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104 Search results for ‘Uganda’

Military uncertainty in Democratic Republic of Congo brings growing humanitarian crisis

As signs appear that M23 forces in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have started withdrawing from two towns captured from government troops, World Vision is calling for international support to make sure the conflict does not spur a vast humanitarian crisis.
this follows an agreement facilitated by Uganda. The move comes as the continued violence

Loved By Parents tweetathon: raising money for Congolese children affected by conflict

Parenting website Loved By Parents is running a tweetathon in aid of World Vision’s DR Congo appeal, helping children affected by conflict in the region.
to Uganda and to … bullet sounds back in DRC. Living in a Ugandan refugee centre in Kamwenge … Uganda and Rwanda … Uganda and Rwanda assisting children. Their

Justine Greening Speaks on Future of International Aid at Conservative Conference

Defending aid should not be hard sell for new Development Secretary
a village in Uganda in 2008. At the Kiyeyi Health Centre staff … held meetings introducing the community to Ugandan government health standards so that the

Lasting peace in DRC only possible if region’s governments step up, says aid agency

Leaders around the world must support peace talks in East Africa, and peacebuilding at the community level, to address the ongoing nightmare facing thousands of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), said international aid agency World Vision.
international aid agency World Vision. In Uganda on the eve of the 31st International Day of … leaders in Northern Uganda started working together in the 1990s to