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373 Search results for ‘Conflict’

World Vision joins DEC appeal to raise urgent funds for Indonesia tsunami survivors

The members of the DEC (Disaster Emergency Committee) launched the joint fundraising appeal today to raise vital funds for the survivors of the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami.
to help people devastated by conflict and natural disasters. World Vision was

UK must consult children to create peace in war-torn countries

World Vision UK is urging the UK government to include children in decision-making to achieve peace in war-torn countries.
say they have been affected by the conflict.   Thousands have joined armed groups … we will be unable to break cycles of conflict that fuel the exploitation of

Aid agencies call on leaders to avoid humanitarian catastrophe in Idlib

Millions of civilians trapped in Idlib face the prospect of the greatest humanitarian catastrophe in Syria’s seven-year war, should there be a major military escalation in the country’s North West. 
almost 1.5 million people displaced by the conflict.  Many of those families arrived in Idlib

Rohingya refugee crisis: One year on, children still living in limbo

One year after arriving in Bangladesh, 890,000 children and adults are still living in limbo in the world’s largest refugee camp.
already in Bangladesh due to previous conflicts.

The UK must redouble its efforts to end South Sudan's child soldier crisis

International children’s charity, World Vision has urged the UK government to redouble its efforts to support peace in South Sudan and end its child soldier crisis.
progress has been made so far. Since the conflict erupted in … is now facing a hunger crisis due to the conflict. More than 1.1 million children under the

Children born of rape in war: Jacob's story

Jacob is 17 years old. He should be enjoying school and thinking about his future, but instead his short life has been marred by struggle.
to school and forced both to fight in the conflict and be the … faced by survivors of sexual violence in conflict and children born of rape in

World Vision UK welcomes call to give DFID greater oversight of UK aid

World Vision UK urges Theresa May’s government to ensure aid money is used wisely and effectively, and that aid is only spent through departments that meet the same high standards as DFID.
are living in countries riven by conflict or disaster. UK aid is a beacon of hope for

Malnutrition in South Sudan: A survivor’s story

Every month, thousands of children attend a World Vision nutrition centre in South Sudan to receive life-saving nutritious food packs. This is John Jacob's story.
conflict and wasn’t sending money home. Like so

Malaria remains one of the leading causes of death in South Sudan

Thousands of children die from Malaria every year in South Sudan.
accurate results. Since the start of the conflict in

Modern slavery commitment: “Do not forget children in emergencies”, World Vision urges UK government

World Vision UK responds to the latest commitment by the UK government to help eradicate modern slavery in the Commonwealth.
the midst of conflict or natural

Funding crisis pushes millions of Congolese people to tipping point

Millions of people caught up in a humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo risk rising levels of hunger, death and disease due to a lack of aid funding.
forced to flee their homes due to violent conflict. A number of factors including violent … families face the horrors of conflict and

UK should lead the international community in driving greater spending to protect children

The UK must do more to protect children as less than £1 per child globally is spent to prevent violence, World Vision warns following Penny Mordaunt's statement on UK aid.
senior conflict adviser at World Vision

World Vision UK launches 2017 Impact Report as charity launches two aid delivery mechanisms

International children’s charity, World Vision UK has today published a new report detailing the impact of its work in 2017.

School violence adds trauma for Syria’s war-scarred children, World Vision warns

Children who have fled fighting in Syria are suffering further brutality at school, aid charity World Vision reveals today.
crisis since the Second World War. As the conflict rages into year

Urgent aid needed to avert humanitarian catastrophe in Somalia

World Vision urges the UK government to put pressure on the international community to respond urgently to the hunger crisis in Somalia before it’s too late.
with a hunger crisis caused by drought and conflict. You can help children affected by the

Mosul's Injured Children

Eleven-year old Omar is from western Mosul. He remembers the day ISIL arrived at his school and started teaching them about bombs, guns and killing people. Three years later, he’s been living with his family in eastern Mosul in a rented apartment. Their house in western Mosul was destroyed and Omar and his siblings were severely injured in an explosion. Omar lost his leg and his brother Ahmed has brain damage from a piece of shrapnel that lodged in his skull.
in Iraq have endured years of catastrophic conflict. Since

Hundreds of child soldiers released from armed groups in South Sudan

More than 250 child soldiers associated with South Sudan’s numerous fighting groups will be released today following the successful intervention of World Vision and other aid agencies.
Further releases of children involved in the conflict will see another 450 child soldiers released … and other grave violations during the conflict that has raged in South Sudan since 2013.

A displaced family’s garden is inspiring hope and defeating hunger

Every afternoon, just after the final school bell rings, 13-year-old Dak heads to the fields. There, he marvels at the kale growing taller and the aubergines turning deeper shades of purple.
ongoing conflict. These fields are … a safe zone for people running from the conflict. Like the thousands of other displaced

World Vision condemns violence in the DRC

World Vision responds to the latest developments in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
You can help children affected by the conflict in the DRC