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320 Search results for ‘Humanitarian’

Sponsor An Orphan

Orphan sponsorship is the most effective and rewarding way to help orphans in need. Sponsor an orphan child to make a lasting difference in that child's life forever.
beneficiaries for both development and humanitarian emergency programmes. This is combined with … humanitarian and

Holding onto hope in a crisis

As a vegetable oil producer, life was very comfortable for 50-year-old Aisha from Damasak, Nigeria. Along with her husband, a general trader, they were able to comfortably take care of their 12 children.
people are currently in need of humanitarian assistance due to

An evacuation into Congo, a satellite phone and worlds colliding

Senior Humanitarian Policy Advisor Johan Eldebo describes being recently evacuated from Central African Republic due to fighting nearby, and how this has strengthened his resolve to work with people living in the world's most difficult places.
Senior Humanitarian Policy Adviser During security … for a dollar. But that's the place where humanitarian aid really makes a

As record numbers of refugees arrive in Europe, World Vision warns of escalating humanitarian crisis due to severe winter weather conditions

Ahead of EU Summit tomorrow in Malta, World Vision warns of escalating humanitarian crisis if no concrete result is delivered.
senior humanitarian

Reconciliation after Ebola

World Vision's Stefanie Glinski recently travelled to Sierra Leone to meet Frances - a 10-year-old girl orphaned by Ebola. As the country is declared Ebola-free, Stefanie found that many survivors like Frances still carry the stigma of the disease.

The difference shelter makes

Nine-year-old Sujita is still terrified when she remembers the two major tremors that shook her home in Nepal, forcing her family to sleep outside in the open. But thanks to World Vision distributions in her area, Sujita and her family can at least sleep safely under proper shelter while they wait for normality to return.

Mothers coming together

As we approach six-months since the earthquake that shook Nepal, Media Specialist Carina Wint has spent a week in one of the hardest hit regions near Kathmandu, seeing how our work in the area has inspired a group of mothers to start their own centre - caring for orphaned and trafficked children.
Nepali children who are in need of humanitarian assistance. Mothers coming together In

European resettlement not solution to refugee crisis, new funding models essential - top Conservatives MP tells World Vision fringe event

European resettlement not solution to refugee crisis, new funding models essential, says Desmond Swayne.
response to a humanitarian emergency that we have ever

World Vision calls for more political commitment to resolve conflicts at Conservative Party Conference

World Vision calls for more political commitment to resolve conflicts as charity hosts fringe event at conference.
focus will be on the unprecedented levels of humanitarian crises as a result of conflicts around the

Global Goals - the world's new 'to do' list

Last week global leaders, Hollywood stars and even the Pope joined together in New York to celebrate the new set of global goals for the world. Head of Policy Gavin Crowden, gives his view on why the goals are needed and why it's so important that they leave no child behind.

World Vision calls for new approach to respond to protracted conflicts

World Vision calls for new approach to respond to protracted conflicts at Labour Conference.
humanitarian needs on the ground are not being matched by … cannot respond to the growing number of humanitarian crises worldwide and we need to have a

A mother's tears

World Vision Photojournalist Laura Reinhardt spent time at the Serbia-Hungary border this week, meeting refugees and hearing their stories as they wait in limbo. She spoke to mother-of-three Kenaz, who explained how she desperate she is for her husband in Sweden to meet their new son Noor and to reunite the family.
still desperately need support as humanitarian needs continue to grow and winter draws

Twelve short months - Refugees and the Syria crisis

When the UN meets to agree the new Sustainable Development Goals next week, World Vision's Rob Henderson reflects on our collective need to go further this time if we really want the world to move forward in the next fifteen years. With Syria being the humanitarian crisis of our time, our response will define a generation.
the way it did this summer. Syria is the humanitarian crisis of our time and our response will

World Vision launches Refugee Crisis appeal as EU leaders meet in Brussels

World Vision UK has launched an emergency appeal as the refugee crisis in Europe continues to escalate.
Vision is scaling up its efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to thousands of desperate refugees in

World Vision expands Syria crisis humanitarian response

With hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing to Europe and millions forced out of Syria into its neighbouring countries World Vision is expanding its humanitarian response to address emerging challenges.
countries World Vision is expanding its humanitarian response to address emerging challenges. … Europe. World Vision is now expanding its humanitarian response beyond

The struggle for an education

In southern Lebanon, Syrian school-age children are struggling to get places at school due to overcrowding and a strain on resources. We met Baker, a 5-year-old Syrian refugee who was determined to go to a World Vision run Early Childhood Education Programme, in spite of his disability.
Syria as refugees and are now in need of humanitarian assistance and support. Our Syria Crisis … the humanitarian response in Syria is chronically

Visiting progress and inching closer to the end of Ebola in Sierra Leone

As Sierra Leone inches closer to the end of the recent Ebola outbreak that has claimed almost 4,000 lives, WVUK's Celebrity Media Specialist, Siân Merrylees, recently visited our projects there to see for herself how World Vision has helped.

South Sudan: Deal Just Start of Long Road to Peace

World Vision and other agencies say new peace deal is only the beginning of a long journey towards peace and reconciliation.
guarantee their safe access to humanitarian Rescue Committee to deliver unencumbered humanitarian assistance to those most in

Talking with a former child soldier in CAR

Public Affairs and Government Relations Officer Sarah has been working on the SDGs for the past year. This summer she visited the conflict torn Central African Republic, and met a former child soldier named Francis. Francis' experiences symbolise the main failings of the MDGs, and what we need to do better over the next 15 years.
of humanitarian needs are currently unmet. After three

Staying hopeful in the heat

World Vision's Therese Boulos recently visited the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, to see how Syrian families were coping in the heatwave that is currently sweeping the region. She met seven-year-old Rasha and her family who were trying to stay positive in spite of the food and electricity shortages.