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27 Search results for ‘Tax’

World Vision UK welcomes call to give DFID greater oversight of UK aid

World Vision UK urges Theresa May’s government to ensure aid money is used wisely and effectively, and that aid is only spent through departments that meet the same high standards as DFID.

Protecting children | Stopping sexual abuse in Sierra Leone

Two weeks ago, World Vision's Rob Henderson stepped off a plane and into a wall of humid, hot air in Sierra Leone. The reason for his visit was to show Mike Kane, former shadow minister for DFID, some of the successful work the UK helped to fund during the Ebola crisis, as well as to highlight the growing issue of sexual abuse...

Farming families struggle to survive in drought-stricken Ethiopia

Belaynesh helps her family whenever she can, often in the burning heat of the afternoon. With neither a good roof nor mosquito nets, malaria is the second biggest threat the family is facing after the failed harvest. While Ethiopia sits in the grip of El Nino, the 13-year-old is a sponsored child, and over the years, the support of her sponsor has helped make up for the rain in other ways...
have to sell a part of it in order to pay taxes. We save whatever we have left. While this

Reaction: Anti-corruption summit pays little attention to concerns of civil society

International children’s charity World Vision UK has welcomed the anti-corruption summit’s commitments but questioned its focus.
the challenges of tax havens was never going to be a walk in the

“Can you visit in December and make me the happiest child”

Sue Tinney, a World Vision child sponsor and busy Ambassador, heads to Senegal to meet her sponsored child, Laurent, and his community. Read all about her experience here.

Overcoming obstacles: a unique visit to Albania

Sue Lavender, a World Vision UK child sponsor, talks about overcoming the challenges associated with being deaf and blind, and going on a fantastic adventure to visit her sponsored child, Olsi and his family in Albania.
of it with just a few corrections.  Our taxi driver took us to our hotel in Tirana. He … which to Fiona and Rob's horror the taxi driver had no compassion for and sent them

A simple gesture

Yesterday was Photojournalist Laura Reinhardt's first day in Serbia witnessing the refugee crisis in Europe firsthand. She met a young couple with their eight-month-old baby, who had just arrived in a taxi, and like thousands of other refugees, were expecting to find a safe haven. Instead they found themselves trapped in the desperate limbo that many refugees are experiencing - stuck near the Serbia-Hungary border, but unable to progress any further.

A day in the life of a humanitarian

Humanitarian Worker Ngure Muriithi shares his day with us for World Humanitarian Day. He visits POC3 - the largest camp in Juba, South Sudan to see how World Vision's food vouchers are helping families.
This work of a humanitarian is quite taxing.

World Humanitarian Day: Massive challenges ahead as over 78 million people across 37 countries require humanitarian assistance

On World Humanitarian Day, we pay tribute to staff on the ground as our humanitarian aid workers share their thoughts.
which is also physically taxing.  The food shortage across the country

Searching for dignity - children with disabilities in Kenya

In Kenya, we met Lauren and Jeff - two children who face a daily struggle against, not only their disabilities, but the stigmatisation of society as a whole.
but normally paying for a taxi is just too expensive for her

World Vision UK announces new Chief Executive

World Vision UK announces new Chief Executive.
his career as a teacher before training as a tax consultant and rising through the ranks of

Why I care about Action 2015

Sue Tinney, World Vision child sponsor and World Vision Ambassador, blogs about her experiences at the Action/2015 summit in London and how the Sustainable Development Goals can help children like her sponsored child Laurent in Senegal.
challenge governments abroad on topics like taxation and budgetary

Enduring the stigma - burial workers in Sierra Leone

We spoke to three burial workers in Sierra Leone who have all felt the prejudice held against people who work with Ebola. In spite of this, the drive to give victims a safe and dignified resting place, spurs them on.
taxis would not take

Seeking refuge in Iraq

As fighting continues to spread through Iraq, families are fleeing for the relative safety of Iraqi Kurdistan. World Vision is providing cash assistance to mothers like Ekhbal, who fled her village with a newborn son and three other children.
to rent a car with another family. The taxi charged them … for his family through farming and as a taxi

G20 Must Deliver for the Most Vulnerable

G20 leaders must address the abuse and loss of childhood that faces the world’s 168 million child labourers, says World Vision
growth. A strong commitment to global tax reform which would improve the ability of

Still learning despite Ebola

Thanks to the Ministry of Education and World Vision, children across Sierra Leone are still able to learn despite lockdowns and quarantines. Radio lessons are broadcasting on 28 local stations across the country so that children like Rugi can keep up with their studies.

Typhoon Haiyan 3 Months On: Then and Now

Three months on from his first visit in the immediate aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, Chris Weeks looks at how the country has changed from a place of shock to a place of raw emotion.
I was subjected in the taxi

Visiting my three sponsored children in Armenia

Ivan, a committed World Vision supporter from Northern Ireland decided to travel the length and breadth of Armenia in order to visit all three of the girls he sponsors, and what an experience it was for him:
I found myself being taxied through the

Our message has been heard, now it's time to do the work

Our colleague from the DRC, Aimee Manimani, shares what your support and the IF campaign has achieved and why the race to end hunger isn’t over yet.
here to discuss international standards on tax and transparency. There is concern around … who benefit should pay their fare share in taxes. I learned that this was not

Small Farmers and the Fair Distribution of Land

Angel, a farmer from Honduras, tells us what it's like to try to survive without enough land to grow enough food for his family. The G8 can change this IF they want to.
tackle hunger around the globe. While tax dodging and aid may be top of the news