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21 Search results for ‘Sexual Exploitation’

Modern slavery commitment: “Do not forget children in emergencies”, World Vision urges UK government

World Vision UK responds to the latest commitment by the UK government to help eradicate modern slavery in the Commonwealth.
sexual exploitation and bonded labour. These all affect children

Statement on inaccurate Haiti reports

The earthquake in Haiti was a tragedy for the hundreds of thousands of children and their families who lost everything.
sexual exploitation and inaccurate … these issues revealed that those involved in sexual exploitation were not World Vision staff. They were … we encourage anyone who saw or experienced sexual exploitation or abuse to come

A History of World Vision

As a charity motivated by Christian faith, World Vision aims to make a positive difference to the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children as an expression of God’s love.
and the sexual exploitation of women and children. Supporters and staff

Jerome Flynn faces the reality of violence against children in Myanmar

World Vision UK ambassador, Jerome Flynn, visited Myanmar to see our work and support the campaign #ItTakesAWorld to end violence against children. He met with street children, victims of trafficking and a former child solider.
streets would have left Thazin vulnerable to sexual exploitation or trafficking. Instead of attending school

Lake Chad Basin's forgotten children: Urgent action required to save lives as conflict drives hunger and exploitation

World Vision is urging international donors attending the Oslo Humanitarian Conference on Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region to take swift and sustained action to help end the suffering of millions of vulnerable children and mitigate economic and social devastation in the Lake Chad Basin.
sexual exploitation and increased incidents of child marriage.

Sierra Leone: UK must commit existing funds to child protection as cases of sex abuse rise

Sierra Leone: World Vision urges UK government to commit funds to child protection as cases of sexual abuse rise
are used to combat the increase in cases of sexual exploitation. The West African

Protecting children | Stopping sexual abuse in Sierra Leone

Two weeks ago, World Vision's Rob Henderson stepped off a plane and into a wall of humid, hot air in Sierra Leone. The reason for his visit was to show Mike Kane, former shadow minister for DFID, some of the successful work the UK helped to fund during the Ebola crisis, as well as to highlight the growing issue of sexual abuse...
another problem. Sexual violence and the sexual exploitation of children … they can end the sexual exploitation of vulnerable children. Discover how you can

Goodwood festival comes fashionably to life as event puts World Vision project on spotlight

One of the most exciting and glamorous days on the horse racing calendar, is now just a day away.

Southern African countries declare "regional disaster" as new report warns of increase in cases of sexual violence

World Vision UK has today called for urgent funds to help support countries in Southern Africa as millions face food shortages due to a massive El Niño-induced drought.
respondents agree that there is an increased sexual exploitation relating to food and … Close to half of the respondent agree that sexual exploitation is on the rise especially in homes and on

Children out of school and at work as hunger deepens in Southern Africa, finds report

El Niño is having a devastating impact on children in the Southern Africa region, forcing many into early marriage, child labour and dropping out of school, reveals a report by three leading aid agencies released today.

World Vision joins new drive to end violence against children

World Vision today joins a new partnership to end violence against children across the world, backed by British Government funding to tackle online sexual exploitation.

Behind closed doors

17-year-old Dia* had her whole life ahead of her. But when family circumstances changed she found herself being manipulated by somebody close to the family, who coerced her into becoming a sex-worker. Now safely at a rehabilitation centre, Annila Harris met Dia to hear her story

From struggle to strength

We spoke to 17 year old Srey, a courageous young girl who was forced to work within the sex industry when her family fell upon hard times. Thanks to World Vision's intervention Srey has managed to turn her life around.

Why we're diving for World Vision

As part of Remember A Charity In Your Will week, four plucky ladies from our Supporter Care team will be jumping out of a plane to keep company with Brian Phillips - one of our Ambassadors, who will be writing his will mid-air. Our brave women are themselves raising money for children in South Sudan, and as the jump approaches next week, we find out what's motivating them to take the plunge.
sexual exploitation and forced enrolment as child soldiers. It

Protecting girls from violence

Violence against women and girls is all too prevalent in the world. It crosses cultures, economic status and ethnicity.

Happiness on Christmas Day

17 year-old-Chenda is rebuilding her life after suffering from years of sexual exploitation, and has been staying at World Vision Cambodia’s Trauma Recovery Centre for more than a year. This year is Chenda’s second Christmas celebration at the centre.

World Vision Cup unites youth against violence

World Vision will be hosting its own World Cup that will bring nearly 200 youth from 13 countries together to play football, ahead of the world-renowned FIFA World Cup.
child labour and sexual exploitation during

DR Congo

labour and trafficking and sexual exploitation. We are also taking part in the

Abuse shocking but not surprising, warns World Vision UK

The discovery of an organised crime group sexually exploiting children in the Philippines, using webcams to stream the abuse to the UK is shocking, but not surprising, warns the international children’s charity, World Vision.
which combats sexual exploitation online around the world. Since it was … poverty are particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation and abuse. Our programmes are designed to