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48 Search results for ‘Tanzania’
Sponsor Visits
More information on a sponsor visit.
found her trip. Elizabeth travelled to Tanzania to meet Jeni and her family.
Child sponsorship in Tanzania: Elizabeth's story
What's it like to visit the child you sponsor? Elizabeth Bowes headed to Tanzania to visit Jeni, the child she sponsors through World Vision UK.
Having volunteered in Tanzania for a number of …
The Seed - Kisiriri 2017 update
The Seed - Kisiriri 2017 update
Tanzania. Life was hard for her family. They
The Seed - Kilimatinde 2017 update
The Seed - Kilimatinde 2017 update
Tanzania. Life was hard for her family. They
East Africa Crisis Appeal
Right now, millions of children are facing desperate hunger, disease and lack of clean water in various regions of East Africa. Without food and clean water, children’s lives are in extreme danger. We urgently need your help.
Celebrity Supporters
We’re very grateful to have the support of several famous faces to promote the work we’re doing throughout the world.
Mountains never meet, but friends do
Amy, a World Vision UK sponsor, travels huge distances across Tanzania to meet a special little girl, Maria, who she's sponsored for over nine years. In her blog, Amy shares about her wonderful day meeting Maria and her family.
lived in Tanzania and fell in love with the country. Last …
Our week in Tanzania: Tears, Laughter and Inspiration
In the summer of 2016, Michael and Janet Butler travelled to Tanzania with a group of sponsors, to meet Ester, their sponsored child and to see how their monthly donations are bring put to good use.
they sponsor in the Kilimatinde community in Tanzania. Below they share more about their visit. …
Bold plan to halt child marriage in jeopardy, warns new report
World Vision is urging the new International Development Secretary Priti Patel to take a lead in ramping up action to eradicate child marriages by 2030.
record in encouraging countries such as Tanzania and Gambia to outlaw child marriage. The UK
Tanzania - Unexpected Riches amid the struggle
Nigel and Sue Hodder, lovely World Vision child sponsors, recently visited the Kilimatinde project in Tanzania – a community facing poverty but so rich in character. Nigel shares their experience with us.
recently visited the Kilimatinde project in Tanzania
World Vision joins new drive to end violence against children
World Vision today joins a new partnership to end violence against children across the world, backed by British Government funding to tackle online sexual exploitation.
Indonesia and Tanzania have committed to developing plans to combat
World Vision is committed to being fully transparent & responsible to the children & communities served especially where advocacy is concerned.
services for internally displaced women. Tanzania Download the case study
When all help appears lost
Zahra knows all about how devastating AIDs can be, having lost both parents to the disease. When she began to feel ill, she discovered she was also HIV positive. She describes how it feels to live with the disease, and how she’s thankful for the support she gets from her grandmother and World Vision.
lives in central Tanzania with her …
World Vision warns of worsening refugee crisis ahead of Burundi elections
World Vision has today called for more funding and international support for the refugee crisis in Tanzania ahead of the Burundi elections tomorrow.
support for the refugee crisis in Tanzania ahead of the Burundi elections tomorrow. …
Seeing real success in Tanzanian ADPs
Katie, Sponsor Visits Manager for World Vision UK, reflects on the time she spent visiting projects in Tanzania
and Bahati in two communities in central Tanzania. My
Our 50th birthday visit to Tanzania
World Vision UK child sponsor Lesley Gentle travels to Tanzania with her husband and daughter to visit Anna, who she has sponsored for nearly 9 years.
Are you feeling inspired to travel to Tanzania and visit your own sponsored
Growing crops for shoes
For Selemani and his children, making ends meet was a constant struggle. But with the help of World Vision, he's gained the agricultural skills to ensure that he can put food on the table and his family can afford shoes and school fees. Thanks to sponsors funding the project, children like Selemani's son Bakari can look forward to a healthier, brighter future.
old Bakari and his family live in eastern Tanzania where they have benefitted from World
Southern African Floods: World Vision begins response efforts
World Vision responds as over 600,000 people are affected and threats of waterborne diseases loom.
are expected in the southern regions of Tanzania as well as northern Zambia. For more
New partnership launched to improve nutrition for millions
World Vision and HarvestPlus sign partnership to tackle hidden hunger by scaling up access to nutritious food crops
Where we work - country list
Mozambique Niger Senegal Sierra Leone Tanzania Uganda Zambia Asia Bangladesh