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320 Search results for ‘Humanitarian’

Willing the Rains: Zimbabwe affected by drought and climate change

Sibonisiwe is a mother from the Gwanda district of Zimbabwe. Affected by the relentless drought that has been brought on by climate change and El Nino, Sibonisiwe cannot harvest crops and has little drinking water. She tells us that she is often left feeling exhausted and dizzy as she tries to take care of her young family and her sick husband.
and further humanitarian assistance. Brought on by the El Nino

EU policy on refugees costing children’s lives, says World Vision

Leaders gathered in Brussels today must fulfill their responsibility to protect children, no matter where they live or where they have come from, says World Vision.
resettlement and alternative humanitarian admissions programmes in order to protect

As Syrian war enters 6th year, humanitarian agencies make joint appeal to allow aid to reach those in need

More than 100 humanitarian agencies appealed today - on the fifth anniversary of the start of the Syria conflict - to allow immediate and on-going access to people suffering inside the country.
hopes for peace and allow unconditional humanitarian access across Syria.   Kevin … of support. Allowing people access to humanitarian aid is a legal obligation under

War in Syria costing £3.2bn a month

War is costing Syria more than £3.2bn (US$4.5bn) each month in lost economic growth, a report from children’s charity World Vision and Frontier Economics reveals.
UK has led the international community in humanitarian relief for millions of Syrian children and

Aid agencies urgently responding to unprecedented conflict at UN Protection of Civilians site

Tens of thousands of South Sudanese are living in dire conditions and extreme fear after destruction of most of a UN Protection of Civilian (POC)
the tension and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to those in

A Rock and a Hard Place

A World Vision Supporter, Philip Jinadu, discusses his recent visit to Azraq Refugee Camp. Speaking of the families he met that simply want the best for their children, he talks about how World Vision's schooling projects are making a difference.
us. The Syrian refugee situation is a humanitarian crisis on a scale we’ve not seen before. But … about putting the human back into humanitarian. In April

Syria Bombing Damages A’zaz Hospital | World Vision UK

A World Vision-supported hospital in northern Syria has been damaged by a missile near miss. Read more on the Syria crisis from charity World Vision.
blatant disregard for international humanitarian law by all parties to the conflict. … Syria report an increasingly restricted humanitarian space which means greater difficulty in

Pancakes around the world

While not every country celebrates Shrove Tuesday, pancakes and flatbreads form a staple diet in many of the countries we work in. Whether it's lunchtime pancakes in the Philippines enjoyed by Kenneth and his friends, or 'injera' flatbread eaten by siblings Dawit and Fikeraddis in Ethiopia, we're taking a look at how this simple treat is eaten around the world.
first charities on the ground in response to humanitarian

Children’s lives at stake unless Syria Crisis donors ‘shift up a gear’

World leaders gathering in London today must make a realistic and robust funding pledge.
and serious commitments to ensure humanitarian access for the millions of people still in … with a complete disregard for international humanitarian law. 

Serbia: Sadness starts in the South

Our Head of Policy Gavin Crowden spent last week in Serbia, walking with refugees and hearing their stories. What he found were parents who had fled a depleted Syria, desperately searching for a 'home' that often exists amongst relatives abroad, and a future for their children.
one of the things not really spoken about in humanitarian circles. And this time was tougher still as

Cautious welcome for Government's child refugee announcement

Britain's decision to take more unaccompanied child refugees from Syria is honourable but we need more.
World Vision UK's Senior Humanitarian Advisor

Water is life

For father-of-four Ali, fleeing the conflict in Syria was only the start of his families’ hardship. Reaching the relative safety of a refugee camp in Lebanon, it was the difficulty in obtaining safe water that was not only a daily struggle, but also a real health risk. But thanks to a World Vision ‘Water, Sanitation and Hygiene’ programme, the availability of clean water is helping to keep Ali’s family and the wider community healthy.

Freezing in the cold

Sitting in the middle of an empty field near the border-crossing between Serbia and Croatia, Rima, a Syrian refugee is in tears as she describes how she felt when her eight-year-old daughter Aya begged her to let her die. Brenda Yu hears her story...
we will be seeing an escalation of the humanitarian crisis on our shore. World Vision UK’s

Relief as convoys reach besieged Syrian town

World Vision and other NGOs urged for a complete end to the six-month siege and a guaranteed of aid and humanitarian services.
for sustained aid deliveries alongside humanitarian services will alleviate the crisis in these … siege of civilian areas and ensure permanent humanitarian

“Sieges like Madaya hinder our ability to help Syrian refugees”, warns World Vision

Sieges like #Madaya remain "one of most critical issues in #Syria hindering our ability to help", warns World Vision.
the humanitarian community cannot reach even five per cent of … unfettered and effective humanitarian access of impartial aid agencies to all … in order to respond to the humanitarian needs of all civilians affected by the

Most important New Year’s Resolutions

World Vision meets with Ibrahim, Isa & their 8-month-old baby Lubab. Recalling the events that drove them to flee Syria, Ibrahim and Isa discuss their journey to Serbia and their wish for baby Lubab to grow up free from fear.
Syrian refugee crisis is one of the largest humanitarian emergencies of our

Too cold to get out of bed

With winter approaching, many of the families who escaped fighting in Iraq, now find themselves sheltering in unfinished buildings at the Syrian border. We met siblings Hareman and Manaa who are trying to make the best of a desperate situation by keeping warm and playing with the other children staying nearby.

The untold story

Melany Markham reflects on the difficulties faced by communicators working in South Sudan, when trying to tell the story of thousands of children facing a humanitarian catastrophe. From constraints on taking photographs, to tackling the huge distances between camps, the challenges are numerous but mask an important story that needs to be told.
the amount of money raised to help with a humanitarian situation … United Nations operates the air service for humanitarian organisations a return ticket within South

One good thing

World Vision Communicator Melany Markham tells us the story of Nyahok – an eleven-year old girl, who currently lives in a camp in South Sudan. Unlike 85% of girls across the country, Nyahok goes to school and her education will set her apart in a country where only one in six women can read and write.

The life of a young refugee girl in Diffa

Martha looks like any other 17-year-old girl, but her life has been far from ordinary. Having fled her home in northern Nigeria, Martha found herself in a refugee camp in the Diffa region of Niger. Initially separated from her parents, it's taken a while for Martha to adjust to life in the camp. But with no school, no safe water points, and no immediate access to health facilities, the camp is unable to offer children like Martha the opportunities they had before...
is currently working in Diffa to implement humanitarian protection and WASH programmes to an … people who are in need of humanitarian assistance.