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39 Search results for ‘Climate Change’

World Vision UK launches 2017 Impact Report as charity launches two aid delivery mechanisms

International children’s charity, World Vision UK has today published a new report detailing the impact of its work in 2017.

Burundi: One million children at risk of contracting malaria by Christmas

Up to a million more children are likely to contract malaria before Christmas in Burundi, World Vision warns today.

Farmers in Kenya’s ‘bread basket’ region grapple with armyworm invasion

As millions of Kenyan farmers seek to recover from the double crisis of severe drought and floods triggered by an El Niño weather phenomenon, they now face a new threat: the fall armyworm.

Lake Chad Basin's forgotten children: Urgent action required to save lives as conflict drives hunger and exploitation

World Vision is urging international donors attending the Oslo Humanitarian Conference on Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region to take swift and sustained action to help end the suffering of millions of vulnerable children and mitigate economic and social devastation in the Lake Chad Basin.
coupled with the effects of climate change and dire

Somalia: Looming famine exacerbates TB epidemic as 5 million face starvation

International children’s charity World Vision has today issued a stark warning that hundreds of thousands of children in Somalia are facing a health crisis and starvation as a result of the continued drought and conflict.

Life with El Niño in Latin America | World Vision UK

The El Niño weather phenomenon is affecting countries across Latin America, including Bolivia and Honduras. Crops are failing and communities are being split. Read one family’s story with World Vision.
Niño in Latin America The consequences of climate change can often seem distant. Even with global

Hunger in Zimbabwe | Elida’s story of El Nino

This year’s poor rains and drought from El Nino have greatly affected the lives of 12-year old Elida, her two brothers, Christopher, 21, William, 16, and their grandmother, Emma. With the help of World Vision, Elida and her family have been receiving food packs from our office, provided by child sponsors to reach the most vulnerable families.

Parliament SDG reports: World Vision calls for the UK government to put greater focus on needs of the children

World Vision UK has lamented the government’s lack of focus on children’s issues and has called for the UK to produce a strategic cross-government plan that outlines a clear path to achieving the SDGs.

Women supporting women | Linking empowerment and resilience in Myanmar

How can we minimise the impacts of a natural disaster? WVUK’s Rachel Canclini Kettle travelled to Myanmar to see how our work was helping communities to do just that; through early warning systems, laying cement roads and forming savings groups so that women of the community can support each other with money and resources. Rachel felt lucky to have been able to visit and see the impact our work is having…
communities build their resilience to climate change and natural disasters. The project overlaps … these communities become more resilient to climate change and natural

Food and Farming: Ugandan style

Read about World Vision ambassador, Robin Hart's week in Uganda, visiting her sponsored child as part of a group visit. Here she talks about her experiences farming in the UK compared to what she learnt in Uganda.
a real awareness of the potential impact of climate change. It struck me that by their methods of

Fragility & Resilience

World Vision works with communities to help them help themselves by becoming more resilient to natural & man-made disasters.
ADVOCACY Climate change is happening now We recognise that climate … so we're addressing climate change as a part of our … Climate Change Adaptation or Disaster Risk Reduction please

Willing the Rains: Zimbabwe affected by drought and climate change

Sibonisiwe is a mother from the Gwanda district of Zimbabwe. Affected by the relentless drought that has been brought on by climate change and El Nino, Sibonisiwe cannot harvest crops and has little drinking water. She tells us that she is often left feeling exhausted and dizzy as she tries to take care of her young family and her sick husband.

Children most at risk as Zimbabwe says 4 million need food aid due to drought

World Vision has called for more funding to address food shortages across Southern Africa as the government of Zimbabwe announced that more than a third of the country's population need food aid as people struggle with the worst drought for two decades.

Most important New Year’s Resolutions

World Vision meets with Ibrahim, Isa & their 8-month-old baby Lubab. Recalling the events that drove them to flee Syria, Ibrahim and Isa discuss their journey to Serbia and their wish for baby Lubab to grow up free from fear.
and injustice and reduce the effects of climate change. The Syrian refugee crisis is one of the

Preparing for the worst

World Vision’s Bert Smit travels to Malawi to visit the Area Development Programme that has been supported by World Vision UK sponsors since 1997. Speaking with community members, many express concerns at the erratic rainfall due to El Nino, leaving them with crops that will not grow. Discussing solutions to the problem, such as drought-resistant seeds, Bert speaks with the community to see how they can better prepare themselves.

Climate change negotiation moves us in the right direction but more work must continue, World Vision warns

World Vision's Chris Armitage addresses a COP21 session on Agriculture
enough funds have been committed to address climate change adaptation and vulnerability. The loss and … in partnership with governments to scale up climate change adaptation work. World Vision’s efforts

Fear of the dragon's tail

In Cambodia, the threat of tropical cyclones and huge downpours are very real for local communities. Not only does bad weather damage houses and submerge rice fields, it forces people to swim to higher ground. Along the border, children and families often have to cross into Vietnam to reach safety. But through a World Vision initiative, houses are now being built on higher ground and community groups are giving children like Phan and Srey the tools to stay safe when the floodwaters come.

#COP21: World Vision warns of global hunger as charity participates at two key discussions

World Vision warns of a “looming silent crisis” due to the El Niño effect coupled with the impact climate change.
have been urged to increase funding for climate change adaptation and crises mitigation … the El Niño effect coupled with the impact climate change. The charity’s latest study entitled When

Our children and climate change

In early December, World Leaders descend on Paris for CoP21 - a global summit on climate change, where they hope to agree on a new path towards tackling its effects on some of the world's poorest people. Resilience Manager Maggie Ibrahim, explains the new direction World Vision wants to see...
leaders will descend upon Paris to tackle climate change. This is the 21st time that they will have … outcome for those that are worst affected by climate change impacts

Global Goals - the world's new 'to do' list

Last week global leaders, Hollywood stars and even the Pope joined together in New York to celebrate the new set of global goals for the world. Head of Policy Gavin Crowden, gives his view on why the goals are needed and why it's so important that they leave no child behind.
Fix climate change. In