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159 Search results for ‘WASH’

Sponsor a child in Ethiopia

Sponsor a child in Ethiopia, where communities often suffer drought. Your help will provide children with food, clean water, education & more.
The data is published in the World Vision WASH Annual Review. Based on an average of 4.9

A Longed-For Day to Remember

World Vision Ambassador Fiona Thompson tells us about meeting her sponsored child, Aloyse, on her trip to Senegal.
he had gone to the well to wash and change into his best clothes. Judging by

Expecting the unexpected in South Africa

World Vision sponsor Cara went to South Africa to visit her sponsored child in a visit with a dramatic final twist.
meal. They all queue up to get their hands washed before receiving their

A day in the life of a sponsored child in Zambia

Our friend Duncan from World Vision UK recently went to Zambia on a mission to find out how sponsored children, just like yours, spend their days.
showing me the shelter where they wash. I ask him if he has to go and collect water


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Myanmar.
has not been easy for the family. Hla washes clothes and does household chores for


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Mozambique.
wash dishes or do some cleaning.  In exchange I

The stench of despair

Nadene Robertson from World Vision UK has been in Lebanon meeting families who have had to flee from Syria. In this blog she writes about the incredibly difficult conditions people are living in, in the south of the country.
unwashed bodies. It catches your throat and makes … cross contamination within a family is to wash all clothes and bedding in strong detergent. … wire cables hang out of the walls and washing is hung on precariously parts of


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in India.
clean drinking water and water for washing. Please pray that the government and


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Armenia.
mum washes our clothes so we can go to school clean. … hate it when she is doing handwashing. When it snows the clothes don’t get dry

'There's no way to describe the horrors we've seen': a Syrian refugee family's plight in Jordan

Abdullah, a father of five talks about the harsh realities of life for Syrian refugees. “We have used up all our tears, so now we are smiling.”
him. She turns away and busies herself with washing clothes in the cramped kitchenette when … same small space food preparation and dishwashing for 25 people has to be done. Another

Eastern DRC: Inside a makeshift camp with children

World Vision responds to child protection concerns in Eastern DRC – ensuring Child Friendly Spaces for displaced children.
and I go to fetch water. I then wash the

Your Questions, Their Answers – Straight from Cambodia

Our intrepid child sponsor, Julie, has returned with answers to the questions you posed on our Facebook page for your sponsored children in Cambodia, gathered from talking to just some of the 2000 sponsored children in the Koh Krolor community, spread across 40 villages.
typically by washing

Bangladesh: Riverboat Songs, ADP Visits and Eating with Your Hands

World Vision’s Director of Public Engagement, Mathew Neville shares the emotions of visiting an ADP in Bangladesh that has seen real growth and success.
WASH committee

Hurricane Sandy destroys World Vision Relief Supplies

Disaster Response Teams face unexpected challenges
World Vision teams are in New York and Washington D.C. to assess the extent of the

Final Reflections from my Inspiring time in Zimbabwe

World Vision child sponsor, Samantha, shares her final thoughts on her trip to Zimbabwe.
delight when we drove into the clinic to see washing on the line of the nurses’

A Wonderful Reunion with my Sponsored Children in Zimbabwe

In her 3rd blog installment Samantha tells us about the highlight of her trip so far…
family whenever they go to collect water or wash with Prescilla and Precious.  Their mother washed our hands and then offered plates of small

Indian Sponsored Children proclaim “Education is our Right!”

Steve Richards, World Vision UK's Children's Communication Specialist, is in India hearing stories from the children of their desire - no, their RIGHT - to education.
washing the pots and then go to school. When I’m

Lost Childhood

What is it like to be a child without a childhood? Sent away from home to beg, pulled out of school to support family or too hungry to play – what does it mean to lose your childhood?

Guest blog: “I know it’s my problem too”

Merry Raymond, one of our #ShareNiger bloggers and here she shares how her experience with the campaign helped her realise that we can all play our parts, no matter how small.
by all of the everyday problems of a dishwasher overfilling with soap suds and getting all