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19 Search results for ‘Aleppo’

Bristol man runs 200 half-marathons for Syrian refugees

World Vision ambassador, Graham Grout, has finished his super-human challenge of 200 half marathons in just over 200 days.
from Aleppo’ … 601 mile run represents the distance from Aleppo the country. To support Running From Aleppo please

Brussels Conference: World Vision warns children are fighting the war in Syria

International children’s charity World Vision has today warned that the recruitment of children into militia is rising in war-torn Syria.

World Vision backs Pope’s message ahead of World Day of Migrants and Refugees

International children’s charity World Vision UK has echoed the Pope’s call for world leaders to accept more child refugees fleeing conflicts and persecution across the world.

Struggle for children who fled Aleppo ‘just beginning’, warn aid workers

A ‘crisis within a crisis’ is unfolding in the countryside outside Aleppo as thousands who fled the city now face increasingly dire conditions.
Child evacuees from Aleppo face an uncertain winter A … is unfolding in the countryside outside Aleppo as thousands who fled the city now face … is unfolding in the countryside outside Aleppo as thousands who fled the city now face

Light up Syria’s dark days with a message of hope

Aleppo’s destruction has left Syrian children facing some of their darkest days yet. We also know that Aleppo is only one of many besieged cities in Syria and another 400,000 people may be living in similar, if not worse situations.
to bring peace. Recently evacuated from Aleppo on a … the brutal last few days of conflict in Aleppo feel totally impotent. They want to express … to meet the needs of those who have fled Aleppo and others parts of the country. We are

Fleeing Aleppo: one family’s story of leaving the war-torn city

The fighting in Aleppo has intensified, but the evacuations of families from Eastern Aleppo has been suspended. Before the suspension, 8,000 families escaped on buses. Many left without any belongings or food. The UN believes at least 2,700 children were among the evacuees. Some left without their parents.
the experience of those fleeing Aleppo. When and how did you manage to get … start a new home. Every single person from Aleppo is in shock. The bombings have effected

World Vision laments world leaders’ failure to enact UN resolution on Aleppo

International children’s charity, World Vision has lamented the failure by world leaders to agree on a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have paved way for a seven-day truce in Syria's war-torn city of Aleppo.
city of Aleppo. Syrian children forced to flee their homes … an end to the unlawful attacks in Eastern Aleppo that have effectively trapped

Aleppo: 100,000 children in Aleppo need urgent aid

World Vision is preparing to distribute much-needed medical supplies in eastern Aleppo, as the city endures another round of heavy fighting. Thousands have fled, with a quarter of a million in need of urgent help.
eastern Aleppo had almost completely run out of food

World Vision calls the attack a turning point in the war and says ceasefire has achieved nothing

World Vision has expressed shock at an airstrike that hit an aid convoy in Syria, reportedly leaving 12 dead. The UN says 18 trucks were hit on their way to deliver aid to 78,000 people.
especially those in Aleppo. While it was a step in the right

A little red love heart on the front door

10-year-old Rama fled Syria with her mother and two sisters when a neighbours house was bombed near Aleppo. Now living in a centre for women and children in Turkey, Rama remembers the things she misses about Syria, her dreams and her wishes for the future...
house in a village near Aleppo.

Iconic image represents 'grim reality' of Syria Crisis

World Vision reacts to the heartbreaking image of five-year-old Omran being pulled from rubble in Aleppo.
ceasefire in the besieged city of Aleppo to enable children and their families to

Russia/Syria plan for humanitarian corridors 'deeply flawed'

World Vision today joins a global push for a two-day 'humanitarian pause' in the battle for Aleppo. In all, 34 international bodies are calling for a 48 hour cease-fire that would allow civilians to leave the besieged city and let aid through.
'humanitarian pause' in the battle for Aleppo. In … out of eastern Aleppo. We consider the proposal deeply flawed on … operation would not force the people of Aleppo to choose between fleeing into the arms of

"I want to learn to write my name" | Dreaming of school in Lebanon

Fatima, 35, mother-of-six fled Aleppo for Lebanon in 2012. Her husband left her shortly after the war had started. Today, more than three years later, she and her children live in a tiny makeshift tent in Jeb Jannine, the western part of Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. While she knew life as a refugee would not be easy, Fatima never thought she’d be relying on her children to support the family.
fled Aleppo for Lebanon in 2012. Her husband left her

Syria Bombing Damages A’zaz Hospital | World Vision UK

A World Vision-supported hospital in northern Syria has been damaged by a missile near miss. Read more on the Syria crisis from charity World Vision.
people have been displaced in the Aleppo region. Aid systems in border camps and

Waiting to start a new life

Syrian refugee and father, Fahad, discusses the treacherous couple of years he and his family have endured since fleeing their home. Sleeping at a roadside with his wife and 5 children, all Fahad wishes for is safety and a place for his family to call home.
take his family away from the Syrian city of Aleppo during the fighting in 2013. The family … the group they were travelling with from Aleppo and other nearby Syrian cities had grown to

I just want a life for my family

We spoke to Hassan and Rania on the border between Serbia and Hungary who explained how it feels to be stuck between two countries with their young family. Hassan explained how he managed to find work in Turkey, but ultimately, his children's inability to find education forced them to move on in search of a better life.

Syria Crisis Appeal

The conflict in Syria is entering its seventh year. As tens of thousands flee Aleppo while the fragile ceasefire holds, we urgently need your help to support deeply traumatised children making their escape. Young children and babies are the most vulnerable. We need your help. Please donate now.

DEC announces Syria Crisis Appeal

The Disasters Emergency Committee is launching an appeal for people affected by the conflict in Syria. The announcement follows a dramatic deterioration in the humanitarian situation since the beginning of the year.

“We told her the bombing was balloons popping” – A Mother’s Heartbreak in Lebanon

Our CEO, Justin Byworth, is in Lebanon trying to understand what life is like for the thousands of refugees fleeing from the conflict in Syria.
the bus every 100 metres or so around Aleppo and Damascus. They were looking for young … We spent 30 years building up our lives in Aleppo. It’s all gone. Now we have to start all