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14 Search results for ‘No Lost Generation’

Partnering with Microsoft & Facebook to bridge education gap and teach Syrian child refugees using digital technology

International children’s charity World Vision is partnering with Microsoft, Google, Cisco Facebook; and other tech companies to host the #EdTech summit (01-02 March) which aims to inspire Syrian refugee children to harness the power of technology.
part of the No Lost Generation

The stress of war on parents | Supporting refugees in Lebanon

Inside a school in Lebanon’s Zahle, 30-year-old Suriya is trying to stop her 4-year-old son, Ahmed, from running around the room. It’s been four years since Suriya fled Damascus with her husband and three children. Even though time has passed, the memories of bombs, killings, and war are fresh in her mind. Bringing up children amidst a crisis is challenging...
had on parents like Suriya. Thanks to the No Lost Generation funded by Global Affairs

Too much, too young: 'Half of all Syrian refugee children are working'

Naseem and his wife, Maha, and their seven children were forced to flee Syria in 2013. Living in a small apartment in Jordan, and with Naseem struggling with a debilitating injury, his children have been forced to work long hours. Approximately half of all Syrian refugee children living in Jordan are the breadwinners for their families.
which are part of the No Lost Generation

Serbia: Sadness starts in the South

Our Head of Policy Gavin Crowden spent last week in Serbia, walking with refugees and hearing their stories. What he found were parents who had fled a depleted Syria, desperately searching for a 'home' that often exists amongst relatives abroad, and a future for their children.

Seeking refuge in Iraq

As fighting continues to spread through Iraq, families are fleeing for the relative safety of Iraqi Kurdistan. World Vision is providing cash assistance to mothers like Ekhbal, who fled her village with a newborn son and three other children.

Sara's Story

Sara grew up safe and secure in a middle class family in Damascus. As the fighting escalated, Sara and her family experienced the worst of human nature as homes were bombed, women kidnapped, and the air of her once quiet neighbourhood became filled with the sounds of guns and people dying. And then the violence finally reached her family.

Finding a different way to celebrate Halloween

This Halloween, join World Vision in turning a night of fear into a night of hope for Syrian children.

Three Years On: Is There Any Hope for the Children of Syria?

World Vision communicator Meg Sattler reflects on three years of conflict and an overwhelming feeling that nobody cares. But we know that people do, and she tells us "A global effort for peace is not impossible."

What Does A Lost Generation Mean For The Children Of Syria

Our CEO Justin Byworth reflects on the people he met and the stories he heard while visiting Lebanon in the lead up to the 3rd anniversary of the Syria crisis. He explains why we must stand with the children of Syria and take action to help bring peace.

Grateful For Safety, But Desperate To Learn

Nasrella fled Syria with his family more than half a year ago and has lost touch with not only his father, but his friends, too. All he really wants, though, is the chance to continue his education.

Sowing The Seeds Of A Solution: Why Progress To Peace In Syria Is Essential

With the Geneva peace talks searching for a peaceful solution to the Syria conflict this week, Johan Eldebo outlines his experience of just why sowing the seeds of a solution is so vital for the children of Syria.
No Lost Generation

World Vision rallies behind movement for Syria's children

World Vision,UNICEF, UNHCR, Save the Children, and other agencies today united behind a call to governments, aid agencies and the public to champion the children of Syria by backing the “No Lost Generation” aid intervention.