed too unsafe to enter. Muskan describes how it feels to live with the uncertainty that the earthquake has brought.
toilets and clean water to wash and drink. And rebuild the school stronger

Share and share alike

12-year-old Pisey's life has improved since being involved in child sponsorship in Cambodia. A mixture of community hygiene and agriculture projects have put food in bellies and smiles on faces.
always use the toilet now and rewash dishes and cutlery if they’re not clean

Dear Water

Children in Nyatike, Kenya, describe how their lives have been changed for good by the arrival of safe, clean water in their village.
men bathe. Kitchen utensils and clothes are washed. Cattle are brought to drink. Motorbikes … washed. As many as eight factories along the … their waste washes into water sources. For many people