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139 Search results for ‘Bangladesh’

Refugee crisis

We really value your prayers for our work across the world. As a Christian organisation we believe it is important for the goodness and grace of God to permeate all we do. We believe God will use your prayer to bring life in all its fullness to every child, family and community that we work in.
Asia Bangladesh

Polio outbreak in Somalia is symptom of global health inequality

Millions of the world’s most vulnerable children are falling through the cracks, even as child deaths are declining globally, warns World Vision.
who lose their mothers at childbirth. Bangladesh and

Why We Need to Close the Gap

World Vision's Global Campaigns Advisor, Ben Grierson-Hill, explains why he's so invested in this year's #ClosetheGap campaign and why the Millennium Development Goals are too important to ignore.

We are Living Stories

Steve is our Children's Communication Specialist, working with children in our projects around the world, to support them in developing their communication skills. In this blog, Steve shares some of the stories, directly from the children of Bangladesh along with pictures drawn by them:
directly from the children of Bangladesh along with pictures drawn by … in Bangladesh working with World Vision community

Sponsor A Girl

Sponsor a girl change a life forever. Girls face unique challenges to overcome. Become a child sponsor and join us in making a difference.
poorest places such as Bangladesh and Sierra Leone aim to tackle … child birth than women in their twenties. In Bangladesh

Sponsor a child in Bangladesh

Many families in Bangladesh depend on their children to help earn money for the family. Sponsor a child in Bangladesh and allow them to go to school.
means to Amanda and her family. ABOUT BANGLADESH Sponsor a child today and help Bangladesh NGO helping the Bangladeshi people by providing … Adult literacy rate in Bangladesh is as low as

Two Letters, Hundreds of Responses, One Big IF

Saturday 8th June saw the BIG IF in Hyde Park, where we shared two letters from sponsored children living the day-to-day reality of not having enough to eat.
your kind support to the poor people in Bangladesh. My God bless your family. Your loving Rubel

Sponsor a child in Asia

children in countries including India and Bangladesh with clean

Children’s voices must be heard as communities prepare for disasters

Preparing thoroughly for disasters must be at the heart of future aid work, World Vision has said at an international conference on the issue.
The conference follows dramatic scenes in Bangladesh last week as hundreds of World Vision staff … headed across the Bay of Bengal towards Bangladesh. Using

Families take refuge as tropical storm hits Bangladesh

More than a thousand people including scores of children have sought refuge in World Vision’s emergency shelters, as stormy weather from Tropical Cyclone Mahasen strikes the Bangladesh coastline.
 from Tropical Cyclone Mahasen strikes the Bangladesh coastline. 84 World Vision staff and 880 … ready for distribution. The storm hit the Bangladesh coastline on Thursday

Other World Vision Work

When millions of people around the world are suffering through war, famine, poverty and abuse; deciding which crisis to donate to can be hard. That’s why a general donation to World Vision is a great choice, as your donation will go to where the need is greatest.
could help a child living in poverty in Bangladesh attend school

Small scale, big impact: unlock the potential of smallholders and we can achieve Zero Hunger

The single most important thing governments can do to end global hunger is to support the millions of poor women farming tiny plots of land in developing countries, a new report by a group of international charities says today.
a programme in Bangladesh that provided training in home


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Cambodia.
Asia Bangladesh


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Myanmar.
Asia Bangladesh


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Mozambique.
Asia Bangladesh


Please share the prayers of children and communities we work with in Zambia and increase the power they hold.
Asia Bangladesh


Asia Bangladesh


Asia Bangladesh

United Republic of Tanzania

The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Tanzania.
Asia Bangladesh

Sierra Leone

The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Sierra Leone.
Asia Bangladesh