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320 Search results for ‘Humanitarian’

Bold plan to halt child marriage in jeopardy, warns new report

World Vision is urging the new International Development Secretary Priti Patel to take a lead in ramping up action to eradicate child marriages by 2030.
emergency and humanitarian responses.  Rob Henderson

Children out of school and at work as hunger deepens in Southern Africa, finds report

El Niño is having a devastating impact on children in the Southern Africa region, forcing many into early marriage, child labour and dropping out of school, reveals a report by three leading aid agencies released today.
the international community.  Overstretched humanitarian groups have also warned that the extreme

South Sudan: World Vision calls for protection of children as tens of thousands displaced by intense fighting

The fighting that erupted in South Sudan over the past five days has displaced an estimated 36,000 people, many of them are children.
has been coordinating with the UN and with humanitarian organisations both in Juba and in … East Africa hub for regional international humanitarian organisations. Young

South Sudan’s independence anniversary marred by fresh fighting

World Vision staff are hunkered down in the Juba headquarters following an outbreak of armed fighting within the capital. At one stage shooting took place in the streets outside the World Vision compound.
reductions in donor contributions to the UN Humanitarian Response Plan

World Vision leads the way in Ebola crisis

World Vision has supported more than 1.5million people whose lives were devastated by the Ebola virus, the charity’s latest Impact Report reveals today.
humanitarian and child protection projects in 38

World Refugee Day: Africa reels under refugee crisis as World Vision warns that closure of Dadaab camp will trigger new migrants wave

Shutting the world’s largest refugee camp could unleash a new wave of human migration across North Africa and Europe, according to World Vision UK.
Closing the Dadaab camp in Kenya will risk a humanitarian disaster when … Senior Humanitarian Policy Adviser … World Humanitarian Summit to help alleviate the refugee crisis.

"A positive step forward," says World Vision post-World Humanitarian Summit

World Vision was pleased with the level of participation and commitments to its core priorities.
Following the World Humanitarian humanitarian UN Representative for Humanitarian Affairs and Global Humanitarian policy and … On humanitarian as a founding member of Global Alliance for Humanitarian Innovation

Innovative technology and tools the key to revolutionising humanitarian responses

A coordinated approach is urgently needed when it comes to technologies, tools and models in humanitarian innovation, says World Vision.
and models in humanitarian Speaking at a Special Session at the World Humanitarian the establishment of the Global Alliance for Humanitarian Innovation

Grand Bargain helps move humanitarian system away from one-system-fits-all approach

The humanitarian system must move away from a centralised, one-system-fits-all approach.
The humanitarian system must move away from a … Officer Kevin Jenkins.   The humanitarian system must move away from a centralised … at the Grand Bargain Launch during the World Humanitarian

John Warland | RHS Shows

John Warland is a World Vision child sponsor and award winning garden designer. John created the World Vision garden that will be at the Chelsea and Hampton Court RHS Shows this summer.
traumatic events left millions in need of humanitarian

“Sustainable Development Goals impossible to attain without funding revolution,” warns World Vision UK

Aid agency World Vision UK warns that an increasingly fragile and unstable world could put the global sustainable development goals at risk unless a new funding approach is established.
is established.  Ahead of the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul next … This can create a vicious cycle in which the humanitarian financing system is increasingly

World Vision UK urges local councils to house lone child refugees

International children’s charity World Vision UK is urging local councils across the UK to ‘pull out all the stops’ in finding homes for unaccompanied refugee children from Europe.
But a collective national response to this humanitarian crisis could prove to be one of Britain’s

South Sudan urged to hold onto peace or risk losing another generation to war

As South Sudan’s opposition leader Riek Machar returns to country’s capital Juba for the first time since a civil war erupted more than two years ago, World Vision has warned that the country risks losing another generation of children to war, unless the country holds onto the latest opportunity to have peace.
and urge donor states to fully fund the Humanitarian Response

One year after the Nepal earthquake children still feel frightened

Alongside concerns over living conditions and access to a safe and supportive education, children express feelings of fear and trauma that - if not dealt with - could affect their wellbeing in the future

Building back better one year since Nepal quake

World Vision continues to work alongside families devastated by the Nepal quake which struck one year ago today, ensuring children remain safe and can look to the future.
World Vision continues to partner with other humanitarian

Ecuador’s worst earthquake in almost 30 years claims hundreds of lives

World Vision has leaped into action to help communities hit by a massive earth

World Vision Calls for UK to Open Safe Routes for Child Refugees

World Vision calls on David Cameron to open up safe routes into the UK for children fleeing war, as the Pope shows his concern for the plight of refugee children.

Vulnerable children must be priority for 'one in, one out' deal

The first migrants were deported this morning from Greece under a deal struck between the EU and Turkey. For every Syrian returned to Turkey, another Syrian will be relocated to Europe under the so-called 'one in, one out' deal.
Senior Humanitarian Adviser for World Vision

Syria 5 years on: Children paying the cost of war

What the children of Syria have faced cannot be measured or imagined. They have lost fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and friends. They’ve also lost homes, dreams, the joy of play and an education. It is no exaggeration to say that they have lost their childhoods. World Vision Lebanon’s Sana’a Malouf tells us about the challenges ahead…
and parliamentarians passionately discuss a humanitarian

World Vision calls for safe routes into the UK for Syrian refugees

World Vision is calling on the UK government to create a refugee 'crisis package' that would admit more Syrian refugees into the country at a key international summit in Geneva today.
years. Options for refugees could include humanitarian Senior Humanitarian Policy Advisor for World Vision