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11 Search results for ‘Comunidades Solidarias’

The Seed - Comunidades Solidarias 2018 update

The Seed - Comunidades Solidarias 2018 update
future. Your 2018 sponsorship update from Comunidades Solidarias Your support means so much for your … their friends and family in Comunidades Solidarias. You’re transforming their daily lives and

The Seed - Com Sol 2017 update

The Seed - Comunidades Solidarias 2017 update
future. Your 2017 sponsorship update from Comunidades Solidarias I

Life with El Niño in Latin America | World Vision UK

The El Niño weather phenomenon is affecting countries across Latin America, including Bolivia and Honduras. Crops are failing and communities are being split. Read one family’s story with World Vision.

The seed - com sol 2016 update

your 2016 update from Comunidades Solidarias Download this update in a new window

Zika Virus Crisis Update

Maya and Comunidades Solidarias we gave supplies to schools and communities

A Honduran and Armenian Easter

This weekend, children across the UK will be hunting eggs, attending church services, and donning rabbit ears. We were wondering how this experience might compare to those of the children we work with around the world, so we asked sponsored children in Honduras and Armenia, ‘How do you celebrate Easter in your community?’

A Wonderful Wedding Gift: Helping Communities In Honduras

Child sponsors Chris and Anthony used their wedding to ask people to support our work in Honduras, where they sponsor 12-year-old Nubia. This winter, they went over to see how she - and the communities their guests helped - are getting on.

El Nino Update

In 2016, the recurring El Niño phenomenon is expected to have its strongest effect for 50 years. The 2015-2016 El Niño may have passed peak season, but its influence will continue to be felt through weather systems across the world and throughout the year.
children in Honduras. In our Comunidades Solidarias ADP we gave out seeds and

Small Farmers and the Fair Distribution of Land

Angel, a farmer from Honduras, tells us what it's like to try to survive without enough land to grow enough food for his family. The G8 can change this IF they want to.


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Honduras.
Prayers for Comunidades Solidarias Ron is 14 years old and lives with his