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248 Search results for ‘Child Protection’

Too young for marriage

14-year-old Virginia knows from personal experience how destructive the practice of early marriage can be. She tells us the story of one of her friends who dropped out of school and fell into early marriage at just 13 years old.Just two weeks following the birth of twins, her husband vanished, leaving her without the income or means to look after them. Virginia tells us her story…

Serbia: Sadness starts in the South

Our Head of Policy Gavin Crowden spent last week in Serbia, walking with refugees and hearing their stories. What he found were parents who had fled a depleted Syria, desperately searching for a 'home' that often exists amongst relatives abroad, and a future for their children.

Overcoming obstacles: a unique visit to Albania

Sue Lavender, a World Vision UK child sponsor, talks about overcoming the challenges associated with being deaf and blind, and going on a fantastic adventure to visit her sponsored child, Olsi and his family in Albania.
and introduced to staff. After filling in child protection forms a member of staff informed us that

Restoring pride to Tacloban

Two years since Typhoon Haiyan swept through the Philippines, Chris Weeks returns to see how Tacloban, a city that bore the brunt of the destruction, was faring as it continues to recover. He found countless painful memories, streets where every household had lost a family member, but also a fresh sense of hope…
shelter and child protection. Last

Significant ‘Ebola Free’ milestone reached

Sierra Leone has been officially declared ‘Ebola free’ by the World Health Organisation (WHO), following one of the worst epidemics in recent history – claiming 3,589 lives in the country.
Water Sanitation and Hygiene and Child Protection.

World turned upside down

Six-year-old Abishek was severely affected by the Nepal earthquake that devastated his home district of Sindupalchowk back in April of this year. Hundreds of schools were damaged beyond repair and many children, including Abishek, were out of education for the months that followed.
one of our child protection specialists explains that children are very

An angel of the dump

Eight-year-old Tania is one of an estimated 6.6 million children in Bangladesh who work to support their families. But thanks to intervention from a World Vision backed Learning Centre, children like Tania are finding a beacon of hope amidst the rubbish dumps of Dhaka.
was unaware of issues like child rights and child protection until recently. … among parents about the importance of child protection. As one of the project’s child protection

World Vision warns of increased child abuse cases following latest spate of violence in Central Africa Republic

World Vision UK's Erica Hall who was in CAR when the fighting erupted shares her concerns for children.
funding is available for child protection and educational programmes in the

Mothers coming together

As we approach six-months since the earthquake that shook Nepal, Media Specialist Carina Wint has spent a week in one of the hardest hit regions near Kathmandu, seeing how our work in the area has inspired a group of mothers to start their own centre - caring for orphaned and trafficked children.
The centre first started working on child protection after a group of local women attended one of … months since the earthquake we have set up child protection

Leaving nobody behind

This weekend, world leaders meet at the UN in New York to agree to a new set of global goals that charities and governments together will focus on over the next fifteen years. WVUK Social Media Manager Kate Shaw shares three stories on the subject of early/forced marriage - an area that wasn't fully tackled in the last set of goals but that she hopes will be at the top of the table this time around.
for. World Vision works on child protection

Giving hope to refugee families

For many refugees arriving in Serbia, this is the latest stop in an exhausting journey. This week World Vision began distributing baby packs, with diapers and other basics, in camps in Subotica and Kanjiza in northern Serbia, close to the Hungarian border. With an estimated 2,000 migrants crossing the border from Macedonia into Serbia daily, needs are growing.
to expand its work to include providing child protection services in the Serbian camps and beyond.

The mission that changed my mind

As part of Remember A Charity week, Brian Phillips - a charismatic individual with a passion for change in the world’s poorest regions, will be writing his will during a skydiving session. He shared a story of how a certain mission in West Africa inspired him to devote much of his time to promoting the work of World Vision.

World Vision expands Syria crisis humanitarian response

With hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing to Europe and millions forced out of Syria into its neighbouring countries World Vision is expanding its humanitarian response to address emerging challenges.
child protection and education assistance and since 2011 has

Action 2015 | Fighting for an end to child marriage

Senior Child Rights Programme Adviser Tracy Shields reflects on the tragedy of child marriage prior to her visit to Malawi - where 50% of girls under 18 fall prey to the practice. However, a worldwide remedy may come in the form of the Sustainable Development Goals and the pledge to 'eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage' by 2030.
where most of my child protection work will be looking at the issue of child … I work across many child protection issues and child marriage is one that I am

Meeting with Alice and Alfred | FGM and teen pregnancy during Ebola

World Vision's Zena John met with Alice and Alfred during the 2014 London Girls Summit. Alice and Alfred are teenagers from a district in the southern province of Sierra Leone where World Vision has worked for years, and they are passionate about seeing real change in their community.
in their communities. They are providing child protection and psychosocial first aid for children in


Two years after she trekked through the Himalayas on holiday, Emergency Programme Officer Lara returned to Nepal as part of World Vision's earthquake response. She was afraid to see the smiles wiped from the faces, but instead found remarkable levels of grace and resilience.

A love letter to Nepal

World Vision Communicator Crislyn Felisilda always wanted to travel to Nepal, but never dreamed it would be as part of the global response to an earthquake. Torn between scenes of destruction and beauty, it was the resilience and spirit of the people that made a lasting impression.

World Vision warns of worsening refugee crisis ahead of Burundi elections

World Vision has today called for more funding and international support for the refugee crisis in Tanzania ahead of the Burundi elections tomorrow.
World Vision has been providing child protection training courses in villages along the

Sayna's story

We met 12-year-old Sayna - a Bangladeshi girl who has worked as a brick maker since the age of 8. She told us about a typical day in her life, and how child labour was affecting her health and well-being.

A view from the summit

Ahead of the G7 summit in Berlin, WV's Rob Henderson reflects on Britain's position in the world and how World Vision had made a real difference in the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone.