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114 Search results for ‘Drought’


work in Niger began with drought relief efforts in 1973. Since … but frequent droughts and the declining uranium demand have … so recurrent droughts severely affect the economy. More than


Office opened in 1974 in response to severe drought and famine. Since … communities affected by the Horn of Africa drought and food crisis by supporting vulnerable


work in Niger began with drought relief efforts in 1973. Since … but frequent droughts and the declining uranium demand have … so recurrent droughts severely affect the economy. More than


government and other organisations. Recent droughts and declining natural resources have made


government and other organisations. Recent droughts and declining natural resources have made

Emergency Response

About this Christian charity, with a history timeline. World Vision work to bring hope to millions as a sign of God's unconditional love.

Untying the Knot: why early marriage should be seen as violence against women

Hannah Stevenson, Child Rights Policy Officer, explains why World Vision's new report on child marriage, ‘Untying the Knot’ is so important and highlights the need for more to be done to tackle early marriage in the world’s most dangerous places.
told us about the devastating impacts of drought and hunger.

Will the river run dry?

Steve Richards, our Children’s Communication Specialist, shares a story told to him by a village elder on his trip to Niger about the dried up river that he recalls in full flow.

Desperate civilians flee the escalating conflict in Mali.

As the British Government announces a further detachment of technical military personnel to Mali amid continued fighting in the North and West of the country, World Vision has called on foreign secretary William Hague to help ensure safe passage for fleeing refugees.
the impact of a severe drought and the conflict between local government

World Vision Assessment Teams Reach Out to Victims in Superstorm Sandy’s Aftermath

Relief supplies arrive as second South Bronx site opens
there has even been drought. The loss of crops caused by adverse weather

Vulnerable children must be considered as military action proceeds in Mali

BAMAKO, Mali 19 October 2012 -- Any conversations about military intervention in Mali must begin with consideration for the most vulnerable groups, particularly children, who are at risk of getting caught in the crossfire, says World Vision.
both from the current drought and food crisis and the escalating violence

Building safety nets to catch children before they fall

Ann Graham shares a personal story of why the West Africa Crisis is so important for us all to take note of and give help to, through the story of one mother's success.
only used for cattle. They told me a big drought or food crisis hits Niger every five years.

Life on the border – one year on

Amanda Koech, a Communications Officer for World Vision Somalia, describes the scene at a border town in the south-west of the country – and asks how the situation has changed one year after a food crisis was declared in East Africa.
displaced people. Many families fled the drought of 2011 from Southern Somalia as well as … faced a drought. My parents were farmers and didn’t make

Niger, how Child Sponsorship is bringing Hope

Mark Bulpitt, Head of Emergencies, blogs from Niger.
will provide better nutrition and withstand droughts more effectively in the future. After