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119 Search results for ‘Child Labour’

Children “May Never Recover” from Syrian Conflict

World Vision is urging world leaders not to forget the ongoing suffering of children caused by the Syrian conflict, as refugee numbers surpassed three million today.

Sponsorship Made My Life Better

Like many children in central Mozambique, Pedrito was born into a poor family and grew up in a mud hut covered by hay with his five brothers, mother and step-father. Thanks to sponsorship, he has been able to pursue his education, and is now in his second year of a technical mechanics course.

World Vision Cup unites youth against violence

World Vision will be hosting its own World Cup that will bring nearly 200 youth from 13 countries together to play football, ahead of the world-renowned FIFA World Cup.
child labour and sexual exploitation during

"I Could Make Six Bracelets In A Day": The Life Of A Child Worker

Sonali started making jewellery at the age of five in order to support her family. Today's blog from our colleague in India shows us how your support helped share Saonali's journey from working crafting jewellery to going to school.
denied an education and forced to work as child labourers. In … have always been more prone to employing child labourers. Raw materials are often delivered to

Polio outbreak in Somalia is symptom of global health inequality

Millions of the world’s most vulnerable children are falling through the cracks, even as child deaths are declining globally, warns World Vision.
Other children in the gap are vulnerable to child labour or


effective approaches to end child labour Working with the

Sponsor a child in Honduras

Sponsor a child in Honduras to provide food, clean water and medicine. Assist in improving their education by training new schoolteachers.
Childhoods are punctuated by child labour and violence.   World Vision has been

Sponsor a child in Bangladesh

Many families in Bangladesh depend on their children to help earn money for the family. Sponsor a child in Bangladesh and allow them to go to school.
young children drop out of school and enter child labour to support their family. Child sponsorship

Sponsor a child in India

Sponsor a child in India and help provide nutrition and education. Many families in India go without food due to floods.
India has the largest number of child labourers under the age of 14 in the world and … India has the largest number of child labourers under the age of 14 in the world and 20

Sponsor a child in Albania

Sponsor a child in Albania and change their lives for the better. Your support will provide education & train families in new farming techniques.
child marriage and child labour. At a … child marriage and child labour.   Child sponsorship in

South Africa

enjoying economic wellbeing. We will address child labour and exploitation and work to ensure fair

Sierra Leone

years are involved in child labour

Sierra Leone

years are involved in child labour


and advocate for enforcement of existing child labour laws. World Vision child sponsorship


and advocate for enforcement of existing child labour laws. World Vision child sponsorship


aged 5 to 14 years of age involved in child labour activities


aged 5 to 14 years of age involved in child labour activities

Child Protection

Find out more on World Vision's child protection work. We protect children from disease, hunger & conflict, so they are free to enjoy childhood.
Early marriage Child labour Sexual and … child labour and abuse. Free from … child labour is down … are now back in school. Awareness of child labour laws has also increased among employers and

Dancing, Mud Huts and Dreams in Malawi

Lisa Blunt, a World Vision Child sponsor, blogs about her recent trip to Malawi and all of the sights, sounds, smells and feelings that came with it.
young people talked about their work on child labour and child work which is so important in