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6 Search results for ‘Peru’

What Our Kids Need: Blogger Stories

At the start of the year we asked to bloggers write about what their children last needed and what this meant to them. We were delighted with the inspirational posts that came back.
at Mummy Times Two saw in her travels to Peru. Our children aren’t trying to provide for

A 44,000-Strong Family

When Reka's trip of a lifetime turned into a nightmare of ill-health, the reaction of our colleagues in World Vision Peru surpassed anything she – or we – could have expected.
I landed in Peru after a wonderful trip to Bolivia … of the million tourists who come to Peru every … I had never seen before from World Vision Peru. I didn’t even know there was a World Vision

Polio outbreak in Somalia is symptom of global health inequality

Millions of the world’s most vulnerable children are falling through the cracks, even as child deaths are declining globally, warns World Vision.


Chile and Peru. Despite being situated on a high plateau


Chile and Peru. Despite being situated on a high plateau

Failure to tackle malnutrition puts millions of children at risk

World Vision and Save the Children are calling for political promises to be urgently translated into action to avert the deaths of millions of undernourished children, 2.3 million of whom died in 2011 alone.
years. At the other end of the spectrum lies Peru which has shown strong political resolve and … The report reveals Peru has demonstrated excellent legal and