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15 Search results for ‘Pakistan’

World Vision deploys mobile clinic to assist victims of Iraq quake

World Vision deploys mobile clinic to assist victims of Iraq quake
and was felt as far away as Turkey and Pakistan. At least 452 people were killed and


World Vision is committed to being fully transparent & responsible to the children & communities served especially where advocacy is concerned.
Nepal and Pakistan. Lessons from the pilots are providing … to a significant amount of feedback. Pakistan DOWNLOAD THE CASE STUDY … with government service providers.     Pakistan Download the case study

Action 2015: Children must not be forgotten

World Vision UK has today urged world leaders to consider the plight of vulnerable children in conflict areas.

Schools should be havens for children

World Vision joins with millions around the world in mourning for the loss of so many children in Pakistan today
mourning for the loss of so many children in Pakistan

World Humanitarian Day: Remembering Lives Given To Bring Others Hope

Johan Eldebo has visited many of the world's worst humanitarian emergencies. In today's blog he shares why marking World Humanitarian Day means so much to him and to the people to whom each and every humanitarian worker brings hope in all that they do.
Somalia and Pakistan. But it does not need to be that hard to

Three Years On: Is There Any Hope for the Children of Syria?

World Vision communicator Meg Sattler reflects on three years of conflict and an overwhelming feeling that nobody cares. But we know that people do, and she tells us "A global effort for peace is not impossible."
could get any worse. My previous work in Pakistan had exposed me to

Raw Hope

Raw Hope is an initiative from World Vision, which has been set up to save and protect children in the world’s most dangerous places.

7.8M earthquake hits Iran and Pakistan border

Emergency aid is on standby as damage and need in the area is assessed.
of fatalities. Some reports coming from Pakistan say more than 20 people have been killed. A


Nepal and Pakistan. The landscape features an upland plateau


Nepal and Pakistan. The landscape features an upland plateau

Child Health

to the improved maternal health of women in Pakistan and to reducing undernutrition among

Photo Blog – Children protecting communities against natural disasters

Today is International Disaster Risk Reduction Day, and here at World Vision we have been teaching children around the world about the importance of knowing what to do when disaster strikes. Here is a snapshot of what children are learning from World Vision, from Mongolia to Haiti and beyond.
from Mongolia to Haiti and beyond. Pakistan   After noticing a shop on fire in