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144 Search results for ‘Sudan’

World Vision reaches ½ million people with aid in South Sudan

World Vision's relief effort include food rations, providing seeds, fishing nets, water, sanitation, hygiene services and more.
that their response to the conflict in South Sudan has reached over ½ million people with … displaced since conflict erupted in South Sudan in December

Return to South Sudan

Two decades on from her first foreign assignment covering war and hunger in South Sudan, UK Media Manager Sarah Wilson returns and finds that depressingly little has changed.
I visited South Sudan to report on the humanitarian crisis caused … a camp dubbed Kotobi. Returning to South Sudan two decades later with World … in government forced the family to return to Sudan. They arrived in

What do children in South Sudan eat for breakfast?

Next Monday marks one year since the fighting in South Sudan resumed. The worst fighting came on Boxing Day, when families fled the cosy aftermath of Christmas celebrations for makeshift refugee camps. Intermittent fighting and displacement have disrupted the planting and harvesting cycle, and as fields lie fallow and farmers are scared away, the spectre of hunger looms. Inspired by the recent New York Times piece What Kids Around the World Eat for Breakfast, we asked, what do children in South Sudan eat for breakfast?
marks one year since the fighting in South Sudan resumed. The worst fighting came on Boxing … what do children in South Sudan eat for … World Vision has been working in South Sudan since 1989 and is delivering emergency

New Report: Child protection neglected by donors in South Sudan

World Vision called upon international donors to prioritise the needs of children in South Sudan.
Vision called upon the Government of South Sudan and the international community to … South Sudan Education Cluster … National Director of World Vision in South Sudan.

A year since Typhoon Haiyan: Recovery & Resilience

A year since Typhoon Haiyan: More than a million people assisted; a remarkable journey of resilience.

On the edge of survival

Last year World Vision reached almost eight million people around the world who were struggling to feed themselves and their children. On World Food Day, 16 October, we are thinking of the people who are still struggling to make sure their children get the food they need to grow up healthy and happy.
South Sudan. Abuk and Achan are nearly three years … says Awol. The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has uprooted almost two million people from … to feed her children in the current South Sudan crisis.

South Sudan - World Vision & Other Leading Aid Agencies Warn Famine Imminent

Agencies fear recent improvements will be wiped out as the number of severely hungry people will rise by 1 million in first three months of 2015
35 agencies warned today that parts of South Sudan programme in South Sudan famine comes to South Sudan it will come through the barrel of a gun. … National Director of World Vision South Sudan

Matthew's First Christmas

Nadene recently travelled to South Sudan and the overwhelmed Malakal Refugee Camp where she was heartbroken to hear the stories of people living there.
Nadene recently travelled to South Sudan and the overwhelmed Malakal Refugee Camp … the once peaceful city of Malakal in South Sudan where they lived. His bottom is exposed

South Sudan escapes official famine, but even without a name hunger still kills

South Sudan's food insecurity hasn't worsened to the point of famine, but situation is still very dire.
South Sudan’s food insecurity crisis hasn’t worsened to … hunger. The latest analysis of South Sudan’s food security by the IPC … harvest.  World Vision South Sudan Program Director Perry Mansfield said even

The pursuit of an ideal

This Sunday is International Day of Peace, a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Senior Conflict Adviser Sarah Pickwick reflects that we still have some way to go before ideals become a reality for children around the world.
in the last seven years alone. South Sudan was in a state of civil war for 22

More Cash Needed as Famine Looms in South Sudan

One hundred days after an international donor conference was held to raise money to bring aid to South Sudan, the country urgently requires still more cash as it hovers on the brink of famine.
required to fully fund the Republic of South Sudan Crisis Response Plan until the end of the … is looming in South Sudan. Tens of thousands of children are at risk

World Humanitarian Day: Remembering Lives Given To Bring Others Hope

Johan Eldebo has visited many of the world's worst humanitarian emergencies. In today's blog he shares why marking World Humanitarian Day means so much to him and to the people to whom each and every humanitarian worker brings hope in all that they do.
your lifetime. A child growing up in South Sudan is likely to remain among the

Mud, Mosquitoes and Malakal's Children of War

World Vision UK CEO, Justin Byworth, has recently returned from a trip to see the dramatic, life-threatening impact that the conflict in South Sudan is having on more than half of its population. A few weeks ago he visited Malakal, a sleepy provincial town that has been almost obliterated, where he listened to survivor’s stories.
impact that the conflict in South Sudan is having on more than half of its … all the way to the border with Sudan and then to Khartoum. … Money raised for World Vision's South Sudan appeal will help us continue to reach

Famine Looms as Cholera Strikes the Children of South Sudan

Our CEO, Justin, was in South Sudan last week to see first-hand the wide-ranging and life-threatening effects of the conflict that has raged across the country. In his blog he reflects on the impact of conflict on children who should never have to experience the fear in which they live.
impact that the conflict in South Sudan is having on more than half of its … to follow the conflict in this part of South Sudan South Sudan’s conflict crisis is turning into a food

South Sudan: Not the Independence Day Celebration Anyone Hoped For

The situation is South Sudan is worsening. While the country marks the 3rd anniversary of its independence, nearly half the population is in need of urgent assistance. This is not the Independence Day anyone hoped for.
Yesterday was the third anniversary of South Sudan’s independence. What should have been a … day of struggling for the 1.5 million South Sudanese who have fled their homes due to renewed

Aid effort to avert South Sudan famine in jeopardy

Today marks the 3-year anniversary of South Sudan's independence. The country is on the brink of famine. Urgent funding is needed.
just as the South Sudan humanitarian crisis edges closer to the risk … closure due to a lack of funds.  South Sudan is the most pressing humanitarian crisis in

South Sudan Refugee Appeal

Over 500 000 children have been made homeless by conflict in South Sudan. Hungry and afraid, they are struggling to survive in makeshift camps. Please give now to provide emergency food, water and medical care
Help children in South Sudan Conflict and a terrible famine in South … need your help. The situation in South Sudan is becoming more and more desperate as

Failure of South Sudan Peace Talks Raises Risk of Famine

With more than 1.3 million people displaced and half of them are children, the situation in South Sudan is getting worse every day. The postponement of the peace talk means higher risk of famine, higher risk of children being used as child soldiers, and higher price tag to deal with this disaster.
programs in South Sudan said when the peace talks in Addis Ababa … like ours and the people of South Sudan truly yearn … the situation of South Sudan will continue to deteriorate. Access

World Refugee Day: "Millions Need Assistance"

Today is world refugee day - a day where we are reminded of the cruel reality and hardship refugees face on a daily basis. Fleeing from violence with often nothing but clothes on the backs, families share their sense of powerlessness.
his reflection from his recent trip to South Sudan. By James … of that. When children fall ill in South Sudan often the only thing left for mum and dad to

Angela's Story: "Enough is enough."

At this week’s Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict we’ll be promoting the voice of one survivor whose road to London is one of both heartbreaking pain and heart-warming recovery.