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11 Search results for ‘Isame’

About Isame

but all the children of Isame. With your … as good for him as it is now. Growing up in Isame meant he had to live in a community … achieve for children and families living in Isame.   Download the full report here 

The Seed - Isame 2017 update

The Seed - Isame 2017 update
future. Your 2017 sponsorship update from Isame I

Challenges in Niger | preserving childhood through sponsorship

World Vision Niger's Associate Director writes about the ongoing challenges faced by the people of Niger, and describes how sponsors and donors are helping create the ripples of change that will preserve childhoods.

The seed - Isame 2016 update

your 2016 update from Isame Download this update in a new window

Will the river run dry?

Steve Richards, our Children’s Communication Specialist, shares a story told to him by a village elder on his trip to Niger about the dried up river that he recalls in full flow.

Building safety nets to catch children before they fall

Ann Graham shares a personal story of why the West Africa Crisis is so important for us all to take note of and give help to, through the story of one mother's success.

Lost Childhood

What is it like to be a child without a childhood? Sent away from home to beg, pulled out of school to support family or too hungry to play – what does it mean to lose your childhood?

Guest blog: “I know it’s my problem too”

Merry Raymond, one of our #ShareNiger bloggers and here she shares how her experience with the campaign helped her realise that we can all play our parts, no matter how small.

Niger, how Child Sponsorship is bringing Hope

Mark Bulpitt, Head of Emergencies, blogs from Niger.
the rain brings optimism for many people in Isame. None more so than

Update from Niger: How your donations are being used

I’m writing from Niger, the country worst affected by the West African food crisis. Yesterday I visited a World Vision supported health and feeding centre in the outskirts of the capital city, Niamey. I wanted to share with you what I have seen of the work being done here – lives are literally being saved and if you’ve already donated to the World Vision appeal, you’ve helped make it possible.