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159 Search results for ‘WASH’

Update: World Vision's Regional Syria Crisis Response

The conflict in Syria has now been going on for more than three years. Here's an update on our effort in the region thus far.
from a World Vision water station from our WASH work

Mothers Are Strong And Resilient: Reflecting On Tackling Early Childhood Deaths

Sarah Morgan reflects on her work in the field helping children to survive to celebrate their fifth birthday as she plans to do exactly that with her own daughter back in the UK.

Sponsorship Made My Life Better

Like many children in central Mozambique, Pedrito was born into a poor family and grew up in a mud hut covered by hay with his five brothers, mother and step-father. Thanks to sponsorship, he has been able to pursue his education, and is now in his second year of a technical mechanics course.

Famine Looms as Cholera Strikes the Children of South Sudan

Our CEO, Justin, was in South Sudan last week to see first-hand the wide-ranging and life-threatening effects of the conflict that has raged across the country. In his blog he reflects on the impact of conflict on children who should never have to experience the fear in which they live.
been given a bar of soap to wash their hands before eating and have oral … never washed or sanitised my hands more times than this

Life Begins Again At Asraq For Syrian Refugees

Tomorrow is World Refugee Day and here we share a blog from one of our Canadian colleagues currently seconded to our Jordanian office, who shares the hope that Syrian refugees still cling to even as they settle into their new surroundings at the newly-opened Azraq refugee camp.
while their parents wash

6 Months On: Building-back-better with communities

Cebu City, Philippines – World Vision is helping rebuild 14,000 houses six months after super typhoon Haiyan wrought havoc and devastation to an estimated 16 million Filipinos in Central Visayas in the Philippines. As response work transitioned from emergency to recovery, assistance has reached out to over 713,000 people at 533 villages in 48 municipalities.

"I Don't Know If I Can Do This"

Duncan, one of three World Vision UK staff running the Milton Keynes Marathon on Monday, explains why he decided to do it, and what motivated him to keep pounding out the miles.
And sometimes I do. But other times it just washes over me because it’s difficult to

"The Flood Is Like A Thief": How World Vision Is Helping Solomon Islanders

28-year-old mother Rebecca tell a World Vision volunteer about escaping the flash floods that have affected more than 52,000 people and how they will be getting their lives back on track.
their possessions. The force of the water washed them … house next door has nearly washed away and only has one metre of land

British government pledges £300,000 to help World Vision reach flash flood victims in Solomon Islands

saw homes on the Pacific island chain washed away by heavy rains. Around

World Vision urges more funding for South Sudan as UN warns of insufficient aid

The UN has raised fresh concerns about the lack of humanitarian funding being given to projects in South Sudan.
people with WASH in providing WASH it is critical that WASH services are provided to keep children safe

Eyewitnesses describe ‘Pandemonium’ as violence breaks out in Malakal

Last week’s fighting around Malakal, in the Upper Nile State, displaced thousands and left many dead. Eyewitnesses report that hundreds of decomposing corpses still lay strewn all over the town.

Our visit to our sponsored child, Chrestina in South Africa

It's wonderful to hear stories and see pictures of our ADPs whenever our Child Sponsors actually go to visit their Sponsored Child and family! We're grateful for Garry's kind words: "World Vision is clearly doing a great deal for this community - and others like it all over the world. It was a real pleasure, and a day we’ll never forget, to see the work first-hand." We hope you enjoy reading more about Garry and Nina's experience, meeting Chrestina in South Afirca.

Tacloban Rises

Our CEO, Justin, writes movingly of the deep devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan and reflects on the legendary resilience of the Filipino people who, despite everything, are getting on with their lives and rebuilding what they lost.
naked washed up above the ship.  We were thankful

Restoring Clean Water to Typhoon-Hit Communities

Where do your emergency donations go? In the wake of Typhoon Haiyan, Leoniza explains how the assessment team delivered just the right solution for this community, keeping its children safe from illness and disease.
they can properly wash their hands and readily available water … WASH Coordinator Ronnie Santos explains.

Lake Chad Basin Update

distributed soap and hand washing kits and organised hygiene sessions for

World Vision Emergency Communicators: Into the Heart of a Tragedy

An eye-witness report of the destruction caused by the Uttarakhand flash floods and World Vision's relief distribution in the affected regions.
India has also had to deal with flash floods washing away huge swathes of … schools washed away and farmlands dissolved in … livestock have been washed

I was a World Vision Sponsored Child

We met Abu a couple of weeks ago at the World Vision ambassador training. He was one of the people who decided to give up his time to talk to his local community about the work of World Vision. As soon as he stood up and started speaking, we knew he had an amazing story to tell. Abu’s journey with World Vision truly inspired us and we would like to share his story with you too:
one piece of clothing for each year. When I washed my clothes in the

Refugee crisis

We really value your prayers for our work across the world. As a Christian organisation we believe it is important for the goodness and grace of God to permeate all we do. We believe God will use your prayer to bring life in all its fullness to every child, family and community that we work in.
cleaning the tent and washing dishes. The family had no choice but to

Meeting our sponsored child Sylvia in rural Uganda

We hope you enjoyed reading Chris and Jon's stories from last week about health care and primary schools in Uganda. Here is another lovely piece from the couple about them meeting their sponsored child, Syliva:
as we exchanged presents. We had bought a wash bag with toiletries for Sylvia’s

Sponsor a child in Bolivia

Sponsor a child in Bolivia and help end child malnourishment. Your support will also support local farmers in the child’s community.
The data is published in the World Vision WASH Annual Review. Based on an average of 4.9