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Mothers coming together

As we approach six-months since the earthquake that shook Nepal, Media Specialist Carina Wint has spent a week in one of the hardest hit regions near Kathmandu, seeing how our work in the area has inspired a group of mothers to start their own centre - caring for orphaned and trafficked children.

European resettlement not solution to refugee crisis, new funding models essential - top Conservatives MP tells World Vision fringe event

European resettlement not solution to refugee crisis, new funding models essential, says Desmond Swayne.

World Vision calls for more political commitment to resolve conflicts at Conservative Party Conference

World Vision calls for more political commitment to resolve conflicts as charity hosts fringe event at conference.

Making up for lost time

In refugee camps in Lebanon, people are desperate for some kind of normality to return. From children missing out on an education, to shopkeepers attempting to ply their trade - everybody is conscious of lost time as they wait for peace to come to Syria.


See our blogs from October 2015

Global Goals - the world's new 'to do' list

Last week global leaders, Hollywood stars and even the Pope joined together in New York to celebrate the new set of global goals for the world. Head of Policy Gavin Crowden, gives his view on why the goals are needed and why it's so important that they leave no child behind.

World Vision calls for new approach to respond to protracted conflicts

World Vision calls for new approach to respond to protracted conflicts at Labour Conference.

Leaving nobody behind

This weekend, world leaders meet at the UN in New York to agree to a new set of global goals that charities and governments together will focus on over the next fifteen years. WVUK Social Media Manager Kate Shaw shares three stories on the subject of early/forced marriage - an area that wasn't fully tackled in the last set of goals but that she hopes will be at the top of the table this time around.
me. When I first volunteered to write a blog ahead of the UN conference this

A mother's tears

World Vision Photojournalist Laura Reinhardt spent time at the Serbia-Hungary border this week, meeting refugees and hearing their stories as they wait in limbo. She spoke to mother-of-three Kenaz, who explained how she desperate she is for her husband in Sweden to meet their new son Noor and to reunite the family.


A selection of Supporter Blogs from October 2015


A selection of Supporter Blogs from September 2015

Visiting Mira in Albania

Pam and Martin Stratchan visit Mira in Albania who they sponsor through World Vision UK.

Peaceful in the treetops

World Vision's Suzy Sainovski recently visited in a friend in Lebanon. While she was there, they released an owl back into the wild, who had previously been mistreated, amid sounds of bombing from nearby Syria. This juxtaposition of peace and war invited Suzy to reflect on the futility of conflict.

Twelve short months - Refugees and the Syria crisis

When the UN meets to agree the new Sustainable Development Goals next week, World Vision's Rob Henderson reflects on our collective need to go further this time if we really want the world to move forward in the next fifteen years. With Syria being the humanitarian crisis of our time, our response will define a generation.

A simple gesture

Yesterday was Photojournalist Laura Reinhardt's first day in Serbia witnessing the refugee crisis in Europe firsthand. She met a young couple with their eight-month-old baby, who had just arrived in a taxi, and like thousands of other refugees, were expecting to find a safe haven. Instead they found themselves trapped in the desperate limbo that many refugees are experiencing - stuck near the Serbia-Hungary border, but unable to progress any further.

I just want a life for my family

We spoke to Hassan and Rania on the border between Serbia and Hungary who explained how it feels to be stuck between two countries with their young family. Hassan explained how he managed to find work in Turkey, but ultimately, his children's inability to find education forced them to move on in search of a better life.

A lifeline for Syrian families

For most Syrian families seeking refuge in Lebanon, receiving food vouchers has been a lifeline. However, the value of the vouchers was recently halved due to funding shortfalls, and the change is pushing many families into debt as they try to feed themselves - making their situations even more unstable. We met Mohammad and Zakiya who explained the contrast between their situation now, and their life back in Syria.

Giving hope to refugee families

For many refugees arriving in Serbia, this is the latest stop in an exhausting journey. This week World Vision began distributing baby packs, with diapers and other basics, in camps in Subotica and Kanjiza in northern Serbia, close to the Hungarian border. With an estimated 2,000 migrants crossing the border from Macedonia into Serbia daily, needs are growing.

Engaging youth for change

Ahead of the DFID summit on the Sustainable Development Goals this weekend, Child Rights Policy Officer Madeleine Askham explains how workshops helping youth to recognise barriers that are holding them back, can become key drivers that challenge inequality and lack of opportunity.

The mission that changed my mind

As part of Remember A Charity week, Brian Phillips - a charismatic individual with a passion for change in the world’s poorest regions, will be writing his will during a skydiving session. He shared a story of how a certain mission in West Africa inspired him to devote much of his time to promoting the work of World Vision.