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24 Search results for ‘Female Genital Mutilation’

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

The number of young women and girls in danger of facing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kenya is steadily falling as a coalition of government authorities, NGOs and local communities have set up safe houses while attempting to change traditional cultural practices.
of young women and girls in danger of facing Female Genital Mutilation girls and women alive today have undergone Female Genital Mutilation in the countries where the practice is

Statement in response to the announcement of new FGM figures in the UK

Aid charity World Vision UK today called for a global political and legal concerted approach at tackling the issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), following the latest figures
concerted approach at tackling the issue of Female Genital Mutilation girls are getting subjected to the brutal Female Genital Mutilation

World Vision joins new drive to end violence against children

World Vision today joins a new partnership to end violence against children across the world, backed by British Government funding to tackle online sexual exploitation.

The impact of Ebola on change and protection

As an advocate for change in her country, 17-year-old Alice felt the impact of the Ebola crisis twice; not only did it affect her family and peers on a personal level, it also slowed the rate of change and support she could give to vulnerable girls in her community. She describes how upsetting it was to see girls as young as 14 falling pregnant, and how we can still work together to support those in need…
across a range of concerns. These range from Female Genital Mutilation

Anti-Corruption summit should go beyond lip service and provide room for civil society to function in the most affected countries

International children’s charity World Vision UK has urged global leaders meeting in London for the 2016 anti-corruption summit to provide room for civilians and aid agencies to function freely in countries most affected by graft and violence.

The cost of child soldiers

On Red Hand Day, Senior Child Rights Policy Advisor Erica Hall shares the stories of the former child soldiers she has met while fighting for child rights. Today, carries an important message, not just for one day, but one that Erica shouts about nearly every day of the year...
such as female genital mutilation and early

Saying no

In primary school, Kenyan activist Betty Lolgisoi watched as one by one her friends went through female genital mutilation (FGM). In her village it was something that every girl went through as a rite of passage. However, after attending a World Vision training about the dangers of FGM, Betty’s mum encouraged her to stand up and say no. Despite the stigmatisation Betty and her family experienced, she held fast, and today works with World Vision to encourage other girls to avoid the practice too.
her friends went through female genital mutilation Kenyan activist against female genital mutilation I grew up in Baringo county in … a community where female genital mutilation

Too young for marriage

14-year-old Virginia knows from personal experience how destructive the practice of early marriage can be. She tells us the story of one of her friends who dropped out of school and fell into early marriage at just 13 years old.Just two weeks following the birth of twins, her husband vanished, leaving her without the income or means to look after them. Virginia tells us her story…

Meeting with Alice and Alfred | FGM and teen pregnancy during Ebola

World Vision's Zena John met with Alice and Alfred during the 2014 London Girls Summit. Alice and Alfred are teenagers from a district in the southern province of Sierra Leone where World Vision has worked for years, and they are passionate about seeing real change in their community.
from forcing their children to undergo female genital mutilation. The change brought about by this dynamic

Hearing girl’s voices in northern Kenya

As the African continent marked the Day of the African Child last summer, Lucy Murunga was privileged to join thousands of children from northern Kenya in their celebrations.
Kenya passed the Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act. As a member of the national

Protecting girls from violence

Violence against women and girls is all too prevalent in the world. It crosses cultures, economic status and ethnicity.

A grandmother's love

World Vision’s Girl's Holistic Development Project has been helping to improve the health and wellbeing of girls in Senegal. Through an education focused on female elders - who are often responsible for carrying out FGM/C, attitudes towards the practice are now changing and new maternal relationships based on trust and guidance are now being developed.
educating communities about the dangers of female genital mutilation and cutting

Fight against female genital mutilation an uphill challenge

For girls like 13 year old Naipanoi, the illegal practice of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is a constant fear - often leading to early marriages, school dropouts and health risks. As part of Action 2015, World Vision is campaigning to end violence against children in all its forms. Alongside work in the community, World Vision has recently built a rescue centre - offering shelter, temporary accommodation and a chance for girls to continue their education.
in October 2011. The Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Law contains punitive penalties including a

How Local Advocacy Can Form A Global Agenda: Reflections From The Girl Summit Youth Delegates

Alice and Alfred flew in from Sierra Leone to take part in the Girl Summit to tackle the issues of FGM and early marriage. One month on from their visit, they both take time to reflect on the change they are helping enable from a local to a global level.
were so concerned about Female Genital Mutilation

Girl Summit 2014: Recap, Reflection & Conclusion

As the Girl Summit draws to a close, our Child Rights Programme Advisor Tracy Shields completes Part II of her summit reflection.
is on the horizon and that we can stop Female Genital Mutilation

A Glimpse Into Syrian Children's Reality

PhotoVoice partnered with World Vision to run a participatory photography project in Zarqa, Jordan where Syrian children can share their experiences and perspectives on violence in conflict back home.
UK's first conference dedicated to tackle female genital mutilation

Girl Summit 2014: World Vision leads drive to end FGM and child marriage

Speaking at UK's first Girl Summit, WVUK CEO Justin Byworth shares solutions to end FGM & Early Marriage.

Girl Summit: Children Free From Fear of FGM and Early Marriage

Ahead of next week's Girl Summit our Child Rights Programme Advisor, Tracy Shields shares why she's raising not just her voice and our voice, but the voices of the children living in fear of FGM and early marriage.
with the aim of mobilising efforts to end female genital mutilation and cutting

Charity says UK can learn from success stories in Africa, following today’s launch of Parliamentary FGM report

World Vision UK welcomes today's parliamentary report “Female genital mutilation: the case for a national action plan”.


with communities to reduce the incidents of female genital mutilation. Food security Through training and