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13 Search results for ‘Carve A Heart’

Pumpkin Heroes

Calling all superheroes…Let Patch the Pumpkin, World Vision’s new celebrity super-star lead the way for an adventure in sharing the light of God’s love with others this Halloween. Pumpkin Heroes is a free pack of easy to use resources that help you have some hero-hunting, craft-making, bible-reading, game-playing pumpkin fun with kids age 4-10 in your church. Together we can create a hope-filled Halloween.
created by World Vision in 2017. Previously Carve a Heart encouraged people across the UK to carve a

A night of hope - the fundraiser’s guide to #carveaheart

Fundraising Specialist Charlotte Tipping shares her fundraising ideas as she gets ready to #carveaheart on 31 October and raise money for children living in fear in countries like Syria and South Sudan.
On 31st October I am going to do my bit for Carve a Heart with little slips of paper explaining the Carve a Heart You could organise your own Carve a Heart party in your local

Carrying the burden | Syrian refugee seeks safety in Lebanon; now trapped in child labour

Khalid fled the Syrian conflict, only to become trapped in child labour in Lebanon. How can you help Syria’s child refugees feel safe again?
a heart in your pumpkin this Halloween. Carve a Heart for Khalid No child should live in fear. … of fear into a night of hope. They chose to Carve a Heart in their pumpkins as a symbol of

The Carve a Heart tour is back for 2016!

We are more excited than ever for this year’s annual #carveaheart campaign!
Westfield London will also be feeling the Carve a Heart love on Halloween weekend with our selfie … 
1. Carve a heart in your pumpkin on Halloween and share it on

Susan’s secret history | The legacy of sexual violence in Uganda’s conflict

Susan’s story: Daily hardship hides a terrible secret history that even she doesn’t know – it starts with sexual violence in Uganda’s conflict.
Carve a Heart No child should live in fear. Last … of fear into a night of hope. They chose to Carve a Heart in their pumpkins as a symbol of

Mary's night of fear turns to peace | A child’s story from South Sudan to Ugandan refugee camp

Mary tells her courageous story of fleeing South Sudan’s violent conflict. And how World Vision’s helping her to have hope for the future.
Carve a Heart for Mary No child should live in fear. … of fear into a night of hope. They chose to Carve a Heart in their pumpkins as a symbol of

Water of Life

Harriet has had to overcome many challenges throughout her life due to the lack of clean drinking water. Living in Zambia, she has had limited access to water for drinking and bathing until recently, when World Vision drilled a water borehole that has become a lifeline for Harriet and her local community.
Find out more about Carve A Heart carve a heart in your pumpkin this Halloween and text

Our pumpkin carriage tour | Carve a Heart 2015

Hot on the trail of our Carve a Heart pumpkin carriage, PR Natalie blogs about the journey as she travels around the country this week. She's urging Britons to carve a heart in their pumpkins this year, and turn a night of fear into a night of hope.
Find out more about Carve A Heart Hot on the trail of our Carve a Heart pumpkin … country this week. She's urging Britons to carve a heart in their pumpkins this

World turned upside down

Six-year-old Abishek was severely affected by the Nepal earthquake that devastated his home district of Sindupalchowk back in April of this year. Hundreds of schools were damaged beyond repair and many children, including Abishek, were out of education for the months that followed.
Find out more about Carve A Heart please carve a heart in your pumpkin this Halloween and text

My tent, my home

Fourteen-year-old Ahmed is one of millions of children affected by the Syrian conflict that began in 2011. Separated from his parents and seeking refuge in Lebanon, Ahmed works many hours a day in order to ensure his well-being until his parents are able to cross the borders from Syria and find him.
Find out more about Carve A Heart World Vision UK is asking our supporters to carve a heart in their pumpkins and text HEART to 70060 to

From struggle to strength

We spoke to 17 year old Srey, a courageous young girl who was forced to work within the sex industry when her family fell upon hard times. Thanks to World Vision's intervention Srey has managed to turn her life around.
Find out more about Carve A Heart World Vision UK is asking our supporters to carve a heart in their pumpkins and text HEART to 70060 to

Finding a different way to celebrate Halloween

This Halloween, join World Vision in turning a night of fear into a night of hope for Syrian children.
of Syria that they are not forgotten. Simply carve a heart in a

Early Marriage in Ethiopia; In The Girls' Own Words

Nell Williams, one of our marketing officers, traveled to Ethiopia to study the prevalence of early child marriage and what can be done to give girls their childhood back.
asking people to carve a heart into their pumpkin to turn it from a symbol