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1012 Search results for ‘World Vision UK’

Indonesia tsunami: The children who have lost everything

Ten-year-old Olivia lost everything she owned during the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami - including her favourite toy.

Indonesia tsunami: Aid worker's diary of desperation and hope

"Living in a disaster-prone country like Indonesia, I’m not a stranger to scenes of grief, but the devastation brought by the recent earthquake and tsunami in Palu was unbearable to fathom."

World Vision joins DEC appeal to raise urgent funds for Indonesia tsunami survivors

The members of the DEC (Disaster Emergency Committee) launched the joint fundraising appeal today to raise vital funds for the survivors of the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami.
World Vision UK has joined an emergency DEC appeal backed by … World Vision UK’s chief executive

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: World Vision UK launches appeal

World Vision UK has launched an emergency appeal to help people suffering in the aftermath of the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami.
charity World Vision UK has launched an emergency appeal to help … World Vision UK’s chief executive

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: Recovery may take more than 2 years

World Vision experts say it will take years for communities in and around the Indonesian city of Palu to recover.
World Vision UK’s head of Fragile States … World Vision UK has launched an online appeal for funds to

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: World Vision response teams arrive in Palu

World Vision emergency response teams have arrived in Palu, to urgently support rescue workers searching for survivors two days after a powerful earthquake hit Indonesia and triggered a tsunami.
efforts. World Vision UK has launched an online appeal for funds to

Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami Appeal

The Indonesia earthquake and tsunami has left a trail of devastation. Please donate to our Indonesia Tsunami Appeal so we can help children and their families.

Sponsor Visits

More information on a sponsor visit.

UK must consult children to create peace in war-torn countries

World Vision UK is urging the UK government to include children in decision-making to achieve peace in war-torn countries.
charity World Vision UK is urging the UK government to include

World Vision rushes emergency relief to Philippines ahead of Super Typhoon Mangkhut

International aid agency World Vision has rushed emergency supplies to the Philippines, where a ‘super typhoon’ is set to make landfall Saturday morning local time.
killed and millions affected. You can help World Vision UK respond quickly to

World Vision disappointed by UK government's response to aid report

DFID is a world leader in delivering high-quality aid. However, as more and more money is spent through other government departments, funds are being diverted from the people and countries that need it the most.
World Vision UK regrets to see that the UK government has

Aid agencies call on leaders to avoid humanitarian catastrophe in Idlib

Millions of civilians trapped in Idlib face the prospect of the greatest humanitarian catastrophe in Syria’s seven-year war, should there be a major military escalation in the country’s North West. 

Global 6K for water - Register

Thanks for letting us know you are interested in the Global 6K For Water. Our next events are taking place in May 2019 but by registering now, you will be the first to know more! Plus receive information on what to do next. Excited to take on the challenge with you.
World Vision UK Please complete the following

India Flood Response

Our response teams are on the ground, actively coordinating with the local government to provide immediate emergency relief to flood affected areas in India. We are providing food, water, shelter, ‘Child-Friendly Spaces’ and education support to families in need, but we need your help to continue.

World Vision warns of mental health crisis as Indonesia earthquake death toll climbs

International aid agency World Vision has warned of a potential mental health crisis following a powerful 7-magnitude earthquake which struck Indonesia’s Lombok Island on Sunday.

Survey finds huge drop in children’s letter writing

Half of British school children (48%) say they’ve never written a letter to a friend, reveals a survey by charity World Vision.

Charities launch new Compact to help eliminate orphanages worldwide, echoing UK Government’s landmark commitment

The UK Government became the first major donor of its kind to explicitly pledge support for family and community-based care for all children.

Child sponsorship in Albania: Flavio and Amy's story

After two years of sponsoring and exchanging letters with Flavio, now 11 years old, in Albania, Amy decided to meet him and his family for the first time.