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24 Search results for ‘Millennium Development Goals’

Celebrity Supporters

We’re very grateful to have the support of several famous faces to promote the work we’re doing throughout the world.
the United Nations set eight Millennium Development Goals

Fragility & Resilience

World Vision works with communities to help them help themselves by becoming more resilient to natural & man-made disasters.
states are a long way from achieving the millennium development goals. Together these trends make it difficult to

Global Goals - the world's new 'to do' list

Last week global leaders, Hollywood stars and even the Pope joined together in New York to celebrate the new set of global goals for the world. Head of Policy Gavin Crowden, gives his view on why the goals are needed and why it's so important that they leave no child behind.

Leaving nobody behind

This weekend, world leaders meet at the UN in New York to agree to a new set of global goals that charities and governments together will focus on over the next fifteen years. WVUK Social Media Manager Kate Shaw shares three stories on the subject of early/forced marriage - an area that wasn't fully tackled in the last set of goals but that she hopes will be at the top of the table this time around.
has also fallen through the gaps of the Millennium Development Goals. Don’t get me

Twelve short months - Refugees and the Syria crisis

When the UN meets to agree the new Sustainable Development Goals next week, World Vision's Rob Henderson reflects on our collective need to go further this time if we really want the world to move forward in the next fifteen years. With Syria being the humanitarian crisis of our time, our response will define a generation.
this situation. In 2000 the main aim of the Millennium Development Goals

Action 2015 | Fighting for an end to child marriage

Senior Child Rights Programme Adviser Tracy Shields reflects on the tragedy of child marriage prior to her visit to Malawi - where 50% of girls under 18 fall prey to the practice. However, a worldwide remedy may come in the form of the Sustainable Development Goals and the pledge to 'eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage' by 2030.
the successor to the Millennium Development Goals. Opinion pieces and blogs have been … practice. When I see the impact that the Millennium Development Goals had on issues such as access to primary

Talking with a former child soldier in CAR

Public Affairs and Government Relations Officer Sarah has been working on the SDGs for the past year. This summer she visited the conflict torn Central African Republic, and met a former child soldier named Francis. Francis' experiences symbolise the main failings of the MDGs, and what we need to do better over the next 15 years.
the successor to the Millennium Development Goals. Opinion pieces and blogs have been … set of global goals that will build on the Millennium Development Goals

No food, no life

Pregnant mother Sofia describes what it's like to live in a camp in Mozambique following heavy flooding to her home. With many people forced to leave ruined crops, food shortages are a growing problem.
has been spearheaded and supported by the Millennium Development Goals

The haves and have-nots of childhood

Geeta Bandi-Phillips reflects on how issues her community faced in her childhood are still to be addressed today. She calls on governments and the private sector to do more to address food and nutrition around the world using the sustainable development goals.

World Vision says final MDGs report confirms worst fears

Children and their families in fragile states largely did not benefit from the 15 year global initiative to reduce poverty.
World Vision says the final Millennium Development Goals

‘G7 leaders are putting band-aids on symptoms,’ says World Vision

G7 leaders have missed an opportunity to stand up the world’s most vulnerable children.
  With the Millennium Development Goals

G7: Last hope for the world's most vulnerable children

Ahead of the G7 summit, World Vision urges PM David Cameron to ensure the world’s most vulnerable children aren’t forgotten.
is a critical year for children with the Millennium Development Goals to see if the Millennium Development Goals have hurt or helped them. British

Why I care about Action 2015

Sue Tinney, World Vision child sponsor and World Vision Ambassador, blogs about her experiences at the Action/2015 summit in London and how the Sustainable Development Goals can help children like her sponsored child Laurent in Senegal.

Let’s Make 2015 a Year of Action for Children

Today marks the launch of Action 2015, a campaign to bring the world together to create the post Millennium Development Goals. World Vision is working to help children around the world achieve their full potential and make sure that they are well represented in the new sustainable development framework. External Relations Manager Geeta writes that her New Year's resolution is to raise her voice and let our leaders know they have the gift to make 2015 a year of action for children. They must act.

Letter from Tim Pilkington: Happy New Year

World Vision UK Acting Chief Exec Tim Pilkington shares why 2015 is an unique year ahead.
is a unique year. 2015 is the year that the Millennium Development Goals

New Report: Fears about child safety are misplaced

New report reveals that while “out there” is still seen as the most dangerous place, children more at risk at home than anywhere
process of deciding what happens after the Millennium Development Goals expire in

"Where are the rights you promised us?"

‘Where are the rights you promised us?’ ask children in report marking 25 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
targets that replace the Millennium Development Goals must be measured by their ability to reach

Report: Stop at Nothing: Post-2015 Goals for Children

The biggest lesson of the Millennium Development Goals was that ending global poverty depends on reaching the most vulnerable children.
children. The biggest lesson of the Millennium Development Goals was that ending global poverty depends on … New York.  The report explains that while Millennium Development Goals brought better health and living standards

Time for a Rethink on Conflict and Peace, says World Vision

Today is the International Day of Peace. Now more than ever leaders need to focus on a global strategy for peace
as discussions about what comes after the Millennium Development Goals deadline

Planning for our children’s future

Geeta Bandi-Philips, World Vision UK's External Relations Manager reflects on the Post 2015 policy debates, and how World Vision can help shape the conversation to achieve the best future possible for the world's children.
world. These goals became known as the UN Millennium Development Goals