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12 Search results for ‘It Takes A World’
Back to school: From binding books to reading them
Day in and day out, 12-year-old Mohsin would work 10-hour shifts hauling around huge piles of books, desperate to know what was written inside of them.
Advocating for a world where no girls are victims of child marriage
Meghla escaped child marriage when she was 13 and has been working to change attitudes in her community ever since.
Children born of rape in war: Jacob's story
Jacob is 17 years old. He should be enjoying school and thinking about his future, but instead his short life has been marred by struggle.
The only ring on young girls' minds should be from the school bell
Every year, 15 million girls under the age of 18 are married - but how can we stop it? It takes a world.
Under-18s 'should take part' in the Commonwealth Youth Forum
"Why are young people aged 15-18 excluded from the Commonwealth Youth Forum in London?" Al-Amin Bepary, from Bangladesh, asks.
It Takes A World campaign. The Ghashful Child Forum and the
Raising our strong voice
We are Swenimi and Shamindu, two young leaders from Sri Lanka who came to Sweden to participate in the Solutions Summit. We were there representing children from around the world and bringing their views to this important meeting, so people from government and United Nations can listen to us.
#UniversalChildrensDay: Kids' voices must be at the heart of efforts to end violence
Now, more than ever, is the time for leaders to start taking the most vulnerable children in the world more seriously, says international children's charity World Vision.
listened to. It takes children being valued. It takes a world recognising the potential and gifts that …
Ending Child Marriage
Hi there. My name is Fatou. I’m 17 and I’ve just received my A levels!! I live in a the western part of Senegal. Thanks to one of my teachers in school, M. Senghor, I have been working with and supporting World Vision for about 4 years now. I am a peer educator in their child protection programme and also am lucky enough to be one of the YOUNG LEADERS group, a young activist group of 16 countries created by World Vision International.
Pope Francis supports World Vision in calling for an end to child abuse
The Pope has demanded better protections for children online and backed proposals by World Vision and other organisations to toughen sanctions against those who abuse and exploit children online.
It Takes A World to End Child Violence
Nepal’s President supports campaign to end child marriage
Nepal’s President launches World Vision campaign to end child marriage
It pushes girls into a cycle of poverty. It takes a world to eliminate child marriage.
11 things you can do right now to help end violence against children
World Vision’s campaign ‘It takes a world to end violence against children’ was named because no one individual, group or organisation can solve this problem alone.
Chine McDonald appointed to new World Vision UK church role
Chine McDonald appointed to new World Vision UK church role as part of the charities new strategy to reconnect with the Church.
It Takes A World to End Child Violence