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258 Search results for ‘Report’

Mothers Are Strong And Resilient: Reflecting On Tackling Early Childhood Deaths

Sarah Morgan reflects on her work in the field helping children to survive to celebrate their fifth birthday as she plans to do exactly that with her own daughter back in the UK.
members to Ministry of Health staff were reporting reductions in the deaths of children and

World Vision urges ceasefire as strike kills child in aid project

Reports of children involved in World Vision programmes being killed as violence continues are horrifying, says World Vision. Violence in Israel and Gaza has claimed the life of at least one child from World Vision’s programs in the region, the humanitarian organisation said today, as it renewed calls for a ceasefire between both parties.
Reports of children involved in World Vision … The UN reports that at least

Charity says UK can learn from success stories in Africa, following today’s launch of Parliamentary FGM report

World Vision UK welcomes today's parliamentary report “Female genital mutilation: the case for a national action plan”.
report. She

How Our Upside-Down Garden Is Turning Perceptions On Their Heads

We’re delighted to be working once again with award-winning garden designer John Warland, who explains the inspiration behind the first of three World Vision gardens: the 'upside-down’ aid crate currently on view at RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
is the barren dustbowl from the news reports in the 1980s. Back then it was a place … Court Palace in early July. When BBC reporters Michael Burke and Michael Wooldridge

First Steps In Ethiopia

The Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia was one of the worst-affected areas of the 1984 famine. Today it's green, beautiful and lush with crops. World Vision never would have started our work in Ethiopia, however, were it not for this one man.
here and flew back that same day to Kenya to report back.

Urgent help needed for South Sudan to avert catastrophe

The dire conditions of hungry children in South Sudan will get unimaginably worse unless urgent measures are taken to reverse a rapidly deteriorating situation, a new report warns today. Governments meet in Oslo tomorrow to discuss pledging funds to avert a humanitarian catastrophe.
a new report warns today. The meeting of governments … the report notes. … The report says such children are especially vulnerable … bases. The report says the onset of the rainy season will only

Organic Farming: A Lifeline Not A Luxury

This week we mark 6 months since the world's strongest recorded typhoon made landfall in the Philippines, Leoniza highlights some of the lesser-known impacts of disasters and talks to one family for whom organic farming is more than just a shelf in the supermarket: it's a lifeline.
according to the report of Dagami Municipal Agriculture office.  

"The Flood Is Like A Thief": How World Vision Is Helping Solomon Islanders

28-year-old mother Rebecca tell a World Vision volunteer about escaping the flash floods that have affected more than 52,000 people and how they will be getting their lives back on track.
everyone by surprise and 21 people have been reported to have lost their lives and 30 are still

UK Government unveils life-saving funding for 'under the radar' crises

International Development Secretary Justine Greening will today announce the UK Department for International Development (DFID) support for two key Start Network programmes: the Start Fund and Start Build.
sufficient media attention. The UN reports that the accumulated global impact of


Angolans are living with the virus. Reports Angola report

Priceless Coloured Paper: Why Child-Friendly Spaces Are Vital For Recovery

Once the immediate aftermath of a major emergency like Typhoon Haiyan has past, there is still a huge amount of work to be done, not least in getting the people affected back on their feet. World Vision's child-friendly spaces help children like Harvy to find ways to express themselves and discuss their fears in a safe and supportive environment.

More than eight out of ten children who fled Syria exposed to violence in new communities

The research for the report published tomorrow was conducted in the … The report references child … report to governments around the world urging them

Three Years On: Is There Any Hope for the Children of Syria?

World Vision communicator Meg Sattler reflects on three years of conflict and an overwhelming feeling that nobody cares. But we know that people do, and she tells us "A global effort for peace is not impossible."
sent shockwaves across the internet and news reports talked about

Eyewitnesses describe ‘Pandemonium’ as violence breaks out in Malakal

Last week’s fighting around Malakal, in the Upper Nile State, displaced thousands and left many dead. Eyewitnesses report that hundreds of decomposing corpses still lay strewn all over the town.
thousands and left many dead. Eyewitnesses report that hundreds of decomposing corpses still … Upper Nile State. Many of the displaced reportedly remain in hiding along river

Children bear brunt of South Sudan conflict as fighting flares

South Sudan’s brutal conflict is exacting a severe toll on children in the country, with more than half of those displaced being adolescents.

Lessons from Africa: Tackling FGM

FGM affects women and girls across the world, even here in the UK. Nell Williams looks at how success in tackling the most difficult of subjects in Ethiopia could be translated to our shores.
I met described times when cases have been reported to … simple. The first step is even getting cases reported. Where FGM is socially … people are reluctant to report

Syrian children’s futures depend on Geneva II peace agreement

World Vision has joined the call for all parties to the Syria conflict to negotiate a peace agreement at Geneva II to end the bloodshed, protect children and allow humanitarian aid to be provided to those desperately in need in the war-torn country.

Sowing The Seeds Of A Solution: Why Progress To Peace In Syria Is Essential

With the Geneva peace talks searching for a peaceful solution to the Syria conflict this week, Johan Eldebo outlines his experience of just why sowing the seeds of a solution is so vital for the children of Syria.

South Sudan Crisis Update

As the conflict continues, we remember the children and their families affected by this situation.
report any instances of violence in the camp and … reported that