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45 Search results for ‘Campaigns’

The UK must redouble its efforts to end South Sudan's child soldier crisis

International children’s charity, World Vision has urged the UK government to redouble its efforts to support peace in South Sudan and end its child soldier crisis.

Advocating for a world where no girls are victims of child marriage

Meghla escaped child marriage when she was 13 and has been working to change attitudes in her community ever since.
campaigns to protect children from child marriage.   

Modern slavery commitment: “Do not forget children in emergencies”, World Vision urges UK government

World Vision UK responds to the latest commitment by the UK government to help eradicate modern slavery in the Commonwealth.

School violence adds trauma for Syria’s war-scarred children, World Vision warns

Children who have fled fighting in Syria are suffering further brutality at school, aid charity World Vision reveals today.

Raising our strong voice

We are Swenimi and Shamindu, two young leaders from Sri Lanka who came to Sweden to participate in the Solutions Summit. We were there representing children from around the world and bringing their views to this important meeting, so people from government and United Nations can listen to us.
Back to Sri Lanka we want to organise more campaigns to call the public attention to violence and

Ending Child Marriage

Hi there. My name is Fatou. I’m 17 and I’ve just received my A levels!! I live in a the western part of Senegal. Thanks to one of my teachers in school, M. Senghor, I have been working with and supporting World Vision for about 4 years now. I am a peer educator in their child protection programme and also am lucky enough to be one of the YOUNG LEADERS group, a young activist group of 16 countries created by World Vision International.
class. During one of the awareness building campaigns she made a plea for putting an end to child … first steps is to be engaged in actions and campaigns against violence. We need to take this

World Vision responds to the departure of International Development Secretary, Priti Patel

World Vision UK is calling for an International Development Secretary who will prioritise the world’s most vulnerable children – not simply court those in power.

Haiti Hurricane Update

The path of category 4 Hurricane Matthew, the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade, ripped through Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Cuba in early October. It destroyed both property and lives - particularly throughout Haiti. The hurricane brought heavy rain, thunderstorms and strong winds to a country already suffering from immense poverty and weak infrastructure and still dealing with the legacy of 2010's earthquake. As of 14 October, 1.4 million people are in urgent need of support. The estimated death toll fluctuated significantly in the first few days as many areas couldn't be reached. More than 1000 people are now confirmed to have died.
hygiene promotion and cholera prevention campaigns to limit potential outbreak of

The Carve a Heart tour is back for 2016!

We are more excited than ever for this year’s annual #carveaheart campaign!

Celebrity Supporters

We’re very grateful to have the support of several famous faces to promote the work we’re doing throughout the world.

Southern African countries declare "regional disaster" as new report warns of increase in cases of sexual violence

World Vision UK has today called for urgent funds to help support countries in Southern Africa as millions face food shortages due to a massive El Niño-induced drought.
to design and implement awareness campaigns that address the risk factors

Reaction: Anti-corruption summit pays little attention to concerns of civil society

International children’s charity World Vision UK has welcomed the anti-corruption summit’s commitments but questioned its focus.

Terrifying, painful nights: A child mother in Bangladesh

Born into poverty in Bangladesh, Rani loved school and playing with her friends, but at the age of 11 she became a wife. Now 16-years-old and pregnant for a third time, she fears for the safety of her unborn child and is looking forward to another risky delivery at home. She shares her story with us…

Waiting to start a new life

Syrian refugee and father, Fahad, discusses the treacherous couple of years he and his family have endured since fleeing their home. Sleeping at a roadside with his wife and 5 children, all Fahad wishes for is safety and a place for his family to call home.

Conquering the cold

Last week World Vision's Kate took bloggers Rosie and Tanya out to Jordan to meet just a few of the 230,000 Syrian refugees living there who are in need of help to get through the winter. World Vision UK is asking supporters to go without their coats on the 10 February to raise money for Syrian refugee children.

The days of feeling unsafe are over now

12-year-old Ndawona and her five siblings were left sleeping in a mud hut covered with dry grass. The poor condition of their shelter meant that it leaked every time it rained, forcing them to stand up in the middle of the nigh. Thanks to a local Health Committee trained by World Vision, the future is now looking brighter for the young family.

Water of Life

Harriet has had to overcome many challenges throughout her life due to the lack of clean drinking water. Living in Zambia, she has had limited access to water for drinking and bathing until recently, when World Vision drilled a water borehole that has become a lifeline for Harriet and her local community.

Our pumpkin carriage tour | Carve a Heart 2015

Hot on the trail of our Carve a Heart pumpkin carriage, PR Natalie blogs about the journey as she travels around the country this week. She's urging Britons to carve a heart in their pumpkins this year, and turn a night of fear into a night of hope.

My tent, my home

Fourteen-year-old Ahmed is one of millions of children affected by the Syrian conflict that began in 2011. Separated from his parents and seeking refuge in Lebanon, Ahmed works many hours a day in order to ensure his well-being until his parents are able to cross the borders from Syria and find him.