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140 Search results for ‘Syrian Refugee Crisis’

Painful memories

Like a lot of boys his age, Abdurrahman, 9, from Syria imitates sounds. Today, he is imitating the sound of rockets.

Syrian refugee crisis stretching aid effort to its limits say aid agencies

Many Syrian refugees living outside camps across countries in the region are losing out on the help they desperately need, according to five international aid agencies today.

Children 'scared for the future' as Syria crisis takes toll on neighbouring countries

Communities in Lebanon are at 'breaking point' as refugees fleeing deadly violence in neighbouring Syria continue to pour into the country - putting children further at risk, aid agency World Vision warns today.
The Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Host Communities in

World Vision welcomes £50m UK support to Lebanon as refugee numbers soar

Today the UK’s Secretary of State for International Development announced that that the UK will allocate £50 million to help both Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Lebanese people affected by the crisis.

Miriam's Paradise: a small tent in Lebanon

For World Refugee Day our colleague, Joy Toose, from World Vision Australia - currently seconded to Lebanon - shares the moving story of Miriam and her 3 grandchildren living on the kindness of strangers.

Raw Hope

Raw Hope is an initiative from World Vision, which has been set up to save and protect children in the world’s most dangerous places.

Syria Crisis Appeal

The conflict in Syria is entering its seventh year. As tens of thousands flee Aleppo while the fragile ceasefire holds, we urgently need your help to support deeply traumatised children making their escape. Young children and babies are the most vulnerable. We need your help. Please donate now.

Fear for girls in Syrian conflict

Aid agency World Vision is today voicing concerns that the risk of girls as young as 12 being married could increase, as parents who flee Syria struggle to protect their children amid a deepening humanitarian crisis.

The stench of despair

Nadene Robertson from World Vision UK has been in Lebanon meeting families who have had to flee from Syria. In this blog she writes about the incredibly difficult conditions people are living in, in the south of the country.

Our baby survived rocket attack

Muna, a mother of five from Syria, vividly describes the night their village came under attack from rockets and fled for Lebanon.

DEC Syria Crisis Appeal reaches £4.2 million

Members of the UK public have so far donated a generous £4.2 million to the DEC Syria Crisis Appeal. More than five million people affected by the fighting now need urgent humanitarian aid, with three million of those forced from their homes.

'There's no way to describe the horrors we've seen': a Syrian refugee family's plight in Jordan

Abdullah, a father of five talks about the harsh realities of life for Syrian refugees. “We have used up all our tears, so now we are smiling.”

DEC announces Syria Crisis Appeal

The Disasters Emergency Committee is launching an appeal for people affected by the conflict in Syria. The announcement follows a dramatic deterioration in the humanitarian situation since the beginning of the year.

Emergency Response

About this Christian charity, with a history timeline. World Vision work to bring hope to millions as a sign of God's unconditional love.

Children bear brunt of Syria fighting as refugee numbers top one million

As the number of refugees fleeing Syria tops one million, children are bearing the brunt as the situation worsens, warns World Vision. Almost two years since the start of conflict in Syria, and the numbers of refugees fleeing the country has reached one million, much sooner than anyone predicted.

Three weeks on a park bench and a harsh winter ahead – Yasmin’s story

World Vision UK Communications Officer, Vikki Meakin writes about the work World Vision are doing to help Syrian refugees left cold and homeless in Lebanon.

Children are bearing the brunt of the Syria crisis say World Vision

In Bekaa valley, 11-year-old Taghrid lives with 16 other people in a cold, ramshackle, tent-like construction. Her family has been here for four months, after fleeing from Syria.

Middle East reflections

World Vision CEO Justin Byworth reflects on his time in the Middle East and the complexities of the region’s relationships, which are all too often under intense pressure.

Lebanese Generosity: “They are our family, not just our neighbours,”

Justin Byworth, World Vision UK CEO, travelled to Lebanon to see first hand the almost unbearable pressure the country is under with the influx of Syrian refugees.

“We told her the bombing was balloons popping” – A Mother’s Heartbreak in Lebanon

Our CEO, Justin Byworth, is in Lebanon trying to understand what life is like for the thousands of refugees fleeing from the conflict in Syria.