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51 Search results for ‘DRC’

UK must consult children to create peace in war-torn countries

World Vision UK is urging the UK government to include children in decision-making to achieve peace in war-torn countries.
100 children in DRC tell their

Aid agencies call on leaders to avoid humanitarian catastrophe in Idlib

Millions of civilians trapped in Idlib face the prospect of the greatest humanitarian catastrophe in Syria’s seven-year war, should there be a major military escalation in the country’s North West. 

Modern slavery commitment: “Do not forget children in emergencies”, World Vision urges UK government

World Vision UK responds to the latest commitment by the UK government to help eradicate modern slavery in the Commonwealth.
countries like the DRC and Syria are beyond the Commonwealth’s

Funding crisis pushes millions of Congolese people to tipping point

Millions of people caught up in a humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo risk rising levels of hunger, death and disease due to a lack of aid funding.
DRC country … DRC country … DRC country … DRC country … Mercy Corps DRC country … the situation in DRC has worsened. We have witnessed a gradual … Congolese. This is only part of our role in DRC. We also focus on addressing the root causes

World Vision condemns violence in the DRC

World Vision responds to the latest developments in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
World Vision DRC Acting National … for calm to be restored to all parts of the DRC. We would also like to urge authorities to … supporting disadvantaged communities in the DRC for more than 30 years and continues to

DRC Crisis Appeal

Conflict and insecurity have forced millions of families to leave their homes in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As the situation gets worse children make up the majority of those who’ve fled. Please help a family who have lost everything.
DRC Crisis Appeal Violence has spread into

Surviving conflict in the Grand Kasais, DRC: Matthieu's Story

My name is Matthieu. I’m 13 years old, and I was in 5th grade before the crisis. I have a five-year-old sister and a little brother who’s seven. My oldest brother was killed in the conflict. A lot has happened in my country and in my family over the past ten months.

#UniversalChildrensDay: Kids' voices must be at the heart of efforts to end violence

Now, more than ever, is the time for leaders to start taking the most vulnerable children in the world more seriously, says international children's charity World Vision.
this happening in the Kasai region of the DRC at the moment. We can see this happening in … DRC office Scott Lout.

Pascal's Story

The little boy in the worn button-down decorated with cartoon characters seems small for his age, and incredibly serious. Unlike any other child I’ve met in the Kasais, he speaks to me in perfect French.   Originally from Tshikapa, in Kasai Province to the southeast, like many of his classmates, Pascal and his family fled at the beginning of 2017, when ethnic conflict broke out in violence.

World Food Day: charity food aid draws desperate families out of hiding in DR Congo

DR Congo: World Vision food aid draws desperate families out of hiding

140 children killed in Democratic Republic of Congo since June, urgent response needed

More than 100 children have been killed in combat since June in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and an urgent response is needed to prevent an escalation of violence, international aid agency World Vision warns today.
by conflict in the Kasai region of the DRC. Last … says Saptoadi. World Vision DRC is urgently scaling up its response to the … and NGO workers are calling on the DRC

A Snapshot of India

Graeme Newton, who heads up our Fundraising department at World Vision UK, visited Annu, the little girl his family sponsors in Patna and shares some of his highlights in this photo blog.
Sierra Leone and the Eastern DRC.  In each of these places I’ve been struck

Jailing of warlord “victory in battle to end impunity”

The International Criminal Court announced today that Jean-Pierre Bemba, an ex-rebel leader from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has been jailed for 18 years following his convictions for war crimes including sexual violence in the Central African Republic.

“Sustainable Development Goals impossible to attain without funding revolution,” warns World Vision UK

Aid agency World Vision UK warns that an increasingly fragile and unstable world could put the global sustainable development goals at risk unless a new funding approach is established.

Helping mums deliver safely | Reducing child mortality in the DRC

Sandra* tragically lost her baby just five days ago. She lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and in her region the infant mortality rate is 75 per 1000. Whilst this is a drop from the previous year, there are still concerns that many health centres are not well enough equipped, and women like Sandra are still losing their children.
World Vision DRC mothers and babies in Southern and Eastern DRC. We’re making sure they get the nutrition … You can find out more about our work in the DRC here. 

Raising voices in Westminster: preventing sexual violence in conflict, and stigma for survivors

Public Affairs and Advocacy officer Rob Henderson writes ahead of the House of Lords committee publication on preventing sexual violence in conflict later today. Rob's team have been working with the committee to present evidence and raise the voices of the survivors we work with. If survivors of sexual violence in conflict face stigma, which they almost always do, this hinders their recovery and often means that those responsible are not held accountable. Children should not have to fear attacks, and if the worst does happen, they should be able to access justice without facing stigma.

UK Government Must Launch Plan to Eradicate Sexual Violence in Conflict

World Vision is calling on the UK government to tackle the stigma of sexual violence that blights the lives of hundreds of thousands of children around the world.
in a number of countries including eastern DRC and northern Uganda. The charity’s recent

Tackling Child Marriage on International Children’s Day

Rob Henderson reflects on a stark reality for millions of girls and boys across the world who fall prey to early marriage, some having children while just children themselves. He looks at the role of World Vision workshops, that are helping children like 16-year-old Nilanjona escape from early marriage so that she can stay in education and makes choices for herself…
South Sudan and the DRC.

An evacuation into Congo, a satellite phone and worlds colliding

Senior Humanitarian Policy Advisor Johan Eldebo describes being recently evacuated from Central African Republic due to fighting nearby, and how this has strengthened his resolve to work with people living in the world's most difficult places.

A girl named hope

A decade of conflict in the Eastern DRC, has killed millions and devastated the lives of many through violence, disease and poverty. Living through this uncertainty, a young girl called Esperance is working with local communities to combat sexual and gender based violence.
Senior Communications Officer in Eastern DRC eastern DRC. Conflict has been my daily reality since I … Esperance represented her peers in the DRC and shared ideas with other activists from