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268 Search results for ‘Nutrition’

After a traumatic year, the children of Gaza look to 2015

The children of Gaza have suffered so much this year, but with the help of shelters and child-friendly spaces, they've been trying to piece their lives back together. We spoke to them about their wishes and hopes for the coming year.

A decade on - the Boxing Day tsunami

A decade ago today, a massive undersea earthquake triggered a tsunami that affected 12 countries and took the lives of more than 230,000 people. In response to the disaster World Vision launched its largest ever relief operation across five countries simultaneously. Ten years on, we’ve gathered a collection of stories from staff and survivors to tell you the tale of destruction, loss, and rebuilding.
projects that worked to improve health and nutrition for the various communities impacted by the

What do children in South Sudan eat for breakfast?

Next Monday marks one year since the fighting in South Sudan resumed. The worst fighting came on Boxing Day, when families fled the cosy aftermath of Christmas celebrations for makeshift refugee camps. Intermittent fighting and displacement have disrupted the planting and harvesting cycle, and as fields lie fallow and farmers are scared away, the spectre of hunger looms. Inspired by the recent New York Times piece What Kids Around the World Eat for Breakfast, we asked, what do children in South Sudan eat for breakfast?
it burns her mouth. It has very little nutritional

New Deal: View from Somalia

Ibrahim Eid is a both a farmer and a pastoralist as well as being chairman of his local village in south central Somalia.

The road to Mandalay

World Vision artist ambassador Dave Bilbrough recently visited his sponsored child Myo in Myanmar, and was incredibly encouraged by all the positive work he saw in the community there.
and ongoing nutrition and hygiene education programmes. We also

New Report: The Plight of Central African Republic's Children

Children are paying the price of violent conflict in CAR that is denying them their most basic rights to food, education, health & security.
children suffer from malnutrition and … to more children suffering and dying from malnutrition or related

Ebola Crisis Update

Now that Sierra Leone is Ebola Free, we look back at the outbreak and ahead to what still needs to be done.
We'll continue to operate health and nutrition programmes for … food assistance through cash transfers. A nutrition programme will support children under the

Ebola's children

Across Sierra Leone, the Ebola epidemic is affecting children in a number of ways. Children have been orphaned, some have contracted the virus, sadly some children have died from the disease. Children who have so far managed to escape direct contact with the virus have been victims of pervasive fear and no longer play with one another. Large public gatherings of any kind have been banned to help stop the spread of the disease, but this is hurting incomes and educations, and will soon begin to affect nutrition as well. In today’s blog, we tell the story of four children - Hawa, Salay, Marie and Christian – and how Ebola has affected each of them.
and will soon begin to affect nutrition as well. In today’s … hunger and malnutrition loom in the new year.

BBC crew returns to Ethiopia, 30 years after historic broadcast

World Vision is back in Ethiopia as we mark the 30th anniversary of Michael Buerk & Mike Wooldridge’s harrowing and moving reports.
poor maternal nutritional status and low utilization of health

On the edge of survival

Last year World Vision reached almost eight million people around the world who were struggling to feed themselves and their children. On World Food Day, 16 October, we are thinking of the people who are still struggling to make sure their children get the food they need to grow up healthy and happy.
have been severely affected by malnutrition. The twins have been suffering bouts of … Achan relapsed into malnutrition in February due to inadequate food at home.

New report challenges thinking on food assistance to hungry

Food assistance alone is not sufficient to achieve a hunger-free world.
are chronically undernourished and poor nutrition causes about 45 per cent of preventable … aims to rid the world of hunger and child malnutrition. Among its goals is to dramatically increase

South Sudan escapes official famine, but even without a name hunger still kills

South Sudan's food insecurity hasn't worsened to the point of famine, but situation is still very dire.
acute malnutrition rates exceed 30 per

Report: Stop at Nothing: Post-2015 Goals for Children

The biggest lesson of the Millennium Development Goals was that ending global poverty depends on reaching the most vulnerable children.
The annual costs associated with child undernutrition in Africa have been found to be between 1.9 … nutrition and

Time for a Rethink on Conflict and Peace, says World Vision

Today is the International Day of Peace. Now more than ever leaders need to focus on a global strategy for peace

Planning for our children’s future

Geeta Bandi-Philips, World Vision UK's External Relations Manager reflects on the Post 2015 policy debates, and how World Vision can help shape the conversation to achieve the best future possible for the world's children.
healthcare and eliminating hunger and malnutrition. Address peace and stability in fragile and

More Cash Needed as Famine Looms in South Sudan

One hundred days after an international donor conference was held to raise money to bring aid to South Sudan, the country urgently requires still more cash as it hovers on the brink of famine.
of children are at risk of dying from malnutrition. These children cannot wait. Do we have to … children could die from malnutrition by the end of the year if immediate measures

Mothers Are Strong And Resilient: Reflecting On Tackling Early Childhood Deaths

Sarah Morgan reflects on her work in the field helping children to survive to celebrate their fifth birthday as she plans to do exactly that with her own daughter back in the UK.
Senior Nutrition and Child Health … Senior Nutrition and Child Health Adviser for World Vision

Mud, Mosquitoes and Malakal's Children of War

World Vision UK CEO, Justin Byworth, has recently returned from a trip to see the dramatic, life-threatening impact that the conflict in South Sudan is having on more than half of its population. A few weeks ago he visited Malakal, a sleepy provincial town that has been almost obliterated, where he listened to survivor’s stories.
rubble a few leftover posters from a child nutrition project and the office staff notice board

Famine Looms as Cholera Strikes the Children of South Sudan

Our CEO, Justin, was in South Sudan last week to see first-hand the wide-ranging and life-threatening effects of the conflict that has raged across the country. In his blog he reflects on the impact of conflict on children who should never have to experience the fear in which they live.
malnourished and in a normal year acute malnutrition can impact one in five

Aid effort to avert South Sudan famine in jeopardy

Today marks the 3-year anniversary of South Sudan's independence. The country is on the brink of famine. Urgent funding is needed.
in South Sudan are at risk of severe malnutrition. Every delay in securing funds means higher